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  <img src="" width="500" alt="create-component-app"/>

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[(Introduction article v1)](  **🛠WIP v2**

**How much time do you spend copying and pasting the component folder to create a new one ?**<br />
This is a tool to generate different types of React components from the terminal.<br />
### Available extension 
<a href=""><img src="" width="50px"> </a><br />

What you can do with this tool ?<br />

- [You can use templates from the community 🎉](#you-can-use-templates-from-the-community)
- [Create your components guided from terminal with a lot of choices](#create-your-components-guided-from-terminal-with-a-lot-of-choices)
- [You can create a configuration file in your current project directory](#you-can-create-a-configuration-file-in-your-current-project-directory)
- [You can also pass a configuration file from params](#you-can-also-pass-a-config-file)
- [You can use your own custom templates](#you-can-use-your-own-custom-templates)
- [Share your template to the community](
<br />

<p align="center">
  <img src="" alt="create-component-app" width="1024" />

## Install

$ npm install -g create-component-app

## Usage

$ cd ~/my-projects
$ create-component-app

### Create your components guided from terminal with a lot of choices

- Create different kind of components:
    - stateless
    - class
    - pure
    - custom
- Set name of the new component
- Integrate `connect` function of redux
- Include an index file
- Set a different component extension
    - `js`
    - `jsx`
- Set a different style extension
    - `css`
    - `scss`
    - `sass`
    - `less`
- Include a storybook file
- Include a test file (with enzyme)
- Set the destionation `path` of the new component

### You can create a configuration file in your current project directory

Create-component-app uses [cosmiconfig]( for configuration file support.
This means you can configure cca via:

* A `.ccarc` file, written in YAML or JSON, with optional extensions: `.yaml/.yml/.json`.
* A `cca.config.js` file that exports an object.
* A `"cca"` key in your `package.json` file.

The configuration file will be resolved starting from the root of your project,
and searching up the file tree until a config file is (or isn't) found.

### Basic Configuration

An example configuration file can be found here: [.ccarc.example](.ccarc.example), you can use this
file by copying it to the root of your project.

Currently supported options are:

  Option | Description
  --- | ---
  `type` | Default type of the component `["stateless", "class", "pure"]`
  `templatesDirPath` | Default path to get the templates from the custom templates folder
  `path` | Default path to create component file and folder
  `jsExtension` | Default extension for your javascript file `["js", "jsx"]`
  `cssExtension` | Default extension for your css file `["css", "scss", "sass", "less", false]`. Set to false if you don't want a style file
  `includeTests` | Default flag to include a test file in the folder `[true, false]`
  `includeStories` | Default flag to include a storybook file in the folder `[true, false]`
  `indexFile` |  Default flag to create an index file in the folder `[false, true]`
  `connected` | Default flag to integrate connect redux in the index file `[false, true]`
  `componentMethods` | Only for "class" and "pure", insert method inside the component (i.e. `["componentDidMount", "shouldComponentUpdate", "onClick"]`). `render` and `constructor` will be always included.
  `fileNames` | Choose the specific filename for your component's file. (COMPONENT_NAME will be replaced)
  `fileNames.testFileName` | specify the file name of your test file
  `fileNames.componentFileName` |  specify the component file name
  `fileNames.styleFileName` | specify the style file name !!IMPORTANT: Include cssExtension.

### You can also pass a config file

1) Create a JSON file `config.json`:  
2) and pass the path to config param

$ create-component-app --config path/to/your/config.json

**Passing a config file via the CLI overrides the configuration file loaded by [cosmiconfig](**

### You can pass params from the command line

$ create-component-app --path path/destionation

**Passing a param via the CLI overrides the configuration file loaded by [cosmiconfig](**

### You can use your own custom templates

Simple steps to create your own templates [docs/custom-templates](

### You can use templates from the community
Now, the first question that you receive is `Do you wanna choose a template?` if you answer yes, you can see the list of templates from the community.

<p align="center">
  <img src="" alt="create-component-app-templates" width="1024" />

- (Optional) Add to the settings `templatesDirPath` - a custom path to the user custom templates folder.
- (Optional) Add to the settings `templates` - a list of used templates (with a default) to filter the list
- (Optional) The user can choose between the available templates or use `create-component-app -t templateName`

## Contributing
Now, the community can offer their templates! [How?](

Check the [issue list]( to contribute on some activities or to advice new features!
The library is open to everybody, contribute improve your skills.   

`create-component-app` is maintained under [the Semantic Versioning guidelines](

Use `npm run watch` while coding.

### [Contributors](

## License

MIT © [Christian Varisco](