namespace Edofre\Sluggable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
trait HasSlug
/** @var \Edofre\Sluggable\SlugOptions */
protected $slugOptions;
* Boot the trait.
protected static function bootHasSlug()
static::creating(function (Model $model) {
static::updating(function (Model $model) {
* Handle setting slug on explicit request.
public function generateSlug()
$this->slugOptions = $this->getSlugOptions();
* Add the slug to the model.
protected function addSlug()
$slug = $this->generateNonUniqueSlug();
if ($this->slugOptions->generateUniqueSlugs) {
$slug = $this->makeSlugUnique($slug);
$slugField = $this->slugOptions->slugField;
$this->$slugField = $slug;
* This function will throw an exception when any of the options is missing or invalid.
protected function guardAgainstInvalidSlugOptions()
if (!count($this->slugOptions->generateSlugFrom)) {
throw InvalidOption::missingFromField();
if (!strlen($this->slugOptions->slugField)) {
throw InvalidOption::missingSlugField();
if ($this->slugOptions->maximumLength <= 0) {
throw InvalidOption::invalidMaximumLength();
* Generate a non unique slug for this record.
protected function generateNonUniqueSlug()
if ($this->hasCustomSlugBeenUsed()) {
$slugField = $this->slugOptions->slugField;
return $this->$slugField;
return str_slug($this->getSlugSourceString());
* Determine if a custom slug has been saved.
protected function hasCustomSlugBeenUsed()
$slugField = $this->slugOptions->slugField;
return $this->getOriginal($slugField) != $this->$slugField;
* Get the string that should be used as base for the slug.
protected function getSlugSourceString()
if (is_callable($this->slugOptions->generateSlugFrom)) {
$slugSourceString = call_user_func($this->slugOptions->generateSlugFrom, $this);
return substr($slugSourceString, 0, $this->slugOptions->maximumLength);
$slugSourceString = collect($this->slugOptions->generateSlugFrom)
->map(function ($fieldName) {
return isset($this->$fieldName) ? $this->$fieldName : '';
return substr($slugSourceString, 0, $this->slugOptions->maximumLength);
* Make the given slug unique.
protected function makeSlugUnique($slug)
$originalSlug = $slug;
$i = 1;
while ($this->otherRecordExistsWithSlug($slug) || $slug === '') {
$slug = $originalSlug . '-' . $i++;
return $slug;
* Determine if a record exists with the given slug.
protected function otherRecordExistsWithSlug($slug)
// Check for SoftDeletes trait
if (trait_exists('\\App\\Traits\\SoftDeletes') && (in_array(\App\Traits\SoftDeletes::class, class_uses(static::class)))) {
return static::where($this->slugOptions->slugField, $slug)
->where($this->getKeyName(), '!=', (!is_null($this->getKey()) ? $this->getKey() : '0'))
} else {
return (bool)static::where($this->slugOptions->slugField, $slug)
->where($this->getKeyName(), '!=', (!is_null($this->getKey()) ? $this->getKey() : '0'))
* Get the options for generating the slug.
abstract public function getSlugOptions();
* Handle adding slug on model creation.
protected function generateSlugOnCreate()
$this->slugOptions = $this->getSlugOptions();
if (!$this->slugOptions->generateSlugsOnCreate) {
* Handle adding slug on model update.
protected function generateSlugOnUpdate()
$this->slugOptions = $this->getSlugOptions();
if (!$this->slugOptions->generateSlugsOnUpdate) {