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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Golasch (
    Copyright (C) 2017 Trummerjo (original implementation module)
    Proxy service to convert manifest, provide license data and handle events

    SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    See LICENSES/ for more information.
import base64
import json
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import xbmcaddon

import resources.lib.common as common
from resources.lib.common.cache_utils import CACHE_MANIFESTS
from resources.lib.common.exceptions import MSLError, ErrorMsgNoReport
from resources.lib.database.db_utils import TABLE_SESSION
from resources.lib.globals import G
from resources.lib.utils.esn import get_esn, set_esn, regen_esn
from resources.lib.utils.logging import LOG, measure_exec_time_decorator
from .converter import convert_to_dash
from .events_handler import EventsHandler
from .msl_requests import MSLRequests
from .msl_utils import ENDPOINTS, display_error_info, MSL_DATA_FILENAME, create_req_params
from .profiles import enabled_profiles

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # This variable/imports are used only by the editor, so not at runtime
    from import NFSessionOperations

class MSLHandler:
    """Handles session management and crypto for license, manifest and event requests"""
    http_ipc_slots = {}
    last_license_url = ''
    licenses_session_id = []
    licenses_xid = []
    licenses_release_url = []
    licenses_response = None
    needs_license_request = True

    def __init__(self, nfsession: 'NFSessionOperations'):
        self.nfsession = nfsession
        self.events_handler_thread = None
        # Slot allocation for IPC
        self.slots = [self.msl_requests.perform_key_handshake]

    def _init_msl_handler(self):
        self.msl_requests = None
            msl_data = json.loads(common.load_file_def(MSL_DATA_FILENAME))
  'Loaded MSL data from disk')
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            msl_data = None
        self.msl_requests = MSLRequests(msl_data, self.nfsession)

    def reinitialize_msl_handler(self, delete_msl_file=False):
        Reinitialize the MSL handler
        :param delete_msl_file: if True delete the msl file data
        LOG.debug('Reinitializing MSL handler')
        if delete_msl_file:

    def switch_events_handler(self, override_enable=False):
        """Switch to enable or disable the Events handler"""
        if self.events_handler_thread:
            self.events_handler_thread = None
        if G.ADDON.getSettingBool('sync_watched_status') or override_enable:
            self.events_handler_thread = EventsHandler(self.msl_requests.chunked_request, self.nfsession)

    def get_manifest(self, viewable_id, challenge, sid):
        Get the manifests for the given viewable_id and returns a mpd-XML-Manifest

        :param viewable_id: The id of of the viewable
        :return: MPD XML Manifest or False if no success
            esn = get_esn()
            # When the add-on is installed from scratch or you logout the account the ESN will be empty
            if not esn:
                esn = set_esn()
                esn = regen_esn(esn)
            manifest = self._get_manifest(viewable_id, esn, challenge, sid)
        except MSLError as exc:
            if 'Email or password is incorrect' in str(exc):
                # Known cases when MSL error "Email or password is incorrect." can happen:
                # - If user change the password when the nf session was still active
                # - Netflix has reset the password for suspicious activity when the nf session was still active
                # Then clear the credentials and also user tokens.
            elif 'User must login again' in str(exc):
                # Know case when MSL error can happen:
                # - User has done "Sign out of all devices" from account settings
                # - User has login with an auth key generated before executing "Sign out of all devices"
                # When "Sign out of all devices" is done, and you create a auth key just after that
                # for some reason the MSL has not yet changed his status and think you still use the old login
                # this is fixed automatically by website by waiting 10 minutes before generating a new auth key.
                err_msg = ('\nIf you have done "Sign out of all devices" from Netflix account settings so '
                           'Logout from add-on settings and wait about 10 minutes before login again '
                           '(if used, a new Auth Key is required).')
                raise ErrorMsgNoReport(str(exc) + err_msg) from exc
            elif ('User authentication data does not match entity identity' in str(exc)
                  and common.get_system_platform() == 'android'):
                err_msg = ('Due to a MSL error you cannot playback videos with this device. '
                           'This is a know problem due to a website changes.\n'
                           'This problem could be solved in the future, but at the moment there is no solution.')
                raise ErrorMsgNoReport(err_msg) from exc
        if G.KODI_VERSION < 20 and manifest.get('adverts', {}).get('adBreaks', []):
            # InputStream Adaptive version on Kodi 19 is too old and dont handle correctly these manifests
            raise ErrorMsgNoReport('On Kodi 19 the Netflix ADS plans are not supported. \n'
                                   'You must use Kodi 20 or higher versions.')
        if manifest.get('streamingType', 'VOD') != 'VOD':
            raise ErrorMsgNoReport('Live videos are not supported.')
        return self._tranform_to_dash(manifest)

