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1 wk
Test Coverage

    Copyright 2014 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of IT CORE.

    IT CORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


use COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\Operators as Op;

if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include(__DIR__ . '/../../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class ObfSummaryReport extends ObfWeeklyReportV2
    protected $sortable = false;
    protected $no_sort_but_style = true;
    protected $header = 'OBF Summary';
    protected $title = 'OBF Summary';
    public $discoverable = false;

    protected $report_headers = array(
        array('', 'Last Year', 'Plan Goal', 'Trend', 'Forecast', 'Actual', '% Growth', 'Current O/U', 'Long-Term O/U'),
        array('', 'Last Year', 'Plan Goal', 'Trend', 'Forecast', 'Actual', '% Growth', 'Current O/U', 'Long-Term O/U'),
        array('', 'Last Year', 'Plan Goal', 'Trend', 'Forecast', 'Actual', '% Growth', 'Current O/U', 'Long-Term O/U'),
        array('', 'Last Year', 'Plan Goal', 'Trend', 'Forecast', 'Actual', '% Growth', 'Current O/U', 'Long-Term O/U'),

    protected $class_lib = 'ObfLibV2';

    protected $OU_START = 162;

    protected $PLAN_SALES = array(
        '1,6' => 51193.05,      // Hillside Produce
        '2,10' => 11416.48,     // Hillside Deli
        '2,11' => 31032.00,
        '2,16' => 12651.44,
        '3,1' => 24391.70,      // Hillside Grocery
        '3,4' => 59349.56,
        '3,5' => 22467.52,
        '3,7' => 187.91,
        '3,8' => 16600.59,
        '3,9' => 2591.48,
        '3,13' => 14267.70,
        '3,17' => 25043.57,
        '7,6' => 18247.03,      // Denfeld Produce
        '8,10' => 4173.27,      // Denfeld Deli
        '8,11' => 12583.37,
        '8,16' => 4913.95,
        '9,1' => 8065.54,       // Denfeld Grocery
        '9,4' => 24245.34,
        '9,5' => 8415.72,
        '9,7' => 81.00,
        '9,8' => 5655.49,
        '9,9' => 990.29,
        '9,13' => 4578.06,
        '9,17' => 8308.91,

    protected $PLAN_SALES_Q1_2018 = array(
        '1,6' => 53904.29,      // Hillside Produce
        '2,10' => 12187.19,     // Hillside Deli
        '2,11' => 33128.32,
        '2,16' => 13505.62,
        '3,1' => 25019.71,      // Hillside Grocery
        '3,4' => 60877.32,
        '3,5' => 23046.19,
        '3,7' => 192.84,
        '3,8' => 17028.21,
        '3,9' => 2657.68,
        '3,13' => 14635.17,
        '3,17' => 25688.49,
        '7,6' => 19084.56,      // Denfeld Produce
        '8,10' => 4516.25,      // Denfeld Deli
        '8,11' => 13618.01,
        '8,16' => 5318.20,
        '9,1' => 8168.40,       // Denfeld Grocery
        '9,4' => 24552.79,
        '9,5' => 8522.84,
        '9,7' => 82.03,
        '9,8' => 5726.79,
        '9,9' => 1002.57,
        '9,13' => 4636.12,
        '9,17' => 8414.48,

    protected $PLAN_SALES_Q2_2018 = array(
        '1,6' => 51031.00,      // Hillside Produce
        '2,10' => 11448.32,     // Hillside Deli
        '2,11' => 31119.86,
        '2,16' => 12686.82,
        '3,1' => 26430.32,      // Hillside Grocery
        '3,4' => 64309.57,
        '3,5' => 24345.53,
        '3,7' => 203.71,
        '3,8' => 17988.26,
        '3,9' => 2807.52,
        '3,13' => 15460.30,
        '3,17' => 27136.80,
        '7,6' => 17975.00,      // Denfeld Produce
        '8,10' => 4383.48,      // Denfeld Deli
        '8,11' => 13217.67,
        '8,16' => 5161.85,
        '9,1' => 8470.24,       // Denfeld Grocery
        '9,4' => 25460.06,
        '9,5' => 8837.77,
        '9,7' => 85.06,
        '9,8' => 5938.41,
        '9,9' => 1039.62,
        '9,13' => 4807.43,
        '9,17' => 8725.41,

