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package flixel.input.actions;

import flixel.input.actions.FlxAction.FlxActionAnalog;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxAction.FlxActionDigital;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInput.FlxInputDevice;
import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInput.FlxInputDeviceID;
import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepad;
import flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable;
import flixel.util.FlxSignal.FlxTypedSignal;
import haxe.Json;
import steamwrap.api.Steam;
import steamwrap.data.ControllerConfig;

using flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;

 * High level input manager for `FlxAction`s. This lets you manage multiple input
 * devices and action sets, and is the only supported method for natively using
 * the Steam Controller API.
 * Once you've set up `FlxActionManager`, you can let flixel handle it globally
 * with: `FlxG.inputs.add(myFlxActionManager)`;
 * If you don't add it globally, you will have to call `update()` on it yourself.
 * If you are using the steamwrap library, `FlxActionManager` can automatically
 * create action sets from a steamwrap object derived from the master vdf game
 * actions file that Steam makes you set up for native controller support.
 * You must then ACTIVATE one of those action sets for any connected steam
 * controllers, which will automatically attach the proper steam action inputs
 * to the actions in the set. You can also add as many regular `FlxActionInput`s
 * as you like to any actions in the sets.
 * @since 4.6.0
class FlxActionManager implements IFlxInputManager implements IFlxDestroyable
    var sets:Array<FlxActionSet>;
    var register:ActionSetRegister;
    var defaultSet:FlxActionSet = null;

     * The number of registered action sets
    public var numSets(get, never):Int;

     * A signal fired when a device currently in use is suddenly disconnected. Returns the device type, handle/id, and a string identifier for the device model (if applicable)
    public var deviceDisconnected(default, null):FlxTypedSignal<FlxInputDevice->Int->String->Void>;

     * A signal fired when a device is connected. Returns the device type, handle/id, and a string identifier for the device model (if applicable)
    public var deviceConnected(default, null):FlxTypedSignal<FlxInputDevice->Int->String->Void>;

     * A signal fired when an action's inputs have been externally changed. Returns a list of all actions whose inputs have changed. For now only used for Steam Controllers.
    public var inputsChanged(default, null):FlxTypedSignal<Array<FlxAction>->Void>;

     * Which action sets to remove on state switches.
    public var resetOnStateSwitch:ResetPolicy = ResetPolicy.DEFAULT_SET_ONLY;

    public function new()
        sets = [];
        register = new ActionSetRegister();
        deviceConnected = new FlxTypedSignal<FlxInputDevice->Int->String->Void>();
        deviceDisconnected = new FlxTypedSignal<FlxInputDevice->Int->String->Void>();
        inputsChanged = new FlxTypedSignal<Array<FlxAction>->Void>();
        #if FLX_GAMEPAD
        FlxSteamController.onControllerConnect = updateSteamControllers;
        FlxSteamController.onOriginUpdate = updateSteamOrigins;

     * Activate an action set for a particular device
     * @param    ActionSet    The integer ID for the Action Set you want to activate
     * @param    Device        The device type (Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad, SteamController, etc)
     * @param    DeviceID    FlxGamepad ID or a Steam Controller Handle (ignored for Mouse/Keyboard)
    public function activateSet(ActionSet:Int, Device:FlxInputDevice, DeviceID:Int)
        register.activate(ActionSet, Device, DeviceID);

     * Add actions to a particular action set
     * @param    Actions        The FlxActions you want to add
     * @param    ActionSet    The index of the FlxActionSet you want to add
     * @return    whether they were all successfully added
    public function addActions(Actions:Array<FlxAction>, ActionSet:Int = 0):Bool
        var success = true;
        for (Action in Actions)
            var result = addAction(Action);
            if (!result)
                success = false;
        return success;

     * Add an action to a particular action set
     * @param    Action        The FlxAction you want to add
     * @param    ActionSet    The index of the FlxActionSet you want to add
     * @return    whether it was successfully added
    public function addAction(Action:FlxAction, ActionSet:Int = 0):Bool
        var success = false;

        if (sets == null)
            sets = [];
        if (sets.length == 0)
            defaultSet = new FlxActionSet("default");
            var defaultSetIndex = addSet(defaultSet);
            activateSet(defaultSetIndex, FlxInputDevice.ALL, FlxInputDeviceID.ALL);

        if (ActionSet >= 0 && ActionSet < sets.length)
            success = sets[ActionSet].add(Action);


        return success;

     * Add a FlxActionSet to the manager
     * @param    set    The FlxActionSet you want to add
     * @return    the index of the FlxActionSet
    public function addSet(set:FlxActionSet):Int
        if (sets.contains(set))
            return -1;



        return sets.length - 1;