    def _get_manifest(self, viewable_id, esn, challenge, sid):
        if common.get_system_platform() != 'android' and (not challenge or not sid):
            LOG.error('DRM session data not valid (Session ID: {}, Challenge: {})', challenge, sid)

        from pprint import pformat

        isa_hdcp_override = False
        if G.KODI_VERSION < 20:
            isa_addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('inputstream.adaptive')
            isa_hdcp_override = isa_addon.getSettingBool('HDCPOVERRIDE')

        hdcp_level = None
        force_hdcp_level = G.ADDON.getSettingString('stream_force_hdcp')
        if force_hdcp_level != '--':
            hdcp_level = force_hdcp_level
        elif common.get_hdcp_level() >= 2.2:
            hdcp_level = '2.2'
        if not hdcp_level and isa_hdcp_override:
            hdcp_level = '1.4'

        # The manifest param 'supportedHdcpVersions' is set by hdcp_version
        # which can accept the following values: empty list, '1.4' and '2.2'
        hdcp_version = [hdcp_level] if hdcp_level else []

        manifest_ver = G.ADDON.getSettingString('msl_manifest_version')
        profiles = enabled_profiles()'Requesting manifest (version {}) for\nVIDEO ID: {}\nESN: {}\nHDCP: {}\nPROFILES:\n{}',
                 common.censure(esn) if len(esn) > 50 else esn,
                 pformat(profiles, indent=2))
        xid = str(time.time_ns())[:18]
        # On non-Android systems, we pre-initialize the DRM with default PSSH/KID, this allows to obtain Challenge/SID
        # to achieve 1080p resolution.
        # On Android, pre-initialize DRM is possible but cannot keep the same DRM session, will result in an error
        # because the manifest license data do not match the current DRM session, then we do not use it and
        # we still make the license requests.
        if manifest_ver == 'v1':
            endpoint_url, request_data = self._build_manifest_v1(viewable_id=viewable_id, hdcp_version=hdcp_version,
                                                                 profiles=profiles, challenge=challenge)
        else:  # Default - most recent version
            endpoint_url, request_data = self._build_manifest_v2(viewable_id=viewable_id, hdcp_version=hdcp_version,
                                                                 profiles=profiles, challenge=challenge,
                                                                 sid=sid, xid=xid)
        manifest = self.msl_requests.chunked_request(endpoint_url, request_data, esn)

        # The xid must be used also for each future MSL requests, until playback stops
        G.LOCAL_DB.set_value('xid', xid, TABLE_SESSION)

        if manifest_ver == 'default' and 'license' in manifest['video_tracks'][0]:
            self.needs_license_request = False
            self.licenses_xid.insert(0, xid)
            self.licenses_session_id.insert(0, manifest['video_tracks'][0]['license']['drmSessionId'])
            self.licenses_response = manifest['video_tracks'][0]['license']['licenseResponseBase64']
            self.needs_license_request = True

        self.last_license_url = manifest['links']['license']['href']

        if LOG.is_enabled:
            # Save the manifest to disk as reference
            common.save_file_def('manifest.json', json.dumps(manifest).encode('utf-8'))
        # Save the manifest to the cache, it will be used on
        expiration = int(manifest['expiration'] / 1000)
        cache_identifier = f'{esn}_{viewable_id}'
        G.CACHE.add(CACHE_MANIFESTS, cache_identifier, manifest, expires=expiration)
        return manifest