    protected $PLAN_SALES_Q3_2018 = array(
        '1,6' => 51510.00,      // Hillside Produce
        '2,10' => 11676.94,     // Hillside Deli
        '2,11' => 31742.34,
        '2,16' => 12940.72,
        '3,1' => 25497.83,      // Hillside Grocery
        '3,4' => 62041.83,
        '3,5' => 23487.33,
        '3,7' => 196.81,
        '3,8' => 17353.57,
        '3,9' => 2708.96,
        '3,13' => 14914.74,
        '3,17' => 26179.90,
        '7,6' => 20085.00,      // Denfeld Produce
        '8,10' => 4514.67,      // Denfeld Deli
        '8,11' => 13615.10,
        '8,16' => 5317.08,
        '9,1' => 8949.35,       // Denfeld Grocery
        '9,4' => 26900.87,
        '9,5' => 9338.17,
        '9,7' => 89.81,
        '9,8' => 6274.05,
        '9,9' => 1098.86,
        '9,13' => 5079.05,
        '9,17' => 9218.78,

    protected $PLAN_SALES_Q4_2018 = array(
        '1,6' => 52231.00,      // Hillside Produce
        '2,10' => 11840.47,     // Hillside Deli
        '2,11' => 32186.37,
        '2,16' => 13122.16,
        '3,1' => 25854.77,      // Hillside Grocery
        '3,4' => 62910.11,
        '3,5' => 23815.64,
        '3,7' => 199.76,
        '3,8' => 17596.82,
        '3,9' => 2746.91,
        '3,13' => 15123.69,
        '3,17' => 26546.32,
        '7,6' => 20708.00,      // Denfeld Produce
        '8,10' => 4654.99,      // Denfeld Deli
        '8,11' => 14037.15,
        '8,16' => 5481.86,
        '9,1' => 9226.50,       // Denfeld Grocery
        '9,4' => 27735.16,
        '9,5' => 9627.56,
        '9,7' => 92.79,
        '9,8' => 6468.55,
        '9,9' => 1133.08,
        '9,13' => 5236.49,
        '9,17' => 9504.87,

    private $laborPercent = array(
        1 => 8.31,
        2 => 22.41,
        3 => 4.96,
        4 => 2.70,
        6 => 0.42,
        5 => 2.62,
        7 => 12.17,
        8 => 27.17,
        9 => 6.66,
        10 => 4.43,
        11 => 0.53,

    private function weekToYM($weekID)
        $prep = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT startDate
            FROM ' . FannieDB::fqn('ObfWeeks', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . '
            WHERE obfWeekID=?');
        $date = $this->connection->getValue($prep, array($weekID));
        $nowNext = array(0, 0);
        $stamp = strtotime($date);
        $cur = strtotime($date);
        for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {
            if (date('n', $cur) == date('n', $stamp)) {
            } else {
            $stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $stamp), date('j', $stamp)+1, date('Y', $stamp));
        if ($nowNext[0] > $nowNext[1]) {
            $stamp = $cur;

        return array(date('Y', $stamp), date('n', $stamp));

