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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016 Maximiliano Fierro
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';

var sequence = require('./processor/sequence');
var defaults = require('./processor/defaults');


var cocktail;

cocktail = {
     * @public
     * SEQUENCE is used to define an enumeration of priorities for annotations
    SEQUENCE: sequence,

     * @private
     * The processors class list.
    _DEFAULT_PROCESSORS: defaults,
     * @private
     * Stack of _queues
    _qStack: [],
     * @private
     * The queue of processors instances for the given mix
    _queue: [],

     * Current processor list map
    _processors: {},

     * @protected
     * Returns the processor list map
    getProcessors : function () {
        return this._processors;

     * @protected
     * sets the processor object list. It is an Object used as a map
    setProcessors: function (processor) {
        this._processors = processor;

     * @protected
     * returns the list of default processors
    getDefaultProcessors: function () {
        return cocktail._DEFAULT_PROCESSORS;

     * @protected
     * registers a processor definition
     * @param processorsConfig {Object} a key-value pair of processors
    registerProcessors: function (processorsConfig) {
        var processors = this.getProcessors(),
        for (key in processorsConfig){
            if (processorsConfig.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                processors[key] = processorsConfig[key];

     * @public
    use: function (annotation) {
        var name = (annotation.prototype &&,
            processor = {};

        if (ANNOTATION_REG_EXP.test(name) && annotation.prototype) {
            processor[name] = annotation;

     * @private
     * returns a processor instance for the given key or a NoOp instance if it is not found.
    _getProcessorFor: function (key) {
        var processors = this.getProcessors(),
        P = (processors[key] || processors['no-op']);
        return new P();

     * @private
     * applies default options to the given options parameter.
     * As of today, the only default option is the configuration for the merge annotation
    _applyDefaultsOptions: function (options) {
        if (options && !('@merge' in options)) {
            options['@merge'] = 'single';

     * @private
     * iterates over options to find annotations and adds processors to the queue.
    _configureProcessorsWith: function (options) {
        var key, value, processor;


        if (options) {
            for (key in options) {
                if (options.hasOwnProperty(key) && ANNOTATION_REG_EXP.test(key)) {
                    value = options[key];
                    //get the processor instance for this annotation
                    processor = this._getProcessorFor(key);
                    //configure the annotation parameter
                    //check if the annotation should be removed
                    if (!processor.retain) {
                        delete options[key];
                    //add the processor to the queue

     * @private
     * stacks current queue
    _pushQueue: function () {
        this._queue = [];

     * @private
     * restore current queue
    _popQueue: function () {
        this._queue = this._qStack.pop();

     * @private
     * Cleans the processor queue
    _cleanQueue: function () {
        this._queue.length = 0;

     * @private
     * Adds the given processor to the queue
    _addProcessorToQueue: function (processor) {
        if (processor && processor.priority !== -1) {

     * @private
     * Sorts the queue by its processor's priorities
    _sortQueueByPriority: function () {
        this._queue.sort(function(a, b){
            return a.priority - b.priority;

     * @private
     * Runs all the processors in the queue over the given subject
    _executeProcessorsOn: function (subject, options) {
        var processors = this._queue,
            l = processors.length,


        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            processors[i].process(subject, options);


     * @private
     * returns true if the given subject has a pseudo annotation `@as` with the given value.
    _isSubjectDefinedAs: function (subject, asType) {
        return (subject && subject['@as'] && subject['@as'].toLowerCase() === asType);

     * @private
     * returns true if the given subject is a class definition object.
    _isClassDefition: function (subject) {
        var isClassDef = this._isSubjectDefinedAs(subject, 'class'),
            definitionProps = ['constructor', '@extends', '@traits', '@requires', '@annotation'],

        if (!isClassDef) {
            for (key in subject) {
                if (definitionProps.indexOf(key) > -1) {
                    isClassDef = true;

        return isClassDef;

     * @private
     * returns true if the given subject is a module definition object.
    _isModuleDefinition: function (subject) {
        return this._isSubjectDefinedAs(subject, 'module');

     * @private
     * If the subject has a property construtor returns it,
     * if no constructor on subject but it extends then return a function() calling super constructor,
     * or a function definition otherwise.
    _getDefaultClassConstructor: function (subject) {
        var ctor, parent;

        if (this._isPropertyDefinedIn('constructor', subject)) {
            ctor = subject.constructor;
        } else if (this._isPropertyDefinedIn('@extends', subject)) {
            parent = subject['@extends'];
            ctor = function(){
                parent.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
        } else {
            ctor = function(){};

        return ctor;

     * @private
     * checks if the given property is enumerable and defined in the obj
    _isPropertyDefinedIn: function (property, obj) {
        var k;

        for (k in obj) {
            if (property === k) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * @private
     * returns a call to mix() with the subject constructor and options
    _processClassDefition: function (subject) {
        var defaultConstructor, options;

        defaultConstructor = this._getDefaultClassConstructor(subject);
        options = subject;

        return this.mix(defaultConstructor, options);

     * @private
     * @experimental 0.5.1
     * returns a call to mix() with the subject module and options
    _processModuleDefinition: function (subject) {
        var options = subject;
        return this.mix(subject, options);

     * @public
    mix: function (subject, options) {
        if (!options) {
            if (this._isClassDefition(subject)) {
                return this._processClassDefition(subject);
            if (this._isModuleDefinition(subject)) {
                return this._processModuleDefinition(subject);

        if (subject) {
            this._executeProcessorsOn(subject, options);

        return subject;


//register processors

//export module
module.exports = cocktail;