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35 mins
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package com.cyclone.util.concurrent

import scalaz.EitherT._
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

  * Future-related utilities.
  * @author Jeremy.Stone
object Futures {

    * Runs tasks sequentially (not in parallel - but still asynchronous to the caller, on the supplied executor)
    * until one of them succeeds, returning the result in a future.
    * If no task succeeds, the returned future will fail.
    * @param tasks tasks to run
    * @return the future containing the first successful result.
  def sequentiallyUntilSuccess[T](
    tasks: Seq[() => Future[T]]
  )(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {

    if (tasks.isEmpty)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No tasks")

    val p = Promise[T]

    //  @tailrec
    def seq(lastResult: Option[Try[T]], tsks: List[() => Future[T]])(
      implicit executor: ExecutionContext
    ): Unit = {
      tsks match {
        case Nil =>
          lastResult match {
            case Some(tr) => p.complete(tr)
            case None     =>
              // Don't recurse unless a failure was set so should never get here.
              // However in order to avoid possibility of never completing the promise,
              // set it to a value...
              p.tryFailure(new IllegalStateException)
        case t :: tail =>
          val f = t()
          f.onComplete {
            case ok: Success[T] => p.complete(ok)
            case tr: Failure[T] => seq(Some(tr), tail)

    seq(None, tasks.toList)


    * Converts the errors in a disjunction wrapped by a future into failed futures
  def disjunctionToFailedFuture[A, E](
    in: Future[E \/ A]
  )(toThrowable: E => Throwable)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = {
    in.transform {
      case Success(\/-(a)) => Success(a)
      case Success(-\/(e)) => Failure(toThrowable(e))
      case Failure(x)      => Failure(x)

    * Performs a traversal of a disjunction, but serially.
  def traverseSerially[A, E, B](
    inputs: Seq[A]
  )(f: A => Future[E \/ B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[E \/ Seq[B]] = {
    inputs.foldLeft(Future.successful(Vector.empty[B].right[E])) {
      case (facc, a) =>
        val result = for {
          acc <- eitherT(facc)
          b   <- eitherT(f(a))
        } yield acc :+ b

    * Evaluates the first successful result.
  def firstSuccess[A, E, B](
    inputs: Seq[A]
  )(f: A => Future[E \/ B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[E \/ B]] = {
    inputs.foldLeft(Future.successful(Option.empty[E \/ B])) { (acc, in) =>
      acc.flatMap {
        case Some(\/-(_)) => acc
        case _            => f(in).map(Some(_))

    * Finds the first input that maps to a future containing true.
    * This is similar to Future.find, but operates serially lazily evaluating the futures from a list of inputs.
    * @param inputs inputs
    * @param f      mapping function
    * @return the first input to evaluate to true if any do.
  def findSerially[A](
    inputs: Seq[A]
  )(f: A => Future[Boolean])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[A]] = {
    inputs.foldLeft(Future.successful(Option.empty[A])) {
      case (acc, input) =>
        acc.flatMap {
          case Some(_) => acc
          case None =>
            f(input).map { result =>

    * Determines whether any input maps to a future containing true.
    * @param inputs inputs
    * @param f      mapping function
  def existsSerially[A](
    inputs: Seq[A]
  )(f: A => Future[Boolean])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
