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6 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';

 * Module dependencies.
let mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    passport = require('passport'),
    path = require('path'),
    q = require('q'),
    util = require('util'),

    deps = require(path.resolve('./src/server/dependencies.js')),
    config = deps.config,
    auditService = deps.auditService,

    accessChecker = require(path.resolve('./src/server/app/access-checker/services/access-checker.server.service.js')),
    userAuthService = require(path.resolve('./src/server/app/admin/services/users.authentication.server.service.js')),
    User = mongoose.model('User');

function ProxyPkiStrategy(options, verify) {
    if (typeof options === 'function') {
        verify = options;
        options = {};

    if (!verify) throw new Error('Proxy Pki Strategy requires a verify function');; = 'proxy-pki';
    this._verify = verify;
    this._header = options.header || 'x-ssl-client-s-dn';

 * Inherit from `passport.Strategy`.
util.inherits(ProxyPkiStrategy, passport.Strategy);

 * Authenticate request based on the contents of the dn header value.
 * @param {Object} req
 * @api protected
ProxyPkiStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req) {
    var self = this;

    // Get the DN from the header of the request
    var dn = req.headers[self._header];

    try {
        // Call the configurable verify function
        self._verify(req, dn, function (err, user, info) {

            // If there was an error, pass it through
            if (err) { return self.error(err); }

            // If there was no user, fail the auth check
            if (!user) { return; }

            // Otherwise, succeed

    } catch(ex) {
        return self.error(ex);

function copyACMetadata(dest, src) {
    src = src || {};
    dest = dest || {};

    // Copy each field from the access checker user to the local user
    ['name', 'organization', 'email', 'username'].forEach(function(e) {
        // Only overwrite if there's a value
        if(null != src[e] && src[e].trim() !== '') {
            dest[e] = src[e];

    return dest;

function copyACRoles(dest, src) {
    src = src || {};
    dest = dest || {};

    dest.externalRoles = src.roles;

    return dest;

function copyACGroups(dest, src) {
    src = src || {};
    dest = dest || {};

    dest.externalGroups = src.groups;

    return dest;

 * Create the user locally given the information from access checker
function createUser(dn, acUser) {

    // Create the new user
    var newUser = new User({
        name: 'unknown',
        organization: 'unknown',
        email: '',
        username: dn.toLowerCase()

    // Copy over the access checker metadata
    copyACMetadata(newUser, acUser);
    copyACRoles(newUser, acUser);
    copyACGroups(newUser, acUser);

    // Add the provider data
    newUser.providerData = { dn: dn, dnLower: dn.toLowerCase() };
    newUser.provider = 'pki';

    // Initialize the new user
    return userAuthService.initializeNewUser(newUser).then(function(initializedUser) {
        // Save the new user


function updateUser(dn, fields) {
    return User.findOneAndUpdate( { 'providerData.dnLower': dn.toLowerCase() }, fields, { new: true, upsert: false }).exec();

 * Export the PKI Proxy strategy
module.exports = function() {

    passport.use(new ProxyPkiStrategy({
        header: 'x-ssl-client-s-dn'
    }, function(req, dn, done) {

        // If there is no DN, we can't authenticate
            return done(null, false, {status: 400, type: 'missing-credentials', message: 'Missing certiticate' });

        var dnLower = dn.toLowerCase();

        // Get the user locally and from access checker
            q.ninvoke(User, 'findOne', { 'providerData.dnLower': dnLower }),
        ]).then(function(resultsArray) {
            var localUser = resultsArray[0];
            var acUser = resultsArray[1];

            // Default to creating accounts automatically
            var autoCreateAccounts = (null != config.auth && null != config.auth.autoCreateAccounts)? config.auth.autoCreateAccounts : true;

            // If the user is not known locally, is not known by access checker, and we are creating accounts, create the account as an empty account
            if(null == localUser && null == acUser && !autoCreateAccounts) {
                done(null, false, { status: 401, type: 'invalid-credentials', message: 'Certificate unknown, expired, or unauthorized' });
            // Else if the user is not known locally, and we are creating accounts, create the account as an empty account
            else if(null == localUser && autoCreateAccounts) {
                // Create the user
                createUser(dn, acUser).then(function(newUser) {
                        // Send email for new user if enabled, no reason to wait for success
                        if (config.newUserEmail && config.newUserEmail.enabled) {
                            userAuthService.signupEmail(newUser, req);

                        // Audit user signup
                        return auditService.audit( 'user signup', 'user', 'user signup',
                            .then(function() {
                                return q(newUser);
                    .then(function(result) {
                        // Return the user
                        done(null, result);
                    }, done).done();
            // Else if the user is known locally, but not in access checker, update their user info to reflect
            else if(null == acUser) {
                // Update the user only if we are not bypassing access checker
                if(!localUser.bypassAccessCheck) {
                    updateUser(dn, { externalRoles: [], externalGroups: [] }).then(function(updatedUser) {
                            // Audit user signup
                            return auditService.audit('user updated from access checker', 'user', 'update',
                                User.auditCopy(updatedUser)).then(function() {
                                return q(updatedUser);
                        .then(function(result) {
                            // Return the user
                            done(null, result);
                        }, done).done();
                // Otherwise, just return the user
                else {
                    done(null, localUser);
            // If the user is known locally and in access checker, update their user info
            else {
                // Update the user only if we are not bypassing access checker
                if(!localUser.bypassAccessCheck) {
                    updateUser(dn, copyACGroups(copyACRoles(copyACMetadata({}, acUser), acUser), acUser)).then(function(updatedUser) {
                        // Audit user signup
                        return auditService.audit('user updated from access checker', 'user', 'update',
                            User.auditCopy(updatedUser)).then(function() {
                            return q(updatedUser);
                    }).then(function(result) {
                        // Return the user
                        done(null, result);
                    }, done).done();
                else {
                    done(null, localUser);

        }, function(err) {
            // If there was an error, then something is broken and authentication has failed
            return done(err);

