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Wrong lexicographical order for 'jakarta.persistence.CascadeType' import. Should be before 'jakarta.persistence.Table'.

import jakarta.persistence.CascadeType;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

'if' construct must use '{}'s.

        if (!executionId.equals(that.executionId)) return false;

'if' construct must use '{}'s.

        if (mergedBranches != that.mergedBranches) return false;

First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period.


Checks thatJavadoc summary sentence does not contain phrases that are not recommended to use.Summaries that contain only the {@inheritDoc} tag are skipped. Check alsoviolate Javadoc that does not contain first sentence.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'io.cloudslang.orchestrator.entities.SplitMessage' import. Should be before 'io.cloudslang.score.facade.entities.Execution'.

import io.cloudslang.orchestrator.entities.SplitMessage;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period.


Checks thatJavadoc summary sentence does not contain phrases that are not recommended to use.Summaries that contain only the {@inheritDoc} tag are skipped. Check alsoviolate Javadoc that does not contain first sentence.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period.


Checks thatJavadoc summary sentence does not contain phrases that are not recommended to use.Summaries that contain only the {@inheritDoc} tag are skipped. Check alsoviolate Javadoc that does not contain first sentence.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Unused Javadoc tag.

     * @return add interrupts to the current execution

Checks the Javadoc of a method or constructor. The scopeto verify is specified using the Scope class anddefaults to Scope.PRIVATE. To verify anotherscope, set property scope to a differentscope.

Violates parameters and type parametersfor which no param tags arepresent can be suppressed by defining propertyallowMissingParamTags.

Violates methods which return non-void but for which no return tag ispresent can be suppressed by defining propertyallowMissingReturnTag.

Violates exceptions which are declared to be thrown (by throws in the methodsignature or by throw new in the method body), but for which no throws tag ispresent by activation of property validateThrows.Note that throw new is not checked in the following places:

  • Inside a try block (with catch). It is not possible to determine if the thrownexception can be caught by the catch block as there is no knowledge of theinheritance hierarchy, so the try block is ignored entirely. However, catchand finally blocks, as well as try blocks without catch, are still checked.
  • Local classes, anonymous classes and lambda expressions. It is not known when thethrow statements inside such classes are going to be evaluated, so they are ignored.

ATTENTION: Checkstyle does not have information about hierarchy of exception typesso usage of base class is considered as separate exception type.As workaround you need to specify both types in javadoc (parent and exact type).

Javadoc is not required on a method that is tagged with the@Override annotation. However underJava 5 it is not possible to mark a method required for aninterface (this was corrected under Java 6). HenceCheckstyle supports using the convention of using a single{@inheritDoc} tag instead of all theother tags.

Note that only inheritable items will allow the{@inheritDoc} tag to be used in placeof comments. Static methods at all visibilities, private non-staticmethods and constructors are not inheritable.

For example, if the following method isimplementing a method required by an interface, then theJavadoc could be done as:

<source><br>/** {@inheritDoc} */<br>public int checkReturnTag(final int aTagIndex,<br> JavadocTag[] aTags,<br> int aLineNo)<br> </source>

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 117).

     * Get a list of all pause id's that are relevant to an execution, there could be many because of different lanes

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

'package' should be separated from previous statement.


Checks for empty line separators after header, package, all import declarations,fields, constructors, methods, nested classes,static initializers and instance initializers.

ATTENTION: empty line separator is required between token siblings,not after line where token is found.If token does not have same type sibling then empty lineis required at its end (for example for CLASS_DEF it is after '}').Also, trailing comments are skipped.

ATTENTION: violations from multiple empty lines cannot be suppressed via XPath:#8179.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 105).

        if (startTime != null ? !startTime.equals(that.startTime) : that.startTime != null) return false;

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

'package' should be separated from previous statement.

package io.cloudslang.score.facade.execution;

Checks for empty line separators after header, package, all import declarations,fields, constructors, methods, nested classes,static initializers and instance initializers.

ATTENTION: empty line separator is required between token siblings,not after line where token is found.If token does not have same type sibling then empty lineis required at its end (for example for CLASS_DEF it is after '}').Also, trailing comments are skipped.

ATTENTION: violations from multiple empty lines cannot be suppressed via XPath:#8179.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.Collection'

import java.util.Collection;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 105).

    //We are not using the default name findByUuid() because then we won't be able to use the query cache

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.MULTI_INSTANCE' import. Should be before 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional'.

import static io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.MULTI_INSTANCE;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 102).


Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'java.util.Collections.emptySet' import. Should be before 'org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired'.

import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'jakarta.persistence.Basic' import. Should be before 'jakarta.persistence.Table'.

import jakarta.persistence.Basic;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.
