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New: Comments on GitHub Pull Requests

When we launched our support for GitHub pull requests we leveraged GitHub’s commit status API in order to report back to GitHub when our analysis finished.

We believe this is the ideal user experience, but we quickly hit a problem: Although GitHub stores all commit statuses sent to it, it only displays the last status on the site. Therefore, our customers who used Code Climate in addition to a continuous integration (CI) system did not have a good way to quickly access both directly from GitHub’s pull request page.

Today we are launching a workaround: an option to have Code Climate post back to GitHub as a comment when it finished analysis, rather than using the commit status API. It’s an option in the Repo Settings area:

Click on Settings

Then check the box:

Comment on pull requests option

With that enabled, Code Climate will post a comment the first time it analyzes a pull request, and include a permalink back to the Branch Compare page:

Pull request status as a comment

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