     * Deactivate an action set for any devices it is currently active for
     * @param    ActionSet    The integer ID for the Action Set you want to deactivate
     * @param    DeviceID    FlxGamepad ID or a Steam Controller Handle (ignored for Mouse/Keyboard)
    public function deactivateSet(ActionSet:Int, DeviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.ALL)
        register.activate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.NONE, DeviceID);

    public function destroy():Void
        sets = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(sets);
        register = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(register);

     * Get the index of a particular action set
     * @param    name    Action set name
     * @return    Index number of that set, -1 if not found
    public function getSetIndex(Name:String):Int
        for (i in 0...sets.length)
            if (sets[i].name == Name)
                return i;
        return -1;

     * Get the name of an action set
     * @param    Index    Action set index
     * @return    Name of that set, "" if not found
    public function getSetName(Index:Int):String
        if (Index >= 0 && Index < sets.length)
            return sets[Index].name;
        return "";

     * Get an action set
     * @param    Index    Action set index
     * @return    The FlxActionSet at that location, or null if not found
    public function getSet(Index:Int):FlxActionSet
        if (Index >= 0 && Index < sets.length)
            return sets[Index];
        return null;

     * Returns the action set that has been activated for this specific device
    public function getSetActivatedForDevice(device:FlxInputDevice, deviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.ALL):FlxActionSet
        var id = -1;
        var index = -1;

        switch (device)
            case FlxInputDevice.KEYBOARD:
                index = register.keyboardSet;
            case FlxInputDevice.MOUSE:
                index = register.mouseSet;
            case FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD:
                switch (deviceID)
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.ALL: index = register.gamepadAllSet;
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE:
                        #if FLX_GAMEPAD
                        id = FlxG.gamepads.getFirstActiveGamepadID();
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.NONE: index = -1;
                        if (register.gamepadAllSet != -1)
                            index = register.gamepadAllSet;
                            id = deviceID;
                if (id >= 0 && id < register.gamepadSets.length)
                    index = register.gamepadSets[id];
            case FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER:
                switch (deviceID)
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.ALL: index = register.steamControllerAllSet;
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.NONE: index = -1;
                        if (register.steamControllerAllSet != -1)
                            index = register.steamControllerAllSet;
                            id = deviceID;
                if (id >= 0 && id < register.steamControllerSets.length)
                    index = register.steamControllerSets[id];
            case FlxInputDevice.ALL:
                switch (deviceID)
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.ALL: index = register.gamepadAllSet;
                index = -1;

        if (index >= 0 && index < sets.length)
            return sets[index];

        return null;

     * Load action sets from a steamwrap ControllerConfig object
     * @param    Config    ControllerConfig object derived from your game's "game_actions_XYZ.vdf" file
     * @param    CallbackDigital    Callback function for digital actions
     * @param    CallbackAnalog    Callback function for analog actions
     * @return    The number of new FlxActionSets created and added. 0 means nothing happened.
    public function initSteam(Config:ControllerConfig, CallbackDigital:FlxActionDigital->Void, CallbackAnalog:FlxActionAnalog->Void):Int
        var i:Int = 0;
        for (set in Config.actionSets)
            if (addSet(FlxActionSet.fromSteam(set, CallbackDigital, CallbackAnalog)) != -1)


        return i;

     * Load action sets from a parsed Json object
     * @param    data    Json object parsed from the same format that "exportToJson()" outputs
     * @param    CallbackDigital    Callback function for digital actions
     * @param    CallbackAnalog    Callback function for analog actions
     * @return    The number of new FlxActionSets created and added. 0 means nothing happened.
    public function initFromJson(data:ActionSetJsonArray, CallbackDigital:FlxActionDigital->Void, CallbackAnalog:FlxActionAnalog->Void):Int
        if (data == null)
            return 0;

        var i:Int = 0;
        var actionSets:Array<ActionSetJson> = data.actionSets;
        if (actionSets == null)
            return 0;

        for (set in actionSets)
            if (addSet(FlxActionSet.fromJson(set, CallbackDigital, CallbackAnalog)) != -1)


        return i;

    public function exportToJson():String
        var space:String = "\t";
        return Json.stringify({"actionSets": sets}, function(key:Dynamic, value:Dynamic):Dynamic
            if ((value is FlxAction))
                var fa:FlxAction = cast value;
                return fa.name;
            if ((value is FlxActionSet))
                var fas:FlxActionSet = cast value;
                return {
                    "name": fas.name,
                    "digitalActions": fas.digitalActions,
                    "analogActions": fas.analogActions

            return value;
        }, space);

     * Remove a set from the manager
     * @param    Set    The set you want to remove
     * @param    Destroy    Whether to also destroy the set or just remove it from the list
     * @return    whether the action was found & successfully removed
    public function removeSet(Set:FlxActionSet, Destroy:Bool = true):Bool
        var success = sets.remove(Set);
        if (success)
            if (Destroy)


        return success;

