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Code Climate for PHP in Public Beta

Code Climate is excited to announce that PHP is now in public beta!

The following features are now available to all users:

  • PHP Letter Grades. Based on Code Climate’s analysis of your PHP codebase, we’ll assign a letter grade of A-F for each file.

  • Blended GPA. Your GPA for the repo will take into account all languages that we analyze in the repository. If your repository contains JavaScript code, we’ll analyze that too.

  • PHP Test Coverage. Set up our php-test-reporter package within your PHP test suite to view test coverage data side-by-side with Code Climate’s quality analysis.

Quick Tour!

Your PHP repository’s Feed tracks your codebase as it changes:

PHP Repository Feed

Compare feature branches against your default branch:

PHP Branch Comparison

Catch PHP smells, like complexity and duplication:

PHP Duplication

Code Climate now automatically analyzes PHP files for all new repositories going forward. If you have an existing repository, you may need to go into your repository’s Settings menu and select PHP in the Analysis tab.

While we’re always eager to hear your thoughts, we’re especially interested in feedback on our new PHP analysis. Give us a shout at hello@codeclimate.com!

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