    private function getPlanSales($weekID)
        if ($weekID >= 374) {
            $prep = $this->connection->prepare("select c.obfCategoryID, m.superID, b.storeID, b.planGoal  
                from " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfBudget', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS b 
                    left join " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfCategorySuperDeptMap', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS m ON b.superID=m.superID 
                    left join " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfCategories', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS c ON m.obfCategoryID=c.obfCategoryID AND b.storeID=c.storeID 
                WHERE c.hasSales=1 and obfWeekID=?");
            $res = $this->connection->execute($prep, array($weekID));
            $ret = array();
            while ($row = $this->connection->fetchRow($res)) {
                $key = $row['obfCategoryID'] . ',' . $row['superID'];
                $ret[$key] = $row['planGoal'];
            return $ret;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 218) {
            $prep = $this->connection->prepare("
                SELECT l.obfCategoryID, s.superID, (1+l.growthTarget)*s.lastYearSales AS plan
                FROM " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfLabor', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS l
                    INNER JOIN " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfCategories', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS c ON l.obfCategoryID=c.obfCategoryID
                    INNER JOIN " . FannieDB::fqn('ObfSalesCache', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . " AS s
                        ON c.obfCategoryID=s.obfCategoryID AND l.obfWeekID=s.obfWeekID
                WHERE l.obfWeekID=?");
            $res = $this->connection->execute($prep, array($weekID));
            $ret = array();
            while ($row = $this->connection->fetchRow($res)) {
                $key = $row['obfCategoryID'] . ',' . $row['superID'];
                $ret[$key] = $row['plan'];
            return $ret;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 214) {
            list($year, $month) = $this->weekToYM($weekID);
            $prep = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT c.obfCategoryID, m.superID, p.planGoal
                FROM ' . FannieDB::fqn('ObfCategories', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . ' AS c
                INNER JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('ObfCategorySuperDeptMap', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . ' AS m ON c.obfCategoryID=m.obfCategoryID
                INNER JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('ObfPlans', 'plugin:ObfDatabaseV2') . ' AS p ON c.storeID=p.storeID AND m.superID=p.superID
                WHERE c.hasSales=1 and month=? and year=?');
            $res = $this->connection->execute($prep, array($month, $year)); 
            $days = date('t', mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year));
            while ($row = $this->connection->fetchRow($res)) {
                $key = $row['obfCategoryID'] . ',' . $row['superID'];
                $ret[$key] = ($row['planGoal'] / $days) * 7;
            return $ret;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 201) {
            return $this->PLAN_SALES_Q4_2018;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 188) {
            return $this->PLAN_SALES_Q3_2018;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 175) {
            return $this->PLAN_SALES_Q2_2018;
        } elseif ($weekID >= 162) {
            return $this->PLAN_SALES_Q1_2018;
        } else {
            return $this->PLAN_SALES;

    public function preprocess()

        return FannieReportPage::preprocess();

    public function fetch_report_data()
        $class_lib = $this->class_lib;
        $dbc = $class_lib::getDB();
        $week = $class_lib::getWeek($dbc);

        $labor = new ObfLaborModelV2($dbc);

        $PLAN_SALES = $this->getPlanSales($this->form->weekID);

           Timestamps for the start and end of
           the current week
        $start_ts = strtotime($week->startDate());
        $end_ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $start_ts), date('j', $start_ts)+6, date('Y', $start_ts));
        list($year, $month) = $this->findYearMonth($start_ts, $end_ts);
        if ($this->form->weekID == 292) {

          Use the entire month from the previous calendar year
          as the time period for year-over-year comparisons
        $start_ly = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n',$start_ts), date('j', $start_ts), $year-1);
        while (date('N', $start_ly) != 1) {
            $start_ly = mktime(0,0,0, date('n', $start_ly), date('j', $start_ly)+1, date('Y', $start_ly));
        $end_ly = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $start_ly), date('j', $start_ly)+6, date('Y', $start_ly));

        $future = $end_ts >= strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) ? true: false;

          Sales information is cached to avoid expensive
          aggregate queries
        $sales = $class_lib::getCache($dbc);
        $sales->actualSales(0, '>');
        $num_cached = $sales->find();
        $sales->lastYearSales(0, '>');
        $ly_cached = $sales->find();
        $dateInfo = array(
            'start_ts' => $start_ts,
            'end_ts' => $end_ts,
            'start_ly' => $start_ly,
            'end_ly' => $end_ly,
            'averageWeek' => false,
        if (count($num_cached) == 0 || count($ly_cached) == 0) {
            $this->updateSalesCache($week, array($num_cached, $ly_cached), $dateInfo);

        // record set to return
        $data = array();                
        $org = array(
            'sales' => 0,
            'hours' => 0,
            'lastYear' => 0,
            'projSales' => 0,
            'projHours' => 0,
            'trendSales' => 0,
            'wages' => 0,
            'trans' => 0,
            'lyTrans' => 0,
            'forecast' => 0,
            'trend' => 0,
            'ou' => 0,

