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New Analysis Engines: SCSS-Lint and Foodcritic

scss-lint Foodcritic

While I’m always happy when new engines are added to the Code Climate Platform, today I’m super excited to announce my favorite kind of engines: Community Engines! We’re releasing an engine for Foodcritic , which brings static analysis to your Chef cookbooks, and an engine for SCSS lint , to help keep your fancy SCSS in order.

These engines were contributed by two members of the Code Climate Developer Program: Sean O'Meara and Ivan Tse. Thanks and welcome, Sean and Ivan! The Code Climate Platform is nothing without the community that supports it.

As with all Code Climate Engines, these can be run via our hosted analysis, or on the Code Climate CLI.

To add these − or any − Engines to your analysis:

  1. Ensure you’ve enabled our Engines-based Platform.

  2. Add scss-lint or foodcritic to your .codeclimate.yml file.

        enabled: true
        enabled: true

  3. That’s all you need to do to run an Engine to our hosted analysis at codeclimate.com! If you’re also using the Code Climate CLI, you’ll need to update that too. Just run brew update && brew upgrade codeclimate.

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