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import { Path } from 'object-path';
import { Mixins } from 'vue-property-decorator';

import { DefaultHandler, IHandler, TDisplayHandler, TFilterHandler, TPaginateHandler, TSortHandler } from './handlers';
import { DeepPartial, ISettingsProperties, Settings } from './settings';

import { tableTypeConsumerFactory } from '../components/mixins/table-type-consumer-factory';
import { VueDatatablePager } from '../components/vue-datatable-pager/vue-datatable-pager';
import { VueDatatable } from '../components/vue-datatable/vue-datatable';

 * Defines a type of Datatable, with its [[Settings]] object.
export class TableType<TRow extends {}, TSource = TRow[], TFiltered = TRow[], TSorted = TRow[], TPaged = TRow[]> {
    /** Settings object used to get various values for the datatable & other components */
    public readonly settings = new Settings();

    public get tableTypeConsumer() {
        return tableTypeConsumerFactory( this as any );

     * Creates a new datatable type, instanciating a new [[Settings]] object.
     * @param id      - The identifier of this datatable type
     * @param handler - Transformation functions to use for table operations
    public constructor(
        public readonly id: string,
        public readonly handler: IHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged>  = new DefaultHandler<TRow>() as any,
    ) {}

     * Override the table type's handler method with the provided one. It can be used to override a single handler step, or to change the behavior of a table type at runtime.
     * @param type    - The type of the handler (`'filter' | 'sort' | 'paginate' | 'display'`)
     * @param closure - The new handler to set.
    private setHandler( type: 'filter', closure: TFilterHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered> ): this;
    private setHandler( type: 'sort', closure: TSortHandler<TRow, TFiltered, TSorted> ): this;
    private setHandler( type: 'paginate', closure: TPaginateHandler<TRow, TSorted, TPaged> ): this;
    private setHandler( type: 'display', closure: TDisplayHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged> ): this;
    private setHandler(
        type: 'filter' | 'sort' | 'paginate' | 'display',
        // tslint:disable-next-line: ban-types
        closure: Function,
    ): this {
        ( this.handler as any )[type + 'Handler'] = closure;
        return this;

     * Defines the function used to filter data
     * @see Handler#filterHandler
     * @tutorial ajax-handler
     * @param closure - The function to use for sorting.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public setFilterHandler = ( this.setHandler as any ).bind( this, 'filter' ) as ( closure: TFilterHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered> ) => this;

     * Defines the function used to sort data
     * @see Handler#sortHandler
     * @tutorial ajax-handler
     * @param closure - The function to use for sorting.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public setSortHandler = ( this.setHandler as any ).bind( this, 'sort' ) as ( closure: TSortHandler<TRow, TFiltered, TSorted> ) => this;

     * Defines the function used to paginate data
     * @see Handler#paginateHandler
     * @tutorial ajax-handler
     * @param closure - The function to use for pagination.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public setPaginateHandler = ( this.setHandler as any ).bind( this, 'paginate' ) as ( closure: TPaginateHandler<TRow, TSorted, TPaged> ) => this;

     * Defines the function used to paginate data
     * @see Handler#displayHandler
     * @tutorial ajax-handler
     * @param closure - The function to use to post-process processed steps & extract rows & total count.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public setDisplayHandler = ( this.setHandler as any ).bind( this, 'display' ) as ( closure: TDisplayHandler<TRow, TSource, TFiltered, TSorted, TPaged> ) => this;

     * Set a [[Settings]] value at a specific path.
     * @param path  - Path to the setting value to set.
     * @param value - Value to set at the specified path.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public setting( path: Path, value: any ): this;
     * Get a [[Settings]] value at a specific path.
     * @param path - Path to the setting value to get.
     * @returns the value at the given path.
    public setting( path: Path ): any;
    public setting( path: Path, value?: any ): this | any {
        if ( value === undefined ) {
            return this.settings.get( path );

        this.settings.set( path, value );

        return this;

     * Merge a settings object with the [[TableType.setting]] object of the instance.
     * @param settings - Values to merge.
     * @returns `this` for chaining.
    public mergeSettings( settings: DeepPartial<ISettingsProperties> ): this {
        this.settings.merge( settings );

        return this;

     * Factory function that copy the [[VueDatatable]] prototype, and configure as this type.
     * @returns a new factored [[VueDatatable]] constructor.
    public getTableDefinition(): typeof VueDatatable {
        // tslint:disable-next-line: max-classes-per-file
        return Mixins( VueDatatable, this.tableTypeConsumer );

     * Factory function that copy the [[VueDatatablePager]] prototype, and configure as this type.
     * @returns a new factored [[VueDatatablePager]] constructor.
    public getPagerDefinition(): typeof VueDatatablePager {
        // tslint:disable-next-line: max-classes-per-file
        return Mixins( VueDatatablePager, this.tableTypeConsumer );