        $this->prepTrendsStatement($dbc, $week);

        foreach (array(1,2) as $store) {

            $total_sales = $this->initTotalSales();
            $total_trans = $this->initTotalTrans();
            $total_hours = $this->initTotalHours();
            $total_wages = $this->initTotalWages();
            $plan_wages = 0;
            $qtd_sales_ou = 0;
            $qtd_hours_ou = 0;

              LOOP ONE
              Examine OBF Categories that have sales. These will include
              both sales and labor information
            $categories = new ObfCategoriesModelV2($dbc);
            foreach ($categories->find('name') as $category) {
                $sum = array(0.0, 0.0);
                $dept_proj = 0.0;
                $dept_trend = 0;
                $salesR = $dbc->execute($this->salesP, array($week->obfWeekID(), $category->obfCategoryID()));
                $qtd_dept_plan = 0;
                $qtd_dept_sales = 0;
                $qtd_dept_ou = 0;
                  Go through sales records for the category
                while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($salesR)) {
                    $projID = $category->obfCategoryID() . ',' . $row['superID'];
                    $proj = isset($PLAN_SALES[$projID]) ? $PLAN_SALES[$projID] : 0;
                    $trend1 = $this->calculateTrend($dbc, $category->obfCategoryID(), $row['superID']);
                    $dept_trend += $trend1;
                    $total_sales->trend += $trend1;

                    $quarter = $dbc->getRow($this->quarterSalesP, 
                        array($week->obfQuarterID(), $category->obfCategoryID(), $row['superID'], date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $end_ts))
                    if ($quarter === false) {
                        $quarter = array('actual'=>0, 'lastYear'=>0, 'plan'=>0, 'trans'=>0, 'ly_trans'=>0);
                    $ou_weeks = ($week->obfWeekID() - $this->getOuStart($week->obfWeekID())) + 1;
                    $ou_plan = $this->getPlanRange($this->getOuStart($week->obfWeekID()), $week->obfWeekID(), $category->obfCategoryID(), $row['superID']);
                    //$qtd_dept_plan += ($proj * $ou_weeks);
                    $qtd_dept_sales += $quarter['actual'];
                    $qtd_dept_plan += $ou_plan;
                    $total_trans->quarterThisYear = $quarter['trans'];
                    $total_trans->quarterLastYear = $quarter['ly_trans'];

                    $sum[0] += $row['actualSales'];
                    $sum[1] += $row['lastYearSales'];
                    $total_sales->thisYear += $row['actualSales'];
                    $total_sales->lastYear += $row['lastYearSales'];
                    if ($total_trans->thisYear == 0) {
                        $total_trans->thisYear = $row['transactions'];
                    if ($total_trans->lastYear == 0) {
                        $total_trans->lastYear = $row['lastYearTransactions'];
                    $total_sales->projected += $proj;
                    $dept_proj += $proj;
                    $total_sales->quarterProjected += ($proj * $ou_weeks);
                    $total_sales->quarterActual += $quarter['actual'];
                    //$qtd_sales_ou += ($quarter['actual'] - ($proj * $ou_weeks));
                    //$qtd_dept_ou += ($quarter['actual'] - ($proj * $ou_weeks));
                    $qtd_sales_ou += ($quarter['actual'] - ($ou_plan));
                    $qtd_dept_ou += ($quarter['actual'] - ($ou_plan));

                $total_sales->forecast += $labor->forecastSales();

                /** total sales for the category **/
                $record = array(
                    $category->name() . ' Sales',
                    number_format($sum[1], 0),
                    number_format($dept_proj, 0),
                    number_format($dept_trend, 0),
                    number_format($labor->forecastSales(), 0),
                    number_format($sum[0], 0),
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->percentGrowth($sum[0], $sum[1])),
                    number_format($sum[0] - $dept_proj, 0),
                    number_format($qtd_dept_ou, 0),
                    'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR | FannieReportPage::META_BOLD,
                    'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                    'meta_foreground' => 'black',
                $data[] = $record;

