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namespace Drupal\metastore\Reference;

use Contracts\FactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;
use Drupal\metastore\Factory\MetastoreItemFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\metastore\ReferenceLookupInterface;
use RootedData\RootedJsonData;

 * Service to find metastore items referencing an identifier.
class ReferenceLookup implements ReferenceLookupInterface {
  use HelperTrait;

   * Metastore Storage service.
   * @var \Contracts\FactoryInterface
  protected $metastoreStorage;

   * Metastore Item Factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\metastore\Factory\MetastoreItemFactoryInterface
  protected $metastoreItemFactory;

   * Cache tags invalidator service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface
  private CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $invalidator;

   * Module handler service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  private ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler;

   * Module Handler service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  public function __construct(
    FactoryInterface $metastoreStorage,
    MetastoreItemFactoryInterface $metastoreItemFactory,
    CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $invalidator,
    ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler
  ) {
    $this->metastoreStorage = $metastoreStorage;
    $this->metastoreItemFactory = $metastoreItemFactory;
    $this->invalidator = $invalidator;
    $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @todo Refactor when this storage vs item factory mess is resolved.
  public function getReferencers(string $schemaId, string $referenceId, string $propertyId) {
    // This will give us a smaller subset of metastore items to parse through.
    $metastoreItems = $this->metastoreStorage->getInstance($schemaId)->retrieveContains($referenceId);

    $referencers = [];
    foreach ($metastoreItems as $item) {
      [$identifier, $metadata] = $this->decodeJsonMetadata($item);
      $propertyValue = $metadata->{$propertyId};
      // Check if uuid is found either directly or in an array.
      $idIsValue = is_string($propertyValue) && str_starts_with($propertyValue, $referenceId);
      $idInArray = is_array($propertyValue) && self::hasElementStartsWith($referenceId, $propertyValue);
      $referencers[] = ($idIsValue || $idInArray) ? $identifier : NULL;

    return array_filter($referencers);

   * Check each element in array for starts with ID fragment.
   * @param string $needle
   *   The ID or ID fragment.
   * @param array $haystack
   *   Array of ID references.
   * @return bool
   *   True if array contains reference.
  private static function hasElementStartsWith(string $needle, array $haystack): bool {
    $idInArray = FALSE;
    array_walk($haystack, function ($value) use (&$idInArray, $needle) {
      $idInArray = str_starts_with($value, $needle) ? TRUE : $idInArray;
    return $idInArray;

   * Invalidate cache tags in any items pointing to a reference.
   * @param string $schemaId
   *   The type of metadata to look for references within.
   * @param string $referenceId
   *   The UUID of the reference we're looking for.
   * @param string $propertyId
   *   The metadata property we hope to find it in.
  public function invalidateReferencerCacheTags(string $schemaId, string $referenceId, string $propertyId) {
    $referencers = $this->getReferencers($schemaId, $referenceId, $propertyId);
    $tags = [];
    foreach ($referencers as $identifier) {
      $item = $this->metastoreItemFactory->getInstance($identifier);
      $tags = Cache::mergeTags($tags, $item->getCacheTags());

   * Decode the supplied JSON metadata.
   * @param string $json
   *   JSON metadata string.
   * @return array
   *   JSON metadata identifier and object.
  protected function decodeJsonMetadata(string $json): array {
    // Decode the supplied JSON metadata string.
    $metadata = json_decode($json);
    // Determine the path to the legacy metadata schema file.
    $module_path = $this->moduleHandler->getModule(get_module_name())->getPath();
    $legacy_schema_path = $module_path . '/docs/legacy_metadata.json';
    // Fetch the legacy metadata schema.
    $legacy_schema = file_get_contents($legacy_schema_path);
    // Record metadata identifier.
    $identifier = $metadata->identifier;
    // Get raw metadata using identifier.
    $metadata = $this->metastoreItemFactory->getInstance($identifier)->getRawMetadata();
    // Validate JSON against legacy schema.
    $validation_result = RootedJsonData::validate(json_encode($metadata), $legacy_schema);
    // If the JSON metadata matches the legacy schema, extract the content of
    // the "data" property.
    if ($validation_result->isValid()) {
      $metadata = $metadata->data;

    return [$identifier, $metadata];
