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package flixel.animation;

import flixel.FlxG;

 * Just a helper structure for the `FlxSprite` animation system.
class FlxAnimation extends FlxBaseAnimation
     * Animation frameRate - the speed in frames per second that the animation should play at.
    public var frameRate(default, set):Float;

     * Keeps track of the current frame of animation.
     * This is NOT an index into the tile sheet, but the frame number in the animation object.
    public var curFrame(default, set):Int = 0;

     * Accessor for `frames.length`
    public var numFrames(get, never):Int;

     * Seconds between frames (inverse of the framerate)
     * Note: `FlxFrameCollections` and `FlxAtlasFrames` may have their own duration set per-frame,
     * those values will override this value.
    public var frameDuration:Float = 0;

     * Seconds between frames (inverse of the framerate)
    @:deprecated('FlxAnimation.delay is deprecated, use `frameDuration`')
    public var delay(get, set):Float;

     * Whether the current animation has finished.
    public var finished(default, null):Bool = true;

     * Whether the current animation gets updated or not.
    public var paused:Bool = true;

     * Whether or not the animation is looped.
    public var looped:Bool = true;

     * The custom loop point for this animation.
     * This allows you to skip the first few frames of an animation when looping.
    public var loopPoint:Int = 0;

     * Whether or not this animation is being played backwards.
    public var reversed(default, null):Bool = false;

     * Whether or not the frames of this animation are horizontally flipped
    public var flipX:Bool = false;

     * Whether or not the frames of this animation are vertically flipped
    public var flipY:Bool = false;

     * A list of frames stored as int indices
     * @since 4.2.0
    public var frames:Array<Int>;
     * How fast or slow time should pass for this animation.
     * Similar to `FlxAnimationController`'s `timeScale`, but won't effect other animations.
     * @since 5.4.1
    public var timeScale:Float = 1.0;

     * Internal, used to time each frame of animation.
    var _frameTimer:Float = 0;

     * @param   name        What this animation should be called (e.g. `"run"`).
     * @param   frames      An array of numbers indicating what frames to play in what order (e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`).
     * @param   frameRate   The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. `40`).
     * @param   looped      Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
     * @param   flipX       Whether or not the frames of this animation are horizontally flipped.
     * @param   flipY       Whether or not the frames of this animation are vertically flipped.
    public function new(parent:FlxAnimationController, name:String, frames:Array<Int>, frameRate = 0.0, looped = true, flipX = false, flipY = false)
        super(parent, name);

        this.frameRate = frameRate;
        this.frames = frames;
        this.looped = looped;
        this.flipX = flipX;
        this.flipY = flipY;

     * Clean up memory.
    override public function destroy():Void
        frames = null;
        name = null;

     * Starts this animation playback.
     * @param   Force      Whether to force this animation to restart.
     * @param   Reversed   Whether to play animation backwards or not.
     * @param   Frame      The frame number in this animation you want to start from (`0` by default).
     *                     If you pass a negative value then it will start from a random frame.
     *                     If you `Reversed` is `true`, the frame value will be "reversed"
     *                     (`Frame = numFrames - 1 - Frame`), so `Frame` value will mean frame index
     *                     from the animation's end in this case.
    public function play(Force:Bool = false, Reversed:Bool = false, Frame:Int = 0):Void
        if (!Force && !finished && reversed == Reversed)
            paused = false;

        reversed = Reversed;
        paused = false;
        _frameTimer = 0;
        finished = frameDuration == 0;

        var maxFrameIndex:Int = numFrames - 1;
        if (Frame < 0)
            curFrame = FlxG.random.int(0, maxFrameIndex);
            if (Frame > maxFrameIndex)
                Frame = maxFrameIndex;
            if (reversed)
                Frame = (maxFrameIndex - Frame);
            curFrame = Frame;

        if (finished)

    public function restart():Void
        play(true, reversed);

    public function stop():Void
        finished = true;
        paused = true;

    public function reset():Void
        curFrame = reversed ? (numFrames - 1) : 0;

    public function finish():Void
        curFrame = reversed ? 0 : (numFrames - 1);

    public function pause():Void
        paused = true;

    public inline function resume():Void
        paused = false;

    public function reverse():Void
        reversed = !reversed;
        if (finished)
            play(false, reversed);

    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        var curFrameDuration = getCurrentFrameDuration();
        if (curFrameDuration == 0 || finished || paused)

        _frameTimer += elapsed * timeScale;
        while (_frameTimer > curFrameDuration && !finished)
            _frameTimer -= curFrameDuration;
            if (reversed)
                if (looped && curFrame == loopPoint)
                    curFrame = numFrames - 1;
                if (looped && curFrame == numFrames - 1)
                    curFrame = loopPoint;
            // prevents null ref when the sprite is destroyed on finishCallback (#2782)
            if (finished)
            curFrameDuration = getCurrentFrameDuration();

    function getCurrentFrameDuration()
        final curframeDuration = parent.getFrameDuration(frames[curFrame]);
        return curframeDuration > 0 ? curframeDuration : frameDuration;

    override public function clone(newParent:FlxAnimationController):FlxAnimation
        return new FlxAnimation(newParent, name, frames, frameRate, looped, flipX, flipY);

    function set_frameRate(value:Float):Float
        frameRate = value;
        frameDuration = (value > 0 ? 1.0 / value : 0);
        return value;

    function set_curFrame(frame:Int):Int
        var maxFrameIndex:Int = numFrames - 1;
        var tempFrame:Int = (reversed) ? (maxFrameIndex - frame) : frame;

        if (tempFrame >= 0)
            if (!looped && tempFrame > maxFrameIndex)
                finished = true;
                curFrame = reversed ? 0 : maxFrameIndex;
                curFrame = frame;
            curFrame = FlxG.random.int(0, maxFrameIndex);

        curIndex = frames[curFrame];

        if (finished && parent != null)

        return frame;

    inline function get_numFrames():Int
        return frames.length;

    inline function get_delay()
        return frameDuration;

    inline function set_delay(value:Float)
        return frameDuration = value;