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// libs
var Class = require('../ext/Class');

// project deps
var ObjectUtils = require('./ObjectUtils');
var SerializationContext = require('./SerializationContext');

var Serializer = Class.create({
    initialize: function() {
        /** A map from class label to the class object */
        this.classNameToClass = {};

        /** A map from class label to serialization function */
        this.classNameToFnSerialize = {};

        /** A map from class label to deserialization function */
        this.classNameToFnDeserialize = {};

         * A map from class name to a prototype instance
         * (i.e. an instance of the class without any ctor arguments passed in)
         * This is a 'cache' attribute; prototypes are created on demand
        this.classNameToPrototype = {};

    registerOverride: function(classLabel, fnSerialize, fnDeserialize) {
        this.classNameToFnSerialize[classLabel] = fnSerialize;
        this.classNameToFnDeserialize[classLabel] = fnDeserialize;

     * Find and index all classes that appear as members of the namespace (a JavaScript Object)
    indexClasses: function(ns) {
        var tmp = this.findClasses(ns);

        ObjectUtils.extend(this.classNameToClass, tmp);

        return tmp;

    findClasses: function(ns) {
        var result = {};

        ns.forEach(function(k) {
            // TODO Use custom function to obtain class names
            var classLabel = k.classLabel || (k.prototype ? k.prototype.classLabel : null);
            if (classLabel) {
                result[classLabel] = k;

        return result;

     * Returns the class label for an instance
    getLabelForClass: function(obj) {
        var objProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);

        var result;
        this.classNameToClass.find(function(ctor, classLabel) {
            if (objProto === ctor.prototype) {
                result = classLabel;
                return true;

        return result;

    getClassForLabel: function(classLabel) {
        // FIXME: not initialized
        var result;
        this.classNameToClass.find(function(ctor, cl) {
            if (cl === classLabel) {
                result = ctor;
                return true;

        return result;

    serialize: function(obj, context) {
        context = context || new SerializationContext();

        var data = this.serializeRec(obj, context);

        var result = {
            root: data,
            idToState: context.getIdToState()

        return result;

    serializeRec: function(obj, context) {
        var result;

        // var id = context.getOrCreateId(obj);

        // Get or create an ID for the object
        var objToId = context.getObjToId();
        var id = objToId.get(obj);

        if (!id) {
            id = context.nextId();
            objToId.put(obj, id);

        var idToState = context.getIdToState();
        var state = idToState[id];

        if (state) {
            result = {
                ref: id
        } else if (ObjectUtils.isFunction(obj)) {
            result = undefined;
        } else if (ObjectUtils.isObject(obj)) {

            // Try to figure out the class of the object
            // var objClassLabel = obj.classLabel;

            var classLabel = this.getLabelForClass(obj);

            // TODO Source of Confusion: We use proto to refer toa prototypal instance of some class for the sake of
            // getting the default values as well as an JavaScript's object prototype... Fix the naming.

            // TODO Not sure how stable this proto stuff is across browsers
            var isPrimitiveObject = function(obj) {
                var result = Boolean(obj) || === '[object Number]' ||
           === '[object Date]' ||
           === '[object String]' ||
           === '[object RegExp]';
                return result;

            var isSimpleMap = function(obj) {
                var objProto = obj.prototype;

                var isObject = ObjectUtils.isObject(obj) && !isPrimitiveObject(obj);

                var result = isObject && objProto == null;

                return result;

            var isSimpleObject = isPrimitiveObject(obj) || isSimpleMap(obj) || Array.isArray(obj);

            if (classLabel == null && !isSimpleObject) {
                //console.log('Failed to serialize instance without class label', obj);
                throw new Error('Failed to serialize instance without class label');

            var proto;
            if (classLabel) {

                proto = this.classNameToPrototype[classLabel];

                if (!proto) {
                    var Clazz = this.getClassForLabel(classLabel);

                    if (Clazz) {
                        try {
                            proto = new Clazz();
                            this.classNameToPrototype[classLabel] = proto;
                        } catch (e) {
                            console.log('[WARN] Failed to create a prototype instance of class ' + classLabel, e);

            if (!proto) {
                proto = {};

            var data = {};

            var self = this;
            _(obj).each(function(v, k) {

                var val = self.serializeRec(v, context);

                var compVal = proto[k];
                var isEqual = _(val).isEqual(compVal) || (val == null && compVal == null);
                //console.log('is equal: ', isEqual, 'val: ', val, 'compVal: ', compVal);
                if(isEqual) {

                if(!_(val).isUndefined()) {
                    data[k] = val;
                //serialize(clazz, k, v);
            var data = this.serializeAttrs(obj, context, proto);

