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import { Container } from "./Container";
import { MissingProvidedServiceTypeError } from "./error/MissingProvidedServiceTypeError";
import { ServiceNotFoundError } from "./error/ServiceNotFoundError";
import { Token } from "./Token";
import { ServiceIdentifier } from "./types/ServiceIdentifier";
import { ServiceMetadata } from "./types/ServiceMetadata";

 * TypeDI can have multiple containers.
 * One container is ContainerInstance.
export class ContainerInstance {
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Public Properties
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Container instance id.
  id: any;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Private Properties
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * All registered services.
  private services: Array<ServiceMetadata<any, any>> = [];

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Constructor
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  constructor (id: any) { = id;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Public Methods
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Checks if the service with given name or type is registered service container.
   * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time.
   *   has<T> (type: ObjectType<T>): boolean;
   *   has<T> (id: string): boolean;
   *   has<T> (id: Token<T>): boolean;
  has<T> (identifier: ServiceIdentifier): boolean {
    return !!this.findService(identifier);

   * Retrieves the service with given name or type from the service container.
   * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time.
   *   get<T> (type: ObjectType<T>): T;
   *   get<T> (id: string): T;
   *   get<T> (id: Token<T>): T;
   *   get<T> (id: { service: T }): T;
  get<T> (identifier: ServiceIdentifier<T>): T {
    const globalContainer = Container.of(undefined);
    const service = globalContainer.findService(identifier);
    const scopedService = this.findService(identifier);

    if (service && === true) {
      return this.getServiceValue(identifier, service);

    if (scopedService) {
      return this.getServiceValue(identifier, scopedService);

    if (service && this !== globalContainer) {
      const clonedService = Object.assign({}, service);
      clonedService.value = undefined;
      const value = this.getServiceValue(identifier, clonedService);
      this.set(identifier, value);
      return value;

    return this.getServiceValue(identifier, service);

   * Gets all instances registered in the container of the given service identifier.
   * Used when service defined with multiple: true flag.
  getMany<T> (id: string | Token<T>): T[] {
    return this.filterServices(id).map((service) => this.getServiceValue(id, service));

   * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container.
   *   set<T, K extends keyof T> (values: Array<ServiceMetadata<T, K>>): this;
   *   set<T, K extends keyof T> (service: ServiceMetadata<T, K>): this;
   *   set (type: Function, value: any): this;
   *   set (name: string, value: any): this;
   *   set (name: string, value: any): this;
   *   set (token: Token<any>, value: any): this;
   *   set (token: ServiceIdentifier, value: any): this;
  set (
    identifierOrServiceMetadata: ServiceIdentifier | ServiceMetadata<any, any> | (Array<ServiceMetadata<any, any>>),
    value?: any,
  ): this {
    if (identifierOrServiceMetadata instanceof Array) {
      identifierOrServiceMetadata.forEach((v: any) => this.set(v));
      return this;
    if (typeof identifierOrServiceMetadata === "string" || identifierOrServiceMetadata instanceof Token) {
      return this.set({ id: identifierOrServiceMetadata, value });
    if (
      typeof identifierOrServiceMetadata === "object" &&
      (identifierOrServiceMetadata as { service: Token<any> }).service
    ) {
      return this.set({ id: (identifierOrServiceMetadata as { service: Token<any> }).service, value });
    if (identifierOrServiceMetadata instanceof Function) {
      return this.set({ type: identifierOrServiceMetadata, id: identifierOrServiceMetadata, value });

    // const newService: ServiceMetadata<any, any> = arguments.length === 1 &&
    //   typeof identifierOrServiceMetadata === "object"  &&
    //   !(identifierOrServiceMetadata instanceof Token) ? identifierOrServiceMetadata : undefined;
    const newService: ServiceMetadata<any, any> = identifierOrServiceMetadata as any;
    const service = this.findService(;
    if (service && service.multiple !== true) {
      Object.assign(service, newService);
    } else {;

    return this;

   * Removes services with a given service identifiers (tokens or types).
  remove (...ids: ServiceIdentifier[]): this {
    ids.forEach((id) => {
      this.filterServices(id).forEach((service) => {, 1);
    return this;

