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title: Join a JavaScript array into a string, with locale-sensitive separators
shortTitle: Join array into string
type: tip
language: javascript
tags: [array]
cover: couch-laptop
excerpt: Learn how to leverage `Intl.ListFormat` to join an array into a string, with appropriate separators.
listed: true
dateModified: 2024-01-23

`Array.prototype.join()` is the tool most developers would reach in order to join an array into a string. However, it has some **limitations**, such as the inability to use different separators for the last item. Luckily, there's a new kid on the block - `Intl.ListFormat` - which can help us with that.

Using the `Intl.ListFormat()` constructor, we can create more versatile formatters, allowing us to specify the **grouping type** (e.g. `conjunction` or `disjunction`) and the **style of the list** (e.g. `long`, `short` or `narrow`). The `format()` method of the formatter can then be used to join an array into a string, with the appropriate separators.

const formatList = (arr, locale, type, style) =>
  new Intl.ListFormat(locale, { type, style }).format(arr);

formatList(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'en-US', 'conjunction', 'short');
// 'foo, bar, & baz'
formatList(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'en-US', 'conjunction', 'long');
// 'foo, bar, and baz'
formatList(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'en-GB', 'conjunction', 'long');
// 'foo, bar and baz'
formatList(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'en-US', 'disjunction', 'long');
// 'foo, bar, or baz'

> [!NOTE]
> As shown in the examples, the `'en-US'` locale uses the [Oxford comma](, while the `'en-GB'` locale doesn't.