            //              }

            var x = {};

            if (classLabel) {
                x.classLabel = classLabel;

            if (Object.keys(data).length > 0) {
                x.attrs = data.attrs;
                if (data.parent != null) {
                    x.parent = data.parent;

            // If the object is also an array, serialize its members
            // Array members are treated just like objects
            var self = this;
            if(_(obj).isArray()) {
                var items = _(obj).map(function(item) {
                    var r = self.serializeRec(item, context);
                    return r;

                x['items'] = items;
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
                x.length = obj.length;

            idToState[id] = x;

            result = {
                ref: id
        } else {
            // result = {type: 'literal', 'value': obj};//null; //obj;
            result = {
                value: obj
            // throw "unhandled case for " + obj;

        // return result;
        return result;

     * Serialize an object's state, thereby taking the prototype chain into account
     * TODO: We assume that noone messed with the prototype chain after an instance of
     * an 'conceptual' class has been created.
    serializeAttrs: function(obj, context, proto) {
        var result = {};
        var parent = result;

        //            while(current != null) {
        var data = parent.attrs = {};

        var self = this;

        var keys = Object.keys(obj);
        keys.forEach(function(k) {
            var v = obj[k];

            // _(obj).each(function(v, k) {

            // Only traverse own properties
            //                    if(!_(obj).has(k)) {
            //                        return;
            //                    }

            var val = self.serializeRec(v, context);

            var compVal = proto[k];
            var isEqual = ObjectUtils.isEqual(val, compVal) || (val == null && compVal == null);
            // console.log('is equal: ', isEqual, 'val: ', val, 'compVal: ', compVal);
            if (isEqual) {

            if (val) {
                data[k] = val;
            // serialize(clazz, k, v);

        //                current = current.__proto__;
        //                if(current) {
        //                    parent = parent['parent'] = {};
        //                }
        //            };

        return result;

     * @param {Object} graph: Object created by serialize(foo)
    deserialize: function(graph) {
        // context = context || new ns.SerializationContext();

        var ref = graph.root;
        var idToState = graph.idToState;
        var idToObj = {};

        var result = this.deserializeRef(ref, idToState, idToObj);

        return result;

    deserializeRef: function(attr, idToState, idToObj) {
        var ref = attr.ref;
        var value = attr.value;

        var result;

        if (ref != null) {
            var objectExists = ref in idToObj;

            if (objectExists) {
                result = idToObj[ref];
            } else {
                result = this.deserializeState(ref, idToState, idToObj);

                //                    if(result == null) {
                //                        console.log('Could not deserialize: ' + JSON.stringify(state) + ' with context ' + idToState);
                //                        throw 'Deserialization error';
                //                    }
        } else {
            result = value;
        else if(!_(value).isUndefined()) {
            result = value;
        else if(_(value).isUndefined()) {
            // Leave the value
        else {
            console.log('Should not come here');
            throw 'Should not come here';
        return result;

    deserializeState: function(id, idToState, idToObj) {

        var result;

        var state = idToState[id];

        if (state == null || !ObjectUtils.isObject(state)) {
            console.log('State must be an object, was: ', state);
            throw new Error('Deserialization error');

        var attrs = state.attrs;
        // var items = state.items;
        var classLabel = state.classLabel;
        var length = state.length;

        if (classLabel) {
            var ClassFn = this.getClassForLabel(classLabel);

            if (!ClassFn) {
                throw new Error('Unknown class label encountered in deserialization: ' + classLabel);

            result = new ClassFn();
        } else if (length != null) { // items != null) {
            result = [];
        } else {
            result = {};

        // TODO get the id
        idToObj[id] = result;

        var self = this;
        if (attrs != null) {
            var keys = Object.keys(attrs);
            keys.forEach(function(k) {
                var ref = attrs[k];

                var val = self.deserializeRef(ref, idToState, idToObj);

                result[k] = val;

        if (length != null) {
            result.length = length;
        if(items != null) {
            _(items).each(function(item) {
                var r = self.deserializeRef(item, idToState, idToObj);


        return result;

module.exports = new Serializer();