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Line is longer than 100 characters (found 107).

        if (executionName != null ? !executionName.equals(that.executionName) : that.executionName != null)

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 162).

    @Query("select executionState.executionId from ExecutionState executionState where executionState.status in :statuses and executionState.updateTime <= :time")

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'java.util.List' import. Should be before 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional'.

import java.util.List;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 101).

        if (flowPath != null ? !flowPath.equals(that.flowPath) : that.flowPath != null) return false;

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.NON_BLOCKING' import. Should be before 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional'.

import static io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.NON_BLOCKING;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

'if' construct must use '{}'s.

        if (licenseConsumption != null ? !licenseConsumption.equals(that.licenseConsumption) : that.licenseConsumption != null) return false;

Member name 'MAX_BULK_SIZE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.

    private final int MAX_BULK_SIZE = Integer.getInteger("suspendedexecution.job.bulk.size", 200);

Wrong lexicographical order for 'java.util.List' import. Should be before ''.

import java.util.List;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 145).

    @Query("select executionState.executionId from ExecutionState executionState where executionState.status = :status and branchId = :branchId")

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 106).

    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SuspendedExecutionCleanerServiceImpl.class);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'java.util.Collections.emptySet' import. Should be before 'java.util.Set'.

import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 105).

            logger.warn("Orchestrator got messages from worker: " + workerUuid + " with wrong WRV:" + wrv

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.PARALLEL_LOOP' import. Should be before 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional'.

import static io.cloudslang.orchestrator.enums.SuspendedExecutionReason.PARALLEL_LOOP;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before ''


Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 115).

    public void dispatch(List<? extends Serializable> messages, String bulkNumber, String wrv, String workerUuid) {

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 147).

        //This is done in order to make sure that we are not getting messages from worker that was already recovered and does not know about it yet

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.HashSet'

import java.util.HashSet;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.List'

import java.util.List;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for '' import. Should be before 'org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils'.


Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 101).

        if (branchId != null ? !branchId.equals(that.branchId) : that.branchId != null) return false;

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.