     * Remove an action to a particular action set
     * @param    Action        The FlxAction you want to remove
     * @param    ActionSet    The index of the FlxActionSet you want to remove
     * @return    whether it was successfully removed
    public function removeAction(Action:FlxAction, ActionSet:Int):Bool
        var success = false;

        if (ActionSet >= 0 && ActionSet < sets.length)
            success = sets[ActionSet].remove(Action);


        return success;

    public function reset():Void {}

    function get_numSets():Int
        return sets.length;

    function onChange():Void

    function onDeviceConnected(gamepad:FlxGamepad)
        deviceConnected.dispatch(FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD, gamepad.id, Std.string(gamepad.model).toLowerCase());

    function onDeviceDisconnected(gamepad:FlxGamepad)
        if (gamepad != null)
            var actionSet = getSetActivatedForDevice(FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD, gamepad.id);
            if (actionSet != null && actionSet.active)
                var id = gamepad.id;
                var model = gamepad.model != null ? Std.string(gamepad.model).toLowerCase() : "";
                deviceDisconnected.dispatch(FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD, id, model);

    function onFocus():Void {}

    function onFocusLost():Void {}

    function onStateSwitched()
        switch (resetOnStateSwitch)
            case DEFAULT_SET_ONLY:
                if (defaultSet != null)
                    removeSet(defaultSet, true);
                defaultSet = null;
            case ALL_SETS:
                while (sets.length > 0)
                    removeSet(getSet(0), true);
                defaultSet = null;
                // do nothing

    function onSteamConnected(handle:Int)
        var allSetIndex = register.steamControllerAllSet;

        if (allSetIndex != -1)
            activateSet(allSetIndex, FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, FlxInputDeviceID.ALL);
            var actionSet = getSetActivatedForDevice(FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, handle);
            if (actionSet != null && actionSet.active)
                activateSet(getSetIndex(actionSet.name), FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, handle);

        deviceConnected.dispatch(FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, handle, "");

    function onSteamDisconnected(handle:Int)
        if (handle >= 0)
            var actionSet = getSetActivatedForDevice(FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, handle);
            if (actionSet != null && actionSet.active)
                deviceDisconnected.dispatch(FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, handle, "");

    function updateSteamControllers():Void
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        for (i in 0...FlxSteamController.MAX_CONTROLLERS)
            if (FlxSteamController.controllers[i].connected.justReleased)
            else if (FlxSteamController.controllers[i].connected.justPressed)

    function updateSteamOrigins():Void
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        var changed = register.updateSteamOrigins(sets);
        if (changed != null)

    function update():Void

 * internal helper class
private class ActionSetRegister implements IFlxDestroyable
     * The current action set for the mouse
    var mouseSet:Int = -1;

     * The current action set for the keyboard
    var keyboardSet:Int = -1;

     * The current action set for ALL gamepads
    var gamepadAllSet:Int = -1;

     * The current action set for ALL steam controllers
    var steamControllerAllSet:Int = -1;

     * Maps individual gamepad ID's to different action sets
    var gamepadSets:Array<Int>;

     * Maps individual steam controller handles to different action sets
    var steamControllerSets:Array<Int>;

    function new()
        gamepadSets = [];
        steamControllerSets = [];

    public function destroy()
        gamepadSets = null;
        steamControllerSets = null;

    public function activate(ActionSet:Int, Device:FlxInputDevice, DeviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE)
        setActivate(ActionSet, Device, DeviceID);

    public function markActiveSets(sets:Array<FlxActionSet>)
        for (i in 0...sets.length)
            sets[i].active = false;

        syncDevice(FlxInputDevice.MOUSE, sets);
        syncDevice(FlxInputDevice.KEYBOARD, sets);
        syncDevice(FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD, sets);
        syncDevice(FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, sets);

    public function update(sets:Array<FlxActionSet>)
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP

        for (i in 0...sets.length)

    public function updateSteam(sets:Array<FlxActionSet>)
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        // Steam explicitly recommend in their documentation that you should re-activate the current action set every frame
        if (steamControllerAllSet != -1)
            var allSet = sets[steamControllerAllSet];
            var allSetHandle = allSet.steamHandle;
            FlxSteamController.activateActionSet(FlxInputDeviceID.ALL, allSetHandle);
            for (i in 0...steamControllerSets.length)
                if (steamControllerSets[i] != -1)
                    var theSet = sets[steamControllerSets[i]];
                    var theSetHandle = theSet.steamHandle;
                    FlxSteamController.activateActionSet(i, theSetHandle);

    function setActivate(ActionSet:Int, Device:FlxInputDevice, DeviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE, DoActivate:Bool = true)
        switch (Device)
            case FlxInputDevice.MOUSE:
                mouseSet = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;
            case FlxInputDevice.KEYBOARD:
                keyboardSet = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;
            case FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD:
                switch (DeviceID)
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.ALL:
                        clearSetFromArray(-1, gamepadSets);
                        gamepadAllSet = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

                    case FlxInputDeviceID.NONE:
                        clearSetFromArray(ActionSet, gamepadSets);

