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package flixel.graphics;

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxImageFrame;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;

 * `BitmapData` wrapper which is used for rendering.
 * It stores info about all frames, generated for specific `BitmapData` object.
class FlxGraphic implements IFlxDestroyable
     * The default value for the `persist` variable at creation if none is specified in the constructor.
     * @see [FlxGraphic.persist](https://api.haxeflixel.com/flixel/graphics/FlxGraphic.html#persist)
    public static var defaultPersist:Bool = false;

     * Creates and caches FlxGraphic object from openfl.Assets key string.
     * @param   Source   `openfl.Assets` key string. For example: `"assets/image.png"`.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @param   Cache    Whether to use graphic caching or not. Default value is `true`, which means automatic caching.
     * @return  Cached `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromAssetKey(Source:String, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String, Cache:Bool = true):FlxGraphic
        var bitmap:BitmapData = null;

        if (!Cache)
            bitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapData(Source);
            if (bitmap == null)
                return null;
            return createGraphic(bitmap, Key, Unique, Cache);

        var key:String = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(Source, Key, Unique);
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
        if (graphic != null)
            return graphic;

        bitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapData(Source);
        if (bitmap == null)
            return null;

        graphic = createGraphic(bitmap, key, Unique);
        graphic.assetsKey = Source;
        return graphic;

     * Creates and caches `FlxGraphic` object from a specified `Class<BitmapData>`.
     * @param   Source   `Class<BitmapData>` to create `BitmapData` for `FlxGraphic` from.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @param   Cache    Whether to use graphic caching or not. Default value is `true`, which means automatic caching.
     * @return  `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromClass(Source:Class<BitmapData>, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String, Cache:Bool = true):FlxGraphic
        var bitmap:BitmapData = null;
        if (!Cache)
            bitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapFromClass(Source);
            return createGraphic(bitmap, Key, Unique, Cache);

        var key:String = FlxG.bitmap.getKeyForClass(Source);
        key = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key, Key, Unique);
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
        if (graphic != null)
            return graphic;

        bitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapFromClass(Source);
        graphic = createGraphic(bitmap, key, Unique);
        graphic.assetsClass = Source;
        return graphic;

     * Creates and caches `FlxGraphic` object from specified `BitmapData` object.
     * @param   Source   `BitmapData` for `FlxGraphic` to use.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @param   Cache    Whether to use graphic caching or not. Default value is `true`, which means automatic caching.
     * @return  `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromBitmapData(Source:BitmapData, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String, Cache:Bool = true):FlxGraphic
        if (!Cache)
            return createGraphic(Source, Key, Unique, Cache);

        var key:String = FlxG.bitmap.findKeyForBitmap(Source);

        var assetKey:String = null;
        var assetClass:Class<BitmapData> = null;
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = null;
        if (key != null)
            graphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
            assetKey = graphic.assetsKey;
            assetClass = graphic.assetsClass;

        key = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key, Key, Unique);
        graphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
        if (graphic != null)
            return graphic;

        graphic = createGraphic(Source, key, Unique);
        graphic.assetsKey = assetKey;
        graphic.assetsClass = assetClass;
        return graphic;

     * Creates and (optionally) caches a `FlxGraphic` object from the specified `FlxFrame`.
     * It uses frame's `BitmapData`, not the `frame.parent.bitmap`.
     * @param   Source   `FlxFrame` to get the `BitmapData` from.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the bitmap data uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @param   Cache    Whether to use graphic caching or not. Default value is `true`, which means automatic caching.
     * @return  `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromFrame(Source:FlxFrame, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String, Cache:Bool = true):FlxGraphic
        var key:String = Source.name;
        if (key == null)
            key = Source.frame.toString();
        key = Source.parent.key + ":" + key;
        key = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(key, Key, Unique);
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
        if (graphic != null)
            return graphic;

        var bitmap:BitmapData = Source.paint();
        graphic = createGraphic(bitmap, key, Unique, Cache);
        var image:FlxImageFrame = FlxImageFrame.fromGraphic(graphic);
        image.getByIndex(0).name = Source.name;
        return graphic;

