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import { get, Path, set } from 'object-path';

 * @tutorial custom-theme
export interface ISettingsProperties {
    /** The classes to apply on the `table` tag itself. */
    table: {
        class: string;
        row: {
            /** The classes to apply on each row (`tr` tag). */
            class: string;
        sorting: {
            /** The HTML representing the sort icon when the column isn't sorted. */
            sortNone: string;
            /** The HTML representing the sort icon when sorting the column ascending. */
            sortAsc: string;
            /** The HTML representing the sort icon when sorting the column descending. */
            sortDesc: string;
    pager: {
        classes: {
            /** The class to apply on the pager's `ul` tag. */
            pager: string;
            /** The class to apply on the page's `li` tag. */
            li: string;
            /** The class to apply on the current page's `li` tag. */
            selected: string;
            /** The class to apply on a disabled page's `li` tag. */
            disabled: string;
        icons: {
            /** The HTML representing the *Previous page* icon. */
            previous: string;
            /** The HTML representing the *Next page* icon. */
            next: string;
export type DeepPartial<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer U>
      ? Array<DeepPartial<U>>
      : T[P] extends ReadonlyArray<infer V>
        ? ReadonlyArray<DeepPartial<V>>
        : DeepPartial<T[P]>

 * @summary Settings class used by Datatable's components to get various values, such as class names, labels, icons, etc etc.
 * @description Settings class used by Datatable's components to get various values, such as class names, labels, icons, etc etc.
 * Create a new instance of this class & customize it to use different CSS frameworks.
 * No default style is set. See [[tutorial:custom-theme]] for more infos on customizing styles.
 * To edit settings contained by an instance of this class, either edit the [[]] object, or use the [[Settings.merge]] method.
 * @tutorial custom-theme Cutomize your tables for another CSS framework or your own styling.
export class Settings {
    /** Tree of settings values. */
    private properties: ISettingsProperties = {
        table: {
            class: '',
            row:   {
                class: '',
            sorting: {
                sortAsc:  '↓',
                sortDesc: '↑',
                sortNone: '↕',

        pager: {
            classes: {
                disabled: 'disabled',
                li:       '',
                pager:    '',
                selected: 'active',
            icons: {
                next:     '&gt;',
                previous: '&lt;',

     * Get a value at a specific path.
     * @param path - Path to the value to get.
     * @returns the value at the specified path
    public get( path: Path ): any {
        return get(, path );

     * Defines a value at a specific path
     * @param path  - Path to the value to set.
     * @param value - New value to set.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public set( path: Path, value: any ): this {
        set(, path, value );

        return this;

     * Merges a new settings object within the Settings instance.
     * @param settings - New settings object to merge with the current object of the Settings instance.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public merge( settings: DeepPartial<ISettingsProperties> ): this { = Settings.mergeObjects(, settings );

        return this;

     * Merges two objects deeply, and return the 1st parameter once transformed.
     * @param obj1 - The base item to merge, which will be returned.
     * @param obj2 - The object to inject into `obj1`.
     * @returns The first object once merged.
    public static mergeObjects<T>( obj1: T, obj2: DeepPartial<T> ): T {
        for ( const key in obj2 ) {
            if ( typeof obj2[key] === 'object' ) {
                obj1[key] = Settings.mergeObjects( obj1[key] || {} as any, obj2[key] as any ) as any;
            } else {
                obj1[key] = obj2[key] as any;

        return obj1;