namespace Bookeo\Models;
use Bookeo\Model;
* Class LinkedPerson
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @package Bookeo\Models
class LinkedPerson extends Model
* List of allowed fields
* @return array
public function allowed(): array
return [
'id' => 'string', // Globally unique ID that identifies this person [read-only],
'firstName' => 'string',
'middleName' => 'string',
'lastName' => 'string',
'emailAddress' => 'string',
'phoneNumbers' => 'Array[PhoneNumber]',
'streetAddress' => StreetAddress::class,
'creationTime' => 'string:datetime', // [read-only],
'startTimeOfNextBooking' => 'string:datetime', // The start time of the next booking. null if there are no bookings starting after 'now'. [read-only],
'startTimeOfPreviousBooking' => 'string:datetime', // The start time of the last booking that occurred before 'now'. It is updated only after that booking's stop time [read-only],
'dateOfBirth' => 'string:date',
'customFields' => 'Array[CustomField]',
'gender' => 'string', // The gender of this person. = ['male' or 'female' or 'unknown'],
'customerId' => 'string', // The id of the customer to whom this person is linked. [read-only]