     * Creates and caches a FlxGraphic object from the specified `FlxFramesCollection`.
     * It uses `frames.parent.bitmap` as a source for the `FlxGraphic`'s `BitmapData`.
     * It also copies all the frames collections onto the newly created `FlxGraphic`.
     * @param   Source   `FlxFramesCollection` to get the `BitmapData` from.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @return  Cached `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static inline function fromFrames(Source:FlxFramesCollection, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxGraphic
        return fromGraphic(Source.parent, Unique, Key);

     * Creates and caches a `FlxGraphic` object from the specified `FlxGraphic` object.
     * It copies all the frame collections onto the newly created `FlxGraphic`.
     * @param   Source   `FlxGraphic` to get the `BitmapData` from.
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     *                   If `true`, then `BitmapData` for this `FlxGraphic` will be cloned, which means extra memory.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @return  Cached `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromGraphic(Source:FlxGraphic, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxGraphic
        if (!Unique)
            return Source;

        var key:String = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(Source.key, Key, Unique);
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = createGraphic(Source.bitmap, key, Unique);
        graphic.unique = Unique;
        graphic.assetsClass = Source.assetsClass;
        graphic.assetsKey = Source.assetsKey;
        return FlxG.bitmap.addGraphic(graphic);

     * Generates and caches new `FlxGraphic` object with a colored rectangle.
     * @param   Width    How wide the rectangle should be.
     * @param   Height   How high the rectangle should be.
     * @param   Color    What color the rectangle should have (`0xAARRGGBB`).
     * @param   Unique   Ensures that the `BitmapData` uses a new slot in the cache.
     * @param   Key      Force the cache to use a specific key to index the bitmap.
     * @return  The `FlxGraphic` object we just created.
    public static function fromRectangle(Width:Int, Height:Int, Color:FlxColor, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxGraphic
        var systemKey:String = Width + "x" + Height + ":" + Color;
        var key:String = FlxG.bitmap.generateKey(systemKey, Key, Unique);

        var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.get(key);
        if (graphic != null)
            return graphic;

        var bitmap = new BitmapData(Width, Height, true, Color);
        return createGraphic(bitmap, key);

     * Helper method for cloning specified `BitmapData` if necessary.
     * @param   Bitmap   `BitmapData` to process
     * @param   Unique   Whether we need to clone specified `BitmapData` object or not
     * @return  Processed `BitmapData`
    static inline function getBitmap(Bitmap:BitmapData, Unique:Bool = false):BitmapData
        return Unique ? Bitmap.clone() : Bitmap;

     * Creates and caches the specified `BitmapData` object.
     * @param   Bitmap   `BitmapData` to use as a graphic source for the new `FlxGraphic`.
     * @param   Key      Key to use as a cache key for the created `FlxGraphic`.
     * @param   Unique   Whether the new `FlxGraphic` object uses a unique `BitmapData` or not.
     *                   If `true`, the specified `BitmapData` will be cloned.
     * @param   Cache    Whether to use graphic caching or not. Default value is `true`, which means automatic caching.
     * @return  Created `FlxGraphic` object.
    static function createGraphic(Bitmap:BitmapData, Key:String, Unique:Bool = false, Cache:Bool = true):FlxGraphic
        Bitmap = FlxGraphic.getBitmap(Bitmap, Unique);
        var graphic:FlxGraphic = null;

        if (Cache)
            graphic = new FlxGraphic(Key, Bitmap);
            graphic.unique = Unique;
            graphic = new FlxGraphic(null, Bitmap);

        return graphic;

     * Key used in the `BitmapFrontEnd` cache.
    public var key(default, null):String;

     * The cached `BitmapData` object.
    public var bitmap(default, set):BitmapData;

     * Width of the cached `BitmapData`.
    public var width(default, null):Int = 0;

     * Height of the cached `BitmapData`.
    public var height(default, null):Int = 0;

     * Asset name from `openfl.Assets`.
    public var assetsKey(default, null):String;

     * Class name for the `BitmapData`.
    public var assetsClass(default, null):Class<BitmapData>;

     * Whether this graphic object should stay in the cache after state changes or not.
     * `destroyOnNoUse` has no effect when this is set to `true`.
    public var persist:Bool = false;