    def _build_manifest_v1(self, **kwargs):
        params = {
            'type': 'standard',
            'viewableId': kwargs['viewable_id'],
            'profiles': kwargs['profiles'],
            'flavor': 'PRE_FETCH',
            'drmType': 'widevine',
            'drmVersion': 25,
            'usePsshBox': True,
            'isBranching': False,
            'isNonMember': False,
            'isUIAutoPlay': False,
            'useHttpsStreams': True,
            'imageSubtitleHeight': 1080,
            'uiVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('ui_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'uiPlatform': 'SHAKTI',
            'clientVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('client_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'desiredVmaf': 'plus_lts',  # phone_plus_exp can be used to mobile, not tested
            'supportsPreReleasePin': True,
            'supportsWatermark': True,
            'supportsUnequalizedDownloadables': True,
            'showAllSubDubTracks': False,
            'titleSpecificData': {
                str(kwargs['viewable_id']): {
                    'unletterboxed': True
            'videoOutputInfo': [{
                'type': 'DigitalVideoOutputDescriptor',
                'outputType': 'unknown',
                'supportedHdcpVersions': kwargs['hdcp_version'],
                'isHdcpEngaged': bool(kwargs['hdcp_version'])
            'preferAssistiveAudio': False
        if kwargs['challenge']:
            params['challenge'] = kwargs['challenge']
        endpoint_url = ENDPOINTS['manifest_v1'] + create_req_params('prefetch/manifest')
        request_data = self.msl_requests.build_request_data('/manifest', params)
        return endpoint_url, request_data

    def _build_manifest_v2(self, **kwargs):
        params = {
            'type': 'standard',
            'manifestVersion': 'v2',
            'viewableId': kwargs['viewable_id'],
            'profiles': kwargs['profiles'],
            'flavor': 'PRE_FETCH',  # PRE_FETCH / STANDARD
            'drmType': 'widevine',
            'drmVersion': 25,
            'usePsshBox': True,
            'isBranching': False,
            'useHttpsStreams': True,
            'supportsUnequalizedDownloadables': True,
            'imageSubtitleHeight': 1080,
            'uiVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('ui_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'uiPlatform': 'SHAKTI',
            'clientVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('client_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'platform': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'osVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'osName': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_name', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
            'supportsPreReleasePin': True,
            'supportsWatermark': True,
            'showAllSubDubTracks': False,
            'videoOutputInfo': [{
                'type': 'DigitalVideoOutputDescriptor',
                'outputType': 'unknown',
                'supportedHdcpVersions': kwargs['hdcp_version'],
                'isHdcpEngaged': bool(kwargs['hdcp_version'])
            'titleSpecificData': {
                str(kwargs['viewable_id']): {
                    'unletterboxed': True
            'preferAssistiveAudio': False,
            'isUIAutoPlay': False,
            'isNonMember': False,
            'desiredVmaf': 'plus_lts',  # phone_plus_exp can be used to mobile, not tested
            'desiredSegmentVmaf': 'plus_lts',
            'requestSegmentVmaf': False,
            'supportsPartialHydration': False,
            'contentPlaygraph': ['start'],
            'supportsAdBreakHydration': True, # True if this client support separate ADS management, false to use ADS merged on stream (next future?) currently disallowed due to feature not implemented on server side
            'liveMetadataFormat': 'INDEXED_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE',
            'useBetterTextUrls': True,
            'profileGroups': [{
                'name': 'default',
                'profiles': kwargs['profiles']
            'challenge': kwargs['challenge'],
            'challenges': {
                'default': [{
                    'drmSessionId': kwargs['sid'] or 'session',
                    'clientTime': int(time.time()),
                    'challengeBase64': kwargs['challenge']
            # License type:
            # - 'limited' license data provided in the manifest response, may be needed a second license request
            # - 'standard' no license data provided in the manifest response
            # TODO: Currently on linux only the license type set to "limited" cause this error on ISA:
            #  License update not successful (no keys)
            'licenseType': 'standard'
        # 30/10/2022 on linux xid must be specified on the challenge dict
        # otherwise ISA raise error: License update not successful (no keys)
        if common.get_system_platform() == 'linux':
            params['challenges']['default'][0]['xid'] = kwargs['xid']
            params['xid'] = kwargs['xid']

