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package checkstyle.config;

    defines filters to exclude folders, types or files from all or specific checks
typedef ExcludeConfig = {
    @:optional var path:ExcludePath;

        exclude matching files from all checks
    @:optional var all:ExcludeFilterList;

        version number
    @:optional var version:Int;

    list of path filters, e.g.
    - full type names
    - names of individual folder or subfolders
    - partial folder or type names

    each line can have an additional range specification:
    - ":<linenumber>" = only matches a specific line number - valid line number start at 1
    - ":<start>-<end>" = matches line numbers from <start> to <end> (including both)
    - ":<identifier>" = matches any line or block that has <identifier> name (Haxe keywords currently unsupported)
typedef ExcludeFilterList = Array<String>;