import IG_abp1PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP1_AlternativeBenefitPlanPopulations.pdf";
import IG_abp2aPDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP2a_VoluntaryBenefitPackageAssurances.pdf";
import IG_abp2bPDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP2b_VoluntaryEnrollmentAssurances.pdf";
import IG_abp3PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP3_SelectionOfBenchmark20190819-Final.pdf";
import IG_abp31PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP3.1_SelectionOfBenchmarkAfter2020.pdf";
import IG_abp4PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP4_AbpCostSharing.pdf";
import IG_abp5PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP5_BenefitsDescription-Final.pdf";
import IG_abp6PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP6_BenchmarkEquivalentBenefit.pdf";
import IG_abp7PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP7_BenefitAssurances.pdf";
import IG_abp8PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP8_ServiceDeliverySystems.pdf";
import IG_abp9PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP9_EmployerSponsoredInsurance.pdf";
import IG_abp10PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP10_GeneralAssurances.pdf";
import IG_abp11PDF from "@/assets/abp/IG_ABP11_PaymentMethodology.pdf";
import { Template } from "./chpRenderSection";
export const ABP_GUIDES: Template[] = [
title: "ABP 1",
text: "Alternative Benefit Plan Populations Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp1PDF,
title: "ABP 2a",
text: "Voluntary Benefit Package Selection Assurances - Eligibility Group under Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Act Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp2aPDF,
title: "ABP 2b",
text: "Voluntary Enrollment Assurances for Eligibility Groups other than the Adult Group under Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Act Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp2bPDF,
title: "ABP 3",
text: "Selection of Benchmark Benefit Package or Benchmark-Equivalent Benefit Package Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp3PDF,
title: "ABP 3.1",
text: "Selection of Benchmark Benefit or Benchmark-Equivalent Benefit Package Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp31PDF,
title: "ABP 4",
text: "Alternative Benefit Plan Cost Sharing Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp4PDF,
title: "ABP 5",
text: "Benefits Description Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp5PDF,
title: "ABP 6",
text: "Benchmark-Equivalent Benefit Package Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp6PDF,
title: "ABP 7",
text: "Benefits Assurances Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp7PDF,
title: "ABP 8",
text: "Service Delivery Systems Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp8PDF,
title: "ABP 9",
text: "Employer-Sponsored Insurance and Payment of Premiums Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp9PDF,
title: "ABP 10",
text: "General Assurances Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp10PDF,
title: "ABP 11",
text: "Payment Methodology Implementation Guide",
href: IG_abp11PDF,