namespace Bookeo\Models;
use Bookeo\Model;
class Payment extends Model
* List of allowed fields
* @return array
public function allowed(): array
return [
'id' => 'string',
'creationTime' => 'string:datetime', // When this record was created
'receivedTime' => 'string:datetime', // When this payment was received
'reason' => 'string', // Reason for the payment. Shown to customer where appropriate. Ex. "Deposit", "Balance payment", "Additional fee", etc,
'description' => 'string', // Indicates what the payment was for (ex. "Booking 1234", "Prepaid package ABC", "Gift voucher XYZ")
'comment' => 'string', // An optional comment tracked with the payment. Not shown to customers.
'amount' => Money::class, // The payment amount
'paymentMethod' => 'string', // ['creditCard' or 'paypal' or 'bankTransfer' or 'cash' or 'checque' or 'debitCard' or 'existingCredit' or 'accountCredit' or 'moneyVoucher' or 'other']
'paymentMethodOther' => 'string', // If paymentMethod is 'other', this field is required, and it specifies what other method was used,
'agent' => 'string', // Who registered this payment. If this field is not present, it means that the customer paid online on Bookeo's booking page
'customerId' => 'string', // The id of customer associated with this payment
'gatewayName' => 'string', // The name of the payment gateway that processed the payment (if it was processed by a payment gateway)
'transactionId' => 'string', // The transaction number/id as provided by the payment gateway that processed the payment - if any