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Test Coverage
package migration

import (


// Direction type up/down
type Direction int

// String returns a string representation of the direction
func (d Direction) String() string {
    switch d {
    case Up:
        return "up"
    case Down:
        return "down"
        return "directionless"

// Constants for direction
const (
    Up Direction = iota

var numberPrefixRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+).*$`)

// Migration represents a migration, containing statements for migrating up and down.
type Migration struct {
    ID   string
    Up   *parser.ParsedMigration
    Down *parser.ParsedMigration

// PlannedMigration is a migration with a direction defined. This allows the driver to
// work out how to apply the migration.
type PlannedMigration struct {
    Direction Direction

// Less compares two migrations to determine how they should be ordered.
func (m Migration) Less(other *Migration) bool {
    switch {
    case m.isNumeric() && other.isNumeric() && m.VersionInt() != other.VersionInt():
        return m.VersionInt() < other.VersionInt()
    case m.isNumeric() && !other.isNumeric():
        return true
    case !m.isNumeric() && other.isNumeric():
        return false
        return m.ID < other.ID

func (m Migration) isNumeric() bool {
    return len(m.NumberPrefixMatches()) > 0

// NumberPrefixMatches returns a list of string matches
func (m Migration) NumberPrefixMatches() []string {
    return numberPrefixRegex.FindStringSubmatch(m.ID)

// VersionInt converts the migration version to an 64-bit integer.
func (m Migration) VersionInt() int64 {
    v := m.NumberPrefixMatches()[1]
    value, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse %q into int64: %s", v, err))
    return value

type byID []*Migration

func (b byID) Len() int           { return len(b) }
func (b byID) Swap(i, j int)      { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byID) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Less(b[j]) }

// Migrate runs a migration using a given driver and MigrationSource. The direction defines whether
// the migration is up or down, and max is the maximum number of migrations to apply. If max is set to 0,
// then there is no limit on the number of migrations to apply.
func Migrate(driver Driver, migrations Source, direction Direction, max int) (int, error) {
    count := 0

    m, err := getMigrations(migrations)
    if err != nil {
        return count, err

    appliedMigrations, err := driver.Versions()
    if err != nil {
        return count, err

    migrationsToApply := planMigrations(m, appliedMigrations, direction, max)
    for _, plannedMigration := range migrationsToApply {
        logPrintf("Applying migration (%s) named '%s'...", direction.String(), plannedMigration.ID)

        err = driver.Migrate(plannedMigration)
        if err != nil {
            errorMessage := "Error while running migration " + plannedMigration.ID

            if plannedMigration.Direction == Up {
                errorMessage += " (up)"
            } else {
                errorMessage += " (down)"
            return count, fmt.Errorf(errorMessage+": %s", err)

        logPrintf("Applied migration (%s) named '%s'", direction.String(), plannedMigration.ID)

    err = driver.Close()
    return count, err

func getMigrations(migrations Source) ([]*Migration, error) {
    var m []*Migration
    tempMigrations := map[string]*Migration{}

    files, err := migrations.ListMigrationFiles()
    if err != nil {
        return m, err

    regex := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d*_.*)\.(up|down)\..*`)

    for _, file := range files {
        matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(file)

        if len(matches) > 0 && file == matches[0] {
            id := matches[1]
            direction := matches[2]

            if _, ok := tempMigrations[id]; !ok {
                tempMigrations[id] = &Migration{
                    ID: id,

            reader, err := migrations.GetMigrationFile(file)
            if err != nil {
                return m, fmt.Errorf("Error getting migrations: %s", err)

            contents, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
            if err != nil {
                return m, fmt.Errorf("Error getting migration content: %s", err)

            parsed, err := parser.Parse(bytes.NewReader(contents))
            if err != nil {
                return m, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing migration %s: %s", id, err)

            if direction == "up" {
                tempMigrations[id].Up = parsed
            } else {
                tempMigrations[id].Down = parsed

    for _, migration := range tempMigrations {
        m = append(m, migration)


    return m, nil

func planMigrations(migrations []*Migration, appliedMigrations []string, direction Direction, max int) []*PlannedMigration {
    var applied []*Migration

    for _, appliedMigration := range appliedMigrations {
        applied = append(applied, &Migration{
            ID: appliedMigration,


    // Get last migration that was run
    record := &Migration{}

    if len(applied) > 0 {
        record = applied[len(applied)-1]

    var result []*PlannedMigration

    // Add missing migrations up to the last run migration.
    // This can happen for example when merges happened.
    if len(applied) > 0 {
        result = append(result, toCatchup(migrations, applied, record)...)

    // Figure out which migrations to apply
    toApply := toApply(migrations, record.ID, direction)
    toApplyCount := len(toApply)

    if max > 0 && max < toApplyCount {
        toApplyCount = max

    for _, v := range toApply[0:toApplyCount] {
        result = append(result, &PlannedMigration{
            Migration: v,
            Direction: direction,

    return result

// Filter a slice of migrations into ones that should be applied.
func toApply(migrations []*Migration, current string, direction Direction) []*Migration {
    var index = -1

    if current != "" {
        for index < len(migrations)-1 {
            if migrations[index].ID == current {

    if direction == Up {
        return migrations[index+1:]
    } else if direction == Down {
        if index == -1 {
            return []*Migration{}

        // Add in reverse order
        toApply := make([]*Migration, index+1)
        for i := 0; i < index+1; i++ {
            toApply[index-i] = migrations[i]
        return toApply

    panic("Not possible")

// Get migrations that we need to apply regardless of whether the direction is up or down. This is
// because there may be migration "holes" due to merges.
func toCatchup(migrations, existingMigrations []*Migration, lastRun *Migration) []*PlannedMigration {
    var missing []*PlannedMigration

    for _, migration := range migrations {
        found := false

        for _, existing := range existingMigrations {
            if existing.ID == migration.ID {
                found = true

        if !found && migration.Less(lastRun) {
            missing = append(missing, &PlannedMigration{Migration: migration, Direction: Up})

    return missing