                  Now labor values based on sales calculationsabove
                // use SPLH instead of pre-allocated
                list($proj_hours, $trend_hours) = $this->projectHours($labor->splhTarget(), $dept_proj, $dept_trend);
                // approximate wage to convert hours into dollars
                list($proj_wages, $trend_wages) = $this->projectWages($labor, $proj_hours, $trend_hours);

                $quarter = $dbc->getRow($this->quarterLaborP, 
                    array($week->obfLaborQuarterID(), $labor->obfCategoryID(), date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $end_ts))
                if ($quarter === false) {
                    $quarter = array('hours'=>0, 'wages'=>0, 'laborTarget'=>0, 'hoursTarget'=>0, 'actualSales' => 0);
                $qt_splh = $dbc->getRow($this->quarterSplhP,
                    array($week->obfLaborQuarterID(), $labor->obfCategoryID(), date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $end_ts))
                if ($qt_splh !== false) {
                    $quarter['actualSales'] = $qt_splh['actualSales'];
                    $quarter['planSales'] = $qt_splh['planSales'];
                $qt_average_wage = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : $quarter['wages'] / ((float)$quarter['hours']);
                $qt_proj_hours = $quarter['planSales'] / $category->salesPerLaborHourTarget();
                $qt_proj_labor = $qt_proj_hours * $qt_average_wage;
                $total_hours->quarterActual += $quarter['hours'];
                $total_hours->quarterProjected += $qt_proj_hours;
                $total_sales->quarterLaborSales += $quarter['actualSales'];

                $total_hours->projected += $proj_hours;
                $total_hours->trend += $trend_hours;

                $total_hours->actual += $labor->hours();
                $qtd_hours_ou += ($quarter['hours'] - $qt_proj_hours);

                $quarter_actual_sph = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : ($qtd_dept_sales)/($quarter['hours']);
                $data[] = array(
                    $category->name() . ' SPLH',
                    number_format(Op::div($dept_proj, $proj_hours), 2),
                    number_format(Op::div($dept_trend, $trend_hours), 2),
                    number_format($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : $sum[0] / $labor->hours(), 2),
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->percentGrowth(($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : $sum[0]/$labor->hours()), Op::div($dept_proj,$proj_hours))),
                    number_format(($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : $sum[0]/$labor->hours()) - Op::div($dept_proj, $proj_hours), 2),
                    '',//number_format($quarter_actual_sph - $category->salesPerLaborHourTarget(), 2),
                    'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                    'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                    'meta_foreground' => 'black',

                $data[] = array(
                    'Labor % of Sales',
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->laborPercent[$category->obfCategoryID()]),
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($labor->wages(), $sum[0]) * 100),
                    'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                    'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                    'meta_foreground' => 'black',

                $plan_wages += ($dept_proj * ($this->laborPercent[$category->obfCategoryID()]/100));

                $total_wages->actual += $labor->wages();

                if (count($this->colors) > 1) {

              LOOP TWO
              Examine OBF Categories without sales. These will include
              only labor information
            $cat = new ObfCategoriesModelV2($dbc);
            $cat->name('Admin', '<>');
            foreach ($cat->find('name') as $c) {

                $quarter = $dbc->getRow($this->quarterLaborP, 
                    array($week->obfLaborQuarterID(), $labor->obfCategoryID(), date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $end_ts))
                if ($quarter === false) {
                    $quarter = array('hours'=>0, 'wages'=>0, 'laborTarget'=>0, 'hoursTarget'=>0);
                $qt_average_wage = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : $quarter['wages'] / ((float)$quarter['hours']);
                $qt_proj_hours = $total_sales->quarterProjected / $c->salesPerLaborHourTarget();
                $qt_proj_labor = $qt_proj_hours * $qt_average_wage;
                $total_hours->quarterActual += $quarter['hours'];
                $total_hours->quarterProjected += $qt_proj_hours;

                list($proj_hours, $trend_hours) = $this->projectHours($labor->splhTarget(), $total_sales->projected, $total_sales->trend);
                list($proj_wages, $trend_wages) = $this->projectWages($labor, $proj_hours, $trend_hours);

                $qtd_hours_ou += ($quarter['hours'] - $qt_proj_hours);

