%div.panel(id="huge-box" style="min-height:1400px")
%h2 Form example
= simple_form_for 'form_example', url: '/' do |f|
= f.input :message, as: :text, hint: 'Hint to message', input_html: { value: 'This text is too long', data: { 'max-characters' => '10' } }
= f.input :second_message, as: :text, hint: 'Hint to second message', input_html: { data: { 'max-characters' => '15' } }
= link_to 'Load icon in specified element', '#', data: { 'load-icon' => '#icon_load_goes_here', 'load-icon-margin' => 'right:10px' }
= link_to 'Load me', '#', data: { 'load-icon' => 'append', 'load-icon-margin' => 'right:10px' }
%h3 Users
= paginate User.order(:email).page(params[:page]).per(1), theme: 'foundation'
%h2 Lazy loading image
= image_tag 'spinner.png', data: { deferred: image_path('check.png') }, id: 'check_sign'
= link_to 'Go up', '#', data: { 'go-to-by-scroll' => '#huge-box', 'allowed-margin' => 0, 'up-limit' => 20 }