     * Whether this `FlxGraphic` should be destroyed when `useCount` becomes zero (defaults to `true`).
     * Has no effect when `persist` is `true`.
    public var destroyOnNoUse(default, set):Bool = true;

     * Whether the `BitmapData` of this graphic object has been dumped or not.
    public var isDumped(default, null):Bool = false;

     * Whether the `BitmapData` of this graphic object has been loaded or not.
    public var isLoaded(get, never):Bool;

     * Whether `destroy` was called on this graphic
     * @since 5.6.0
    public var isDestroyed(get, never):Bool;

     * Whether the `BitmapData` of this graphic object can be dumped for decreased memory usage,
     * but may cause some issues (when you need direct access to pixels of this graphic.
     * If the graphic is dumped then you should call `undump()` and have total access to pixels.
    public var canBeDumped(get, never):Bool;

     * GLSL shader for this graphic. Only used if utilizing sprites do not define a shader
     * Avoid changing it frequently as this is a costly operation.
    public var shader(default, null):FlxShader;

     * Usage counter for this `FlxGraphic` object.
    public var useCount(default, null):Int = 0;

     * `FlxImageFrame` object for the whole bitmap.
    public var imageFrame(get, null):FlxImageFrame;

     * Atlas frames for this graphic.
     * You should fill it yourself with one of `FlxAtlasFrames`'s static methods
     * (like `fromTexturePackerJson()`, `fromTexturePackerXml()`, etc).
    public var atlasFrames(get, never):FlxAtlasFrames;

     * Storage for all available frame collection of all types for this graphic object.
    var frameCollections:Map<FlxFrameCollectionType, Array<Dynamic>>;

     * All types of frames collection which had been added to this graphic object.
     * It helps to avoid map iteration, which produces a lot of garbage.
    var frameCollectionTypes:Array<FlxFrameCollectionType>;

     * Shows whether this object unique in cache or not.
     * Whether undumped `BitmapData` should be cloned or not.
     * It is `false` by default, since it significantly increases memory consumption.
    public var unique:Bool = false;
     * **Debug only**
     * Any info about the creation or intended usage of this graphic, for debugging purposes
     * @since 5.9.0
    public var trackingInfo:String = "";
     * Internal var holding `FlxImageFrame` for the whole bitmap of this graphic.
     * Use public `imageFrame` var to access/generate it.
    @:deprecated("_imageFrame is deprecated, use imageFrame")
    var _imageFrame(get, set):FlxImageFrame;
    inline function get__imageFrame() return imageFrame;
    inline function set__imageFrame(value:FlxImageFrame) return imageFrame = value;

    @:deprecated('_useCount is deprecated, use incrementUseCount and decrementUseCount')
    var _useCount(get, set):Int;
    inline function get__useCount() return useCount;
    inline function set__useCount(value:Int) return useCount = value;

    @:deprecated('_destroyOnNoUse is deprecated, use destroyOnNoUse')
    var _destroyOnNoUse(get, set):Bool;
    inline function get__destroyOnNoUse() return destroyOnNoUse;
    inline function set__destroyOnNoUse(value:Bool) return destroyOnNoUse = value;
     * `FlxGraphic` constructor
     * @param   Key       Key string for this graphic object, with which you can get it from bitmap cache.
     * @param   Bitmap    `BitmapData` for this graphic object.
     * @param   Persist   Whether or not this graphic stay in the cache after resetting it.
     *                    Default value is `false`, which means that this graphic will be destroyed at the cache reset.
    function new(key:String, bitmap:BitmapData, ?persist:Bool)
        this.key = key;
        this.persist = (persist != null) ? persist : defaultPersist;

        frameCollections = new Map<FlxFrameCollectionType, Array<Dynamic>>();
        frameCollectionTypes = new Array<FlxFrameCollectionType>();
        this.bitmap = bitmap;

        shader = new FlxShader();

     * Dumps bits of `BitmapData` to decrease memory usage, but you can't read/write pixels on it anymore
     * (but you can call `onContext()` (or `undump()`) method which will restore it again).
    public function dump():Void
        #if (lime_legacy && !flash)
        if (FlxG.renderTile && canBeDumped)
            isDumped = true;

