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package flixel;

import flixel.graphics.tile.FlxDrawTrianglesItem.DrawData;

 * A very basic rendering component which uses `drawTriangles()`.
 * You have access to `vertices`, `indices` and `uvtData` vectors which are used as data storages for rendering.
 * The whole `FlxGraphic` object is used as a texture for this sprite.
 * Use these links for more info about `drawTriangles()`:
 * @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/Graphics.html#drawTriangles%28%29
 * @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/dev/WS84753F1C-5ABE-40b1-A2E4-07D7349976C4.html
 * @see http://www.flashandmath.com/advanced/p10triangles/index.html
 * WARNING: This class is EXTREMELY slow on Flash!
class FlxStrip extends FlxSprite
     * A `Vector` of floats where each pair of numbers is treated as a coordinate location (an x, y pair).
    public var vertices:DrawData<Float> = new DrawData<Float>();

     * A `Vector` of integers or indexes, where every three indexes define a triangle.
    public var indices:DrawData<Int> = new DrawData<Int>();

     * A `Vector` of normalized coordinates used to apply texture mapping.
    public var uvtData:DrawData<Float> = new DrawData<Float>();

    public var colors:DrawData<Int> = new DrawData<Int>();

    public var repeat:Bool = false;

    override public function destroy():Void
        vertices = null;
        indices = null;
        uvtData = null;
        colors = null;


    // TODO: check this for cases when zoom is less than initial zoom...
    override public function draw():Void
        if (alpha == 0 || graphic == null || vertices == null)

        final cameras = getCamerasLegacy();
        for (camera in cameras)
            if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists)

            getScreenPosition(_point, camera).subtractPoint(offset);
            #if !flash
            camera.drawTriangles(graphic, vertices, indices, uvtData, colors, _point, blend, repeat, antialiasing, colorTransform, shader);
            camera.drawTriangles(graphic, vertices, indices, uvtData, colors, _point, blend, repeat, antialiasing);