# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'xml/mapping_extensions'
require 'datacite/mapping/geo_location_point'
require 'datacite/mapping/geo_location_box'
require 'datacite/mapping/geo_location_polygon'
module Datacite
module Mapping
# A location at which the data was gathered or about which the data is focused, in the
# form of a latitude-longitude point, a latitude-longitude quadrangle, and/or a place name.
# *Note:* Due to a quirk of the DataCite spec, it is possible for a {GeoLocation} to be empty, with
# none of these present.
class GeoLocation
include XML::Mapping
# Initializes a new {GeoLocation}
# @param point [GeoLocationPoint, nil] the latitude and longitude at which the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
# @param box [GeoLocationBox, nil] the latitude-longitude quadrangle containing the area where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
# @param place [String, nil] the spatial region or named place where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
# @param polygon [GeoLocationPolygon, nil] a drawn polygon area containing the area where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
def initialize(point: nil, box: nil, place: nil, polygon: nil, polygons: [])
self.point = point = box = place
self.polygon = polygon
self.polygons = polygons
def place=(value)
@place = value.respond_to?(:strip) ? value.strip : value
def location?
point || box || place || polygon
root_element_name 'geoLocation'
# @!attribute [rw] point
# @return [GeoLocationPoint, nil] the latitude and longitude at which the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
geo_location_point_node :point, 'geoLocationPoint', default_value: nil
# @!attribute [rw] box
# @return [GeoLocationBox, nil] the latitude-longitude quadrangle containing the area where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
geo_location_box_node :box, 'geoLocationBox', default_value: nil
# # @!attribute [rw] polygon
# # @return [GeoLocationPolygon] a drawn polygon area containing the area where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
object_node :polygon, 'geoLocationPolygon', class: GeoLocationPolygon, default_value: nil
# @!attribute [rw] polygons
# @return [Array<GeoLocationPolygon>] multiple polygons where data is contained
array_node :polygons, 'geoLocationPolygons', 'geoLocationPolygon', class: GeoLocationPolygon, default_value: []
# @!attribute [rw] place
# @return [String, nil] the spatial region or named place where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused.
text_node :place, 'geoLocationPlace', default_value: nil
use_mapping :datacite_3
# Workaround for
object_node :polygon, 'geoLocationPolygon', class: GeoLocationPolygon, default_value: nil, marshaller: (proc do |xml, value|
# TODO: Move ReadOnlyNodes.warn() somewhere more obvious
ReadOnlyNodes.warn "<geoLocationPolygon/> not supported in Datacite 3; ignoring polygon #{value}"
fallback_mapping :datacite_3, :_default