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namespace AnyCloud;

use AnyCloud\Form\ConfigForm;
use Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController;
use Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer;
use Omeka\Module\AbstractModule;
use Omeka\Module\Exception\ModuleCannotInstallException;

class Module extends AbstractModule
    public $adapter;

     * Get config file.
     * @return array Config file
    public function getConfig(): array
        return include __DIR__.'/config/module.config.php';

     * Code to run when first using the module.
     * @param MvcEvent $event
    public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event): void

        require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; // Add autoloader for module-specific requirements

     * Generate user messages in case of install problems.
     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function install(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator): void
        if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php')) {
            throw new ModuleCannotInstallException('The Any Cloud components via composer should be installed. See module’s installation documentation.');
        $settings = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\Settings');
        $this->manageSettings($settings, 'install');

     * Uninstall module and settings.
     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function uninstall(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator): void
        $settings = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\Settings');
        $this->manageSettings($settings, 'uninstall');

     * Script to run when upgrading module.
     * @param string                  $oldVersion
     * @param string                  $newVersion
     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function upgrade($oldVersion, $newVersion, ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator): void
        require_once 'data/scripts/upgrade.php';

     * Get the configuration form.
     * @param PhpRenderer $renderer Render the form
     * @return string HTML string of configuration form for module
    public function getConfigForm(PhpRenderer $renderer): string
        $services = $this->getServiceLocator();
        $config = $services->get('Config');
        $settings = $services->get('Omeka\Settings');
        $form = $services->get('FormElementManager')->get(ConfigForm::class);
        $data = [];
        $defaultSettings = $config[strtolower(__NAMESPACE__)]['config'];
        foreach ($defaultSettings as $name => $value) {
            $data[$name] = $settings->get($name, $value);

        // Disable fieldset if corresponding section exists in local.config.php
        foreach (['aws', 'azure', 'digital_ocean', 'dropbox', 'google', 'scaleway', 'wasabi'] as $key) {
            if (isset($config['file_store'][$key])) {
                $fieldset = $form->get("anycloud_$key");
                $fieldset->setLabel($fieldset->getLabel().' (disabled because configuration exists in local.config.php)');
                foreach ($fieldset->getElements() as $element) {
                    $element->setAttribute('disabled', true);

        $html = $renderer->render('anycloud/module/config', [
            'form' => $form,

        return $html;

     * Handle the config form.
     * @param AbstractController $controller
     * @return bool|null
    public function handleConfigForm(AbstractController $controller): ?bool
        $serviceLocator = $this->getServiceLocator();
        $settings = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\Settings');
        $form = $serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager')->get(ConfigForm::class);
        $params = $controller->getRequest()->getPost();
        if (!$form->isValid()) {

            return false;
        $params = $form->getData();
        $defaultSettings = $this->getDefaultSettings();
        $params = array_intersect_key($params, $defaultSettings);
        foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
            $settings->set($name, $value);

        return null;

     * Manage module settings.
     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $settings Object containing Omeka settings
     * @param string                  $process  Process used to manage setting (`install` or `uninstall`)
     * @param string                  $key      Name of $settings key to manage
    protected function manageSettings($settings, $process, $key = 'config'): void
        $config = require __DIR__.'/config/module.config.php';
        $defaultSettings = $config[strtolower(__NAMESPACE__)][$key];
        foreach ($defaultSettings as $name => $value) {
            switch ($process) {
                case 'install':
                    $settings->set($name, $value);
                case 'uninstall':

     * Override default file store alias to use Any Cloud module for uploads instead.
    private function setFileStoreAlias(): void
        $serviceLocator = $this->getServiceLocator();
        $settings = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\Settings');
        $this->adapter = $settings->get('anycloud_adapter');
        if (isset($this->adapter['adapter']) && $this->adapter['adapter'] !== 'default') {
            $serviceLocator->setAlias('Omeka\File\Store', File\Store\AnyCloud::class);

     * Get the default settings.
     * @param string $key The desired config to grab
     * @return mixed
    private function getDefaultSettings($key = 'config')
        $serviceLocator = $this->getServiceLocator();
        // TODO Fix so that configs are actually grabbed and the module can be deleted if desired
        $config = $serviceLocator->get('Config');

        return $config[strtolower(__NAMESPACE__)][$key];