                $quarter_actual_sph = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterActual)/($quarter['hours']);
                $data[] = array(
                    $c->name() . ' SPLH',
                    sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($total_sales->projected, $proj_hours)),
                    sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($total_sales->trend, $trend_hours)),
                    number_format($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : $total_sales->thisYear / $labor->hours(), 2),
                    number_format(($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : $total_sales->thisYear/$labor->hours()) - Op::div($total_sales->projected, $proj_hours), 2),
                    '',//number_format($quarter_actual_sph - $c->salesPerLaborHourTarget(), 2),
                    'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                    'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                    'meta_foreground' => 'black',

                $data[] = array(
                    'Labor % of Sales',
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->laborPercent[$c->obfCategoryID()]),
                    sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($labor->wages(), $total_sales->thisYear) * 100),
                    'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                    'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                    'meta_foreground' => 'black',

                $total_hours->actual += $labor->hours();
                $total_hours->projected += $proj_hours;
                $total_hours->trend += $trend_hours;
                $total_wages->actual += $labor->wages();

                if (count($this->colors) > 1) {

                $plan_wages += ($dept_proj * ($this->laborPercent[$category->obfCategoryID()]/100));

               Storewide totals section
            $data[] = array(
                sprintf('<a href="ObfWeeklyReportV2.php?weekID=%d&store=%d">Total Store Sales</a>', $this->form->weekID, $store),
                number_format($total_sales->lastYear, 0),
                number_format($total_sales->projected, 0),
                number_format($total_sales->trend, 0),
                number_format($total_sales->forecast, 0),
                number_format($total_sales->thisYear, 0),
                sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->percentGrowth($total_sales->thisYear, $total_sales->lastYear)),
                number_format($total_sales->thisYear - $total_sales->projected, 0),
                number_format($qtd_sales_ou, 0),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR | FannieReportPage::META_BOLD,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $quarter_actual_sph = $total_hours->quarterActual == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterActual)/($total_hours->quarterActual);
            $quarter_proj_sph = $total_hours->quarterProjected == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterProjected)/($total_hours->quarterProjected);
            $data[] = array(
                sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($total_sales->projected, $total_hours->projected)),
                sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($total_sales->trend, $total_hours->trend)),
                number_format($total_hours->actual == 0 ? 0 : $total_sales->thisYear / $total_hours->actual, 2),
                number_format(($total_hours->actual == 0 ? 0 : $total_sales->thisYear/$total_hours->actual) - Op::div($total_sales->projected,$total_hours->projected), 2),
                '',//number_format($quarter_actual_sph - $quarter_proj_sph, 2),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $data[] = array(
                'Labor % of Sales',
                sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($plan_wages, $total_sales->projected) * 100),
                sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($total_wages->actual, $total_sales->thisYear) * 100),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $data[] = array(
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $data[] = array(
                'Basket Size',
                sprintf('%.2f', $total_sales->lastYear / $total_trans->lastYear),
                sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($total_sales->thisYear, $total_trans->thisYear)),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $org['sales'] += $total_sales->thisYear;
            $org['projSales'] += $total_sales->projected;
            $org['lastYear'] += $total_sales->lastYear;
            $org['trendSales'] += $total_sales->trend;
            $org['hours'] += $total_hours->actual;
            $org['projHours'] += $total_hours->projected;
            $org['wages'] += $total_wages->actual;
            $org['trans'] += $total_trans->thisYear;
            $org['lyTrans'] += $total_trans->lastYear;
            $org['forecast'] += $total_sales->forecast;
            $org['trend'] += $total_sales->trend;
            $org['ou'] += $qtd_sales_ou;

            if (count($this->colors) > 1) {

            $data[] = array('meta'=>FannieReportPage::META_REPEAT_HEADERS);

        $cat = new ObfCategoriesModelV2($dbc);
        foreach ($cat->find('name') as $c) {