     * Undumps bits of the `BitmapData` - regenerates it and regenerate tilesheet data for this object
    public function undump():Void
        var newBitmap:BitmapData = getBitmapFromSystem();
        if (newBitmap != null)
            bitmap = newBitmap;
        isDumped = false;

     * Use this method to restore cached `BitmapData` (if it's possible).
     * It's called automatically when the RESIZE event occurs.
    public function onContext():Void
        // no need to restore tilesheet if it hasn't been dumped
        if (isDumped)
            undump(); // restore everything
            dump(); // and dump BitmapData again

     * Asset reload callback for this graphic object.
     * It regenerated its tilesheet and resets frame bitmaps.
    public function onAssetsReload():Void
        if (!canBeDumped)

        var dumped:Bool = isDumped;
        if (dumped)

     * Trying to free the memory as much as possible
    public function destroy():Void
        bitmap = FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(bitmap);

        shader = null;

        key = null;
        assetsKey = null;
        assetsClass = null;
        imageFrame = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(imageFrame);

        if (frameCollections == null) // no need to destroy frame collections if it's already null

        var collections:Array<FlxFramesCollection>;
        for (collectionType in frameCollectionTypes)
            collections = cast frameCollections.get(collectionType);

        frameCollections = null;
        frameCollectionTypes = null;

     * Stores specified `FlxFrame` collection in internal map (this helps reduce object creation).
     * @param   collection   frame collection to store.
    public function addFrameCollection(collection:FlxFramesCollection):Void
        if (collection.type != null)
            final collections = getFramesCollections(collection.type);
            if (collections.contains(collection))
                FlxG.log.warn('Attempting to add already added collection');

     * Searches frame collections of specified type for this `FlxGraphic` object.
     * @param   type   The type of frames collections to search for.
     * @return  Array of available frames collections of specified type for this object.
    public inline function getFramesCollections(type:FlxFrameCollectionType):Array<Dynamic>
        if (this.isDestroyed)
            FlxG.log.warn('Invalid call to getFramesCollections on a destroyed graphic');
            return [];
        var collections:Array<Dynamic> = frameCollections.get(type);
        if (collections == null)
            collections = new Array<FlxFramesCollection>();
            frameCollections.set(type, collections);
        return collections;

     * Creates empty frame for this graphic with specified size.
     * This method could be useful for tile frames, in case when you'll need empty tile.
     * @param   size   dimensions of the frame to add.
     * @return  Empty frame with specified size which belongs to this `FlxGraphic` object.
    public inline function getEmptyFrame(size:FlxPoint):FlxFrame
        var frame = new FlxFrame(this);
        frame.type = FlxFrameType.EMPTY;
        frame.frame = FlxRect.get();
        return frame;

     * Gets the `BitmapData` for this graphic object from OpenFL.
     * This method is used for undumping graphic.
    function getBitmapFromSystem():BitmapData
        var newBitmap:BitmapData = null;
        if (assetsClass != null)
            newBitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapFromClass(assetsClass);
        else if (assetsKey != null)
            newBitmap = FlxAssets.getBitmapData(assetsKey);

        if (newBitmap != null)
            return FlxGraphic.getBitmap(newBitmap, unique);

        return null;
    inline function get_isLoaded()
        return bitmap != null && !bitmap.rect.isEmpty();
    inline function get_isDestroyed()
        return shader == null;

    inline function get_canBeDumped():Bool
        return assetsClass != null || assetsKey != null;
    public function incrementUseCount()
    public function decrementUseCount()
    function checkUseCount()
        if (useCount <= 0 && destroyOnNoUse && !persist)

    function set_destroyOnNoUse(value:Bool):Bool
        this.destroyOnNoUse = value;
        return value;

    function get_imageFrame():FlxImageFrame
        if (imageFrame == null)
            imageFrame = FlxImageFrame.fromRectangle(this);

        return imageFrame;

    function get_atlasFrames():FlxAtlasFrames
        return FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(this, null);

    function set_bitmap(value:BitmapData):BitmapData
        if (value != null)
            bitmap = value;
            width = bitmap.width;
            height = bitmap.height;

        return value;