        endpoint_url = ENDPOINTS['manifest'] + create_req_params('prefetch/licensedManifest')
        request_data = self.msl_requests.build_request_data('licensedManifest', params)
        return endpoint_url, request_data

    def get_license(self, license_data):
        Requests and returns a license for the given challenge and sid

        :param license_data: The license data provided by isa
        :return: Base64 representation of the license key or False unsuccessful
        if self.needs_license_request:
            LOG.debug('Requesting license')
            challenge, sid = license_data.decode('utf-8').split('!')
            sid = base64.standard_b64decode(sid).decode('utf-8')
            xid = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('xid', '', table=TABLE_SESSION)
            params = [{
                'drmSessionId': sid,
                'clientTime': int(time.time()),
                'challengeBase64': challenge,
                'xid': xid,
                'clientVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('client_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
                'platform': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
                'osVersion': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
                'osName': G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_name', '', table=TABLE_SESSION)
            endpoint_url = ENDPOINTS['license'] + create_req_params('license')
                response = self.msl_requests.chunked_request(endpoint_url,
            except MSLError as exc:
                if exc.err_number == '1044' and common.get_system_platform() == 'android':
                    msg = ('This title is not available to watch instantly. Please try another title.\r\n'
                           'To try to solve this problem you can force "Widevine L3" from the add-on Expert settings.\r\n'
                           'More info in the Wiki FAQ on add-on GitHub.')
                    raise MSLError(msg) from exc
                if exc.err_number == '1044' and common.get_system_platform() != 'linux':
                    raise ErrorMsgNoReport('MSL Error 1044: Currently video playback on Windows or MacOS does not work, '
                                           'this is a known problem for which no solution has been found at this time.') from exc
            # If this is a second license request from ISAdaptive then update the previous license data
            # so when we "release" the license we release the last one
            if len(self.licenses_xid) > 1 and self.licenses_xid[0] == xid:
                self.licenses_session_id[0] = sid
                self.licenses_release_url[0] = response[0]['links']['releaseLicense']['href']
                self.licenses_xid.insert(0, xid)
                self.licenses_session_id.insert(0, sid)
                self.licenses_release_url.insert(0, response[0]['links']['releaseLicense']['href'])
            response_data = base64.standard_b64decode(response[0]['licenseResponseBase64'])
            LOG.debug('Get manifest license')
            # With licensed manifest with licenseType limited InputStream Adaptive may request license a second time
            self.needs_license_request = True
            response_data = base64.standard_b64decode(self.licenses_response)
        return response_data

    def release_license(self):
        """Release the server license"""
            # When you try to play a video while another one is currently in playing,
            # a new license to be released will be queued, so the oldest license must be released
            url = self.licenses_release_url.pop()
            sid = self.licenses_session_id.pop()
            xid = self.licenses_xid.pop()
            LOG.debug('Requesting releasing license')
            params = [{
                'url': url,
                'params': {
                    'drmSessionId': sid,
                    'xid': str(xid)
                'echo': 'drmSessionId'
            endpoint_url = ENDPOINTS['license'] + create_req_params('release/license')
            response = self.msl_requests.chunked_request(endpoint_url,
                                                         self.msl_requests.build_request_data('/bundle', params),
            LOG.debug('License release response: {}', response)
        except IndexError:
            # Example the supplemental media type have no license
            LOG.debug('No license to release')

    def clear_user_id_tokens(self):
        """Clear all user id tokens"""

    def _tranform_to_dash(self, manifest):
        return convert_to_dash(manifest)