            $quarter = $dbc->getRow($this->quarterLaborP, 
                array($week->obfLaborQuarterID(), $labor->obfCategoryID(), date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $end_ts))
            if ($quarter === false) {
                $quarter = array('hours'=>0, 'wages'=>0, 'laborTarget'=>0, 'hoursTarget'=>0);
            $qt_average_wage = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : $quarter['wages'] / ((float)$quarter['hours']);
            $qt_proj_hours = $c->salesPerLaborHourTarget() == 0 ? 0 : $total_sales->quarterProjected / $c->salesPerLaborHourTarget();
            $qt_proj_labor = $qt_proj_hours * $qt_average_wage;
            $total_hours->quarterActual += $quarter['hours'];
            $total_hours->quarterProjected += $qt_proj_hours;

            list($proj_hours, $trend_hours) = $this->projectHours($labor->splhTarget(), $org['projSales'], $org['trendSales']);
            list($proj_wages, $trend_wages) = $this->projectWages($labor, $proj_hours, $trend_hours);

            $qtd_hours_ou += ($quarter['hours'] - $qt_proj_hours);

            $quarter_actual_sph = $quarter['hours'] == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterActual)/($quarter['hours']);
            $quarter_proj_sph = $qt_proj_hours == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterProjected)/($qt_proj_hours);
            $data[] = array(
                'Admin SPLH',
                sprintf('%.2f', $proj_hours == 0 ? 0 : $org['projSales'] / $proj_hours),
                sprintf('%.2f', $proj_hours == 0 ? 0 : $org['trendSales'] / $proj_hours),
                number_format($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : ($org['sales']) / $labor->hours(), 2),
                number_format(($labor->hours() == 0 ? 0 : ($org['sales']/$labor->hours()) - ($org['projSales'] / $proj_hours)), 2),
                '',//number_format($quarter_actual_sph - $quarter_proj_sph, 2),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $data[] = array(
                'Labor % of Sales',
                sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($labor->wages(), $org['sales']) * 100),
                'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
                'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
                'meta_foreground' => 'black',

            $org['hours'] += $labor->hours();
            $org['projHours'] += $proj_hours;
            $org['wages'] += $labor->wages();

            if (count($this->colors) > 1) {

           Organization totals section

        $data[] = array(
            'Organization Sales',
            number_format($org['lastYear'], 0),
            number_format($org['projSales'], 0),
            number_format($org['trend'], 0),
            number_format($org['forecast'], 0),
            number_format($org['sales'], 0),
            sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->percentGrowth($org['sales'], $org['lastYear'])),
            number_format(($org['sales']) - ($org['projSales']), 0),
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR | FannieReportPage::META_BOLD,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',

        $data[] = $this->discountsThisWeek($dbc, $start_ts, $end_ts, $start_ly, $end_ly);

        $quarter_actual_sph = $total_hours->quarterActual == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterActual)/($total_hours->quarterActual);
        $quarter_proj_sph = $total_hours->quarterProjected == 0 ? 0 : ($total_sales->quarterProjected)/($total_hours->quarterProjected);
        $data[] = array(
            'SLPH per Hour',
            sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($org['projSales'], $org['projHours'])),
            number_format($total_hours->actual == 0 ? 0 : ($org['sales']) / ($org['hours']), 2),
            number_format($total_hours->actual == 0 ? 0 : (($org['sales'])/($org['hours'])) - (($org['projSales'])/($org['projHours'])), 2),
            '',//number_format($quarter_actual_sph - $quarter_proj_sph, 2),
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',

        $data[] = array(
            'Labor % of Sales',
            sprintf('%.2f%%', Op::div($org['wages'], $org['sales']) * 100),
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',

        $data[] = array(
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',

        $data[] = array(
            'Basket Size',
            sprintf('%.2f', $org['lastYear'] / $org['lyTrans']),
            sprintf('%.2f', Op::div($org['sales'], $org['trans'])),
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',

        if (count($this->colors) > 1) {

        $data[] = array('meta'=>FannieReportPage::META_REPEAT_HEADERS);

        $owners = $this->ownershipThisWeek($dbc, $start_ts, $end_ts, $start_ly, $end_ly, false);
        $data[] = array($owners[0], $owners[2], 13.5, '', '', $owners[1], '', '', '', '', 
            'meta' => $owners['meta'], 'meta_background' => $owners['meta_background']);
        $owners = $this->ownershipThisYear($dbc, $end_ts);
        $data[] = array($owners[0], $owners[2], '', '', '', $owners[1], '', '', '', 
            'meta' => $owners['meta'], 'meta_background' => $owners['meta_background']);

