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import { TMaybePromise } from '../../utils';
import { Column } from '../column';

 * Represents the sort direction of a column, eg ascending or descending
export const enum ESortDir {
    Asc = 'asc',
    Desc = 'desc',

export interface IDisplayHandlerResult<TRow extends {}> {
    /** The actual rows to display */
    rows: TRow[];
    /** The total number of rows in the table. It counts also items on other pages. The pages in the pagination component are calculated using this value. */
    totalRowCount: number;

export interface IDisplayHandlerParam<TRow extends {}, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged> {
    /** The original [[]] property of the datatable. */
    source: TRow[] | TSource;
    /** The return value of [[Handler.filterHandler]]. */
    filtered: TRow[] | TFiltered;
    /** The return value of [[Handler.sortHandler]]. */
    sorted: TRow[] | TSorted;
    /** The return value of [[Handler.paginateHandler]]. */
    paged: TRow[] | TPaged;

export type TFilterHandler<TRow extends {}, TIn = TRow[], TOut = TRow[]> =
    ( data: TIn, filters: string | string[], columns: Array<Column<TRow>> ) => TMaybePromise<TOut>;
export type TSortHandler<TRow, TIn = TRow[], TOut = TRow[]> =
    ( filteredData: TIn, sortColumn: Column<TRow> | null, sortDir: ESortDir | null ) => TMaybePromise<TOut>;
export type TPaginateHandler<TRow, TIn = TRow[], TOut = TRow[]> =
    ( sortedData: TIn, perPage: number | null, pageNumber: number ) => TMaybePromise<TOut>;
export type TDisplayHandler<TRow, TSource = TRow[], TFiltered = TRow[], TSorted = TRow[], TPaged = TRow[]> =
    ( operationResults: IDisplayHandlerParam<TRow, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged> ) => TMaybePromise<IDisplayHandlerResult<TRow>>;

 * This interface exposes methods used to manipulate table data, like filtering, sorting, or paginating.
 * You can implement this interface, or override [[DefaultHandler]]'s instance's members to customize the behavior of your [[VueDatatable]].
 * Handlers are called in this order: filter, sort, paginate, display.
 * @tutorial ajax-handler
export interface IHandler<TRow extends {}, TSource = TRow[], TFiltered = TRow[], TSorted = TRow[], TPaged = TRow[]> {
    /** Filter the provided rows, checking if at least a cell contains one of the specified filters. It supports promises. Defaults to [[Handler.defaultFilterHandler]]. */
    filterHandler: TFilterHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered>;
    /** Sort the given rows depending on a specific column & sort order. It suports promises. Defaults to [[Handler.defaultSortHandler]].  */
    sortHandler: TSortHandler<TRow, TFiltered, TSorted>;
    /** Split the rows list to display the requested page index. It supports promises. Defaults to [[Handler.defaultPaginateHandler]]. */
    paginateHandler: TPaginateHandler<TRow, TSorted, TPaged>;
    /** Handler to post-process the paginated data, and determine which data to actually display. It supports promises. Defaults to [[Handler.defaultDisplayHandler]]. */
    displayHandler: TDisplayHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged>;