   * Completely resets the container by removing all previously registered services from it.
  reset (): this { = [];
    return this;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Private Methods
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Filters registered service in the with a given service identifier.
  private filterServices (identifier: ServiceIdentifier): Array<ServiceMetadata<any, any>> {
    return => {
      if ( {
        return === identifier;

      if (service.type && identifier instanceof Function) {
        return service.type === identifier || identifier.prototype instanceof service.type;

      return false;

   * Finds registered service in the with a given service identifier.
  private findService (identifier: ServiceIdentifier): ServiceMetadata<any, any> | undefined {
    return => {
      if ( {
        if (
          identifier instanceof Object &&
 instanceof Token &&
          (identifier as any).service instanceof Token
        ) {
          return === (identifier as any).service;

        return === identifier;

      if (service.type && identifier instanceof Function) {
        return service.type === identifier;
      } // todo: not sure why it was here || identifier.prototype instanceof service.type;

      return false;

   * Gets service value.
  private getServiceValue (identifier: ServiceIdentifier, service: ServiceMetadata<any, any> | undefined): any {
    // find if instance of this object already initialized in the container and return it if it is
    if (service && service.value !== undefined) {
      return service.value;

    // if named service was requested and its instance was not found plus there is not type to know what to initialize,
    // this means service was not pre-registered and we throw an exception
    if (
      (!service || !service.type) &&
      (!service || !service.factory) &&
      (typeof identifier === "string" || identifier instanceof Token)
    ) {
      throw new ServiceNotFoundError(identifier);

    // at this point we either have type in service registered, either identifier is a target type
    let type;
    if (service && service.type) {
      type = service.type;
    } else if (service && instanceof Function) {
      type =;
    } else if (identifier instanceof Function) {
      type = identifier;

      // } else if (identifier instanceof Object && (identifier as { service: Token<any> }).service instanceof Token) {
      //     type = (identifier as { service: Token<any> }).service;

    // if service was not found then create a new one and register it
    if (!service) {
      if (!type) {
        throw new MissingProvidedServiceTypeError(identifier);

      service = { type };;

    // setup constructor parameters for a newly initialized service
    const paramTypes =
      type && Reflect && (Reflect as any).getMetadata
        ? (Reflect as any).getMetadata("design:paramtypes", type)
        : undefined;
    let params: any[] = paramTypes ? this.initializeParams(type, paramTypes) : [];

    // if factory is set then use it to create service instance
    let value: any;
    if (service.factory) {
      // filter out non-service parameters from created service constructor
      // non-service parameters can be, lets say Car(name: string, isNew: boolean, engine: Engine)
      // where name and isNew are non-service parameters and engine is a service parameter
      params = params.filter((param) => param !== undefined);

      if (service.factory instanceof Array) {
        // use special [Type, "create"] syntax to allow factory services
        // in this case Type instance will be obtained from Container and its method "create" will be called
        value = (this.get(service.factory[0]) as any)[service.factory[1]](...params);
      } else {
        // regular factory function
        value = service.factory(...params, this);
    } else {
      // otherwise simply create a new object instance
      if (!type) {
        throw new MissingProvidedServiceTypeError(identifier);


      // "extra feature" - always pass container instance as the last argument to the service function
      // this allows us to support javascript where we don't have decorators and emitted metadata about dependencies
      // need to be injected, and user can use provided container to get instances he needs

      value = new (type.bind.apply(type, params))();

    if (service && !service.transient && value) {
      service.value = value;

    if (type) {
      this.applyPropertyHandlers(type, value);

    return value;

   * Initializes all parameter types for a given target service class.
  private initializeParams (type: Function, paramTypes: any[]): any[] {
    return, index) => {
      const paramHandler = Container.handlers.find((handler) => handler.object === type && handler.index === index);
      if (paramHandler) {
        return paramHandler.value(this);

      if (paramType && && !this.isTypePrimitive( {
        return this.get(paramType);

      return undefined;

   * Checks if given type is primitive (e.g. string, boolean, number, object).
  private isTypePrimitive (param: string): boolean {
    return ["string", "boolean", "number", "object"].indexOf(param.toLowerCase()) !== -1;

   * Applies all registered handlers on a given target class.
  private applyPropertyHandlers (target: Function, instance: { [key: string]: any }) {
    Container.handlers.forEach((handler) => {
      if (typeof handler.index === "number") {
      if (handler.object.constructor !== target && !(target.prototype instanceof handler.object.constructor)) {

      instance[handler.propertyName] = handler.value(this);