        $json = $this->chartData($dbc, $this->form->weekID);
        $this->addOnloadCommand("obfSummary.drawChart('" . json_encode($json) . "')");

        return $data;

    private function chartData($dbc, $weekID)
        $begin = $weekID - 12;
        $json = array(
            'labels' => array(),
            'sales' => array(),
            'lySales' => array(),
            'hours' => array(),
            'lyHours' => array(),
            'splh' => array(),
            'lySplh' => array(),

        $hourP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT SUM(hours) FROM ObfLabor WHERE obfWeekID=?");

        $infoP = $dbc->prepare("
            SELECT o.obfWeekID,
                SUM(o.actualSales) AS sales,
                SUM(o.lastYearSales) AS lySales,
                MAX(w.startDate) AS startDate,
                MAX(w.endDate) AS endDate
            FROM ObfSalesCache AS o
                LEFT JOIN ObfWeeks AS w ON o.obfWeekID=w.obfWeekID
            WHERE o.obfWeekID BETWEEN ? AND ?
            GROUP BY o.obfWeekID
            ORDER BY o.obfWeekID");
        $infoR = $dbc->execute($infoP, array($begin, $weekID));
        while ($infoW = $dbc->fetchRow($infoR)) {
            $dstr = date('m/d', strtotime($infoW['startDate']))
                . ' - '
                . date('m/d', strtotime($infoW['endDate']));
            if (!in_array($dstr, $json['labels'])) {
                $json['labels'][] = $dstr;
            if ($infoW['sales'] > 0) {
                $json['sales'][] = $infoW['sales'];
            $json['lySales'][] = $infoW['lySales'];

            $hours = $dbc->getValue($hourP, array($infoW['obfWeekID']));
            $lyHours = $dbc->getValue($hourP, array($infoW['obfWeekID'] - 52));
            if ($hours > 0) {
                $json['hours'][] = $hours;
                $json['splh'][] = $hours == 0 ? 0 : $infoW['sales'] / $hours;
            $json['lyHours'][] = $lyHours;
            $json['lySplh'][] = $lyHours == 0 ? 0 : $infoW['lySales'] / $lyHours;

        return $json;

    private function discountsThisWeek($dbc, $start_ts, $end_ts, $start_ly, $end_ly)
        $date1 = date('Y-m-d', $start_ts);
        $date2 = date('Y-m-d', $end_ts);
        $date3 = date('Y-m-d', $start_ly);
        $date4 = date('Y-m-d', $end_ly);

        $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($date1, $date2);
        $dlogLY = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($date3, $date4);
        $opdb = $this->config->get('OP_DB') . $dbc->sep();

        $discountQ = "
            SELECT SUM(
            FROM __DLOG__ AS d
                LEFT JOIN {$opdb}houseCoupons AS h ON RIGHT(d.upc,5) = h.coupID
            WHERE d.tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?
                AND (
                    (d.upc='DISCOUNT' AND d.memType=5)
                    (d.upc LIKE '00499999%' AND h.memberOnly=1)

        $obj = new DateTime($date3);
        $days = $obj->diff(new DateTime($date4))->days;

        $discountP = $dbc->prepare(str_replace('__DLOG__', $dlog, $discountQ));
        $total = $dbc->getValue($discountP, array($date1 . ' 00:00:00', $date2 . ' 23:59:59'));
        $discountP = $dbc->prepare(str_replace('__DLOG__', $dlogLY, $discountQ));
        $totalLY = $dbc->getValue($discountP, array($date3 . ' 00:00:00', $date4 . ' 23:59:59'));
        $totalLY = 7 * ($totalLY / $days);

        return array(
            'Owner Discounts',
            sprintf('%.0f', $totalLY),
            sprintf('%.0f', $total),
            sprintf('%.2f%%', $this->percentGrowth($total, $totalLY)),
            'meta' => FannieReportPage::META_COLOR,
            'meta_background' => $this->colors[0],
            'meta_foreground' => 'black',
