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# Madness configuration file
# These are the default configuration values
# You can delete any option you do not need

# path to the documentation root
path: .

# server port
port: 3000

# server listen address

# set a server root path, for example:
# base_uri: /docs
base_uri: ~

# set the underlying markdown renderer:
# renderer: redcarpet    # default renderer
# renderer: pandoc       # pandoc renderer, requires pandoc command
renderer: redcarpet

# choose navigation sort order:
# sort_order: dirs_first     # alphabetic directories then alphabetic files
# sort_order: mixed          # alphabetic regardless of type
sort_order: dirs_first

# enable sidebar
sidebar: true

# add H1 title to files that do not have one
auto_h1: true

# append navigation to directory READMEs
auto_nav: true

# replace <!-- TOC --> in any file with its internal table of contents
# set to true to enable it with the default '## Table of Contents' caption,
# or set to any string that will be inserted before it as a caption.
auto_toc: true

# enable syntax highlighter for code snippets
highlighter: true

# enable the copy to clipboard icon for code snippets
copy_code: true

# convert [[Links]] to [Links](Links)
shortlinks: false

# generate a table of contents file with this name, for example:
# toc: Table of Contents
toc: ~

# path to theme folder, for example:
# theme: _theme
theme: ~

# enable a link to the page's source at the bottom of each page by setting
# a URL pattern here. Use '%{path}' anywhere in the string to get the
# URI-encoded path of the page.
# source_link: http://example.com/%{path}
source_link: ~

# if source_link is enabled, you can change the default link label
# source_link_label: Edit Page
source_link_label: Page Source

# if source_link is enabled, you can change its position (top / bottom)
# source_link_pos: top
source_link_pos: bottom

# open the server URL in the browser
open: false

# provide user:password for basic authentication, for example:
# auth: admin:s3cr3t
auth: false

# if auth is enabled, specify auth realm name
auth_zone: Restricted Documentation

# show files with these extensions in the navigation and search, for example:
# expose_extensions: pdf,docx,xlsx,txt
expose_extensions: ~

# exclude directories that match these regular expressions
# note that this is an array
exclude: ['^[a-z_\-0-9]+$']