                    #if FLX_GAMEPAD
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE:
                        gamepadSets[FlxG.gamepads.getFirstActiveGamepadID()] = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

                        gamepadSets[DeviceID] = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

            case FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER:
                switch (DeviceID)
                    case FlxInputDeviceID.ALL:
                        steamControllerAllSet = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;
                        clearSetFromArray(-1, steamControllerSets);
                        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
                        for (i in 0...FlxSteamController.MAX_CONTROLLERS)
                            steamControllerSets[i] = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

                    case FlxInputDeviceID.NONE:
                        clearSetFromArray(ActionSet, steamControllerSets);

                    case FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE:
                        steamControllerSets[FlxSteamController.getFirstActiveHandle()] = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

                        steamControllerSets[DeviceID] = DoActivate ? ActionSet : -1;

            case FlxInputDevice.ALL:
                setActivate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.MOUSE, DeviceID, DoActivate);
                setActivate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.KEYBOARD, DeviceID, DoActivate);
                setActivate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD, DeviceID, DoActivate);
                #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
                setActivate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER, DeviceID, DoActivate);

            case FlxInputDevice.NONE:
                setActivate(ActionSet, FlxInputDevice.ALL, DeviceID, false);

                // do nothing

    function updateSteamOrigins(sets:Array<FlxActionSet>):Array<FlxAction>
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        var changed:Array<FlxAction> = null;

        if (steamControllerAllSet != -1)
            var allSet = sets[steamControllerAllSet];
            var allSetHandle = allSet.steamHandle;

            for (dAction in allSet.digitalActions)
                updateDigitalActionOrigins(dAction, FlxInputDeviceID.ALL, allSetHandle);
                if (dAction.steamOriginsChanged)
                    changed = FlxArrayUtil.safePush(changed, dAction);
            for (aAction in allSet.analogActions)
                updateAnalogActionOrigins(aAction, FlxInputDeviceID.ALL, allSetHandle);
                if (aAction.steamOriginsChanged)
                    changed = FlxArrayUtil.safePush(changed, aAction);
            for (i in 0...steamControllerSets.length)
                if (steamControllerSets[i] != -1)
                    var theSet = sets[steamControllerSets[i]];
                    var theSetHandle = theSet.steamHandle;

                    for (dAction in theSet.digitalActions)
                        updateDigitalActionOrigins(dAction, i, theSetHandle);
                        if (dAction.steamOriginsChanged)
                            changed = FlxArrayUtil.safePush(changed, dAction);
                    for (aAction in theSet.analogActions)
                        updateAnalogActionOrigins(aAction, i, theSetHandle);
                        if (aAction.steamOriginsChanged)
                            changed = FlxArrayUtil.safePush(changed, aAction);

        return changed;
        return [];

    function updateDigitalActionOrigins(action:FlxActionDigital, deviceID:Int, setHandle:Int)
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        if (Steam.controllers == null)
        var checksum = action._steamOriginsChecksum;
        if (deviceID == FlxInputDeviceID.ALL)
            deviceID = 0;
        Steam.controllers.getDigitalActionOrigins(deviceID, setHandle, action.steamHandle, action._steamOrigins);
        var newChecksum = cheapChecksum(cast action._steamOrigins);

        if (checksum != newChecksum)
            action.steamOriginsChanged = true;
            action.steamOriginsChanged = false;
        action._steamOriginsChecksum = newChecksum;

    function updateAnalogActionOrigins(action:FlxActionAnalog, deviceID:Int, setHandle:Int)
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        if (Steam.controllers == null)
        var checksum = action._steamOriginsChecksum;
        if (deviceID == FlxInputDeviceID.ALL)
            deviceID = 0;
        Steam.controllers.getAnalogActionOrigins(deviceID, setHandle, action.steamHandle, cast action._steamOrigins);
        var newChecksum = cheapChecksum(cast action._steamOrigins);
        if (checksum != newChecksum)
            action.steamOriginsChanged = true;
            action.steamOriginsChanged = false;
        action._steamOriginsChecksum = newChecksum;

    function cheapChecksum(arr:Array<Int>):Int
        // Fletcher's algorithm:

        var sum1 = 0;
        var sum2 = 0;

        if (arr != null)
            for (n in arr)
                sum1 = (sum1 + n) % 255;
                sum2 = (sum2 + sum1) % 255;

        return (sum2 << 8) | sum1;

     * Helper function to properly update the action sets with proper steam inputs
    function updateSteamInputs(sets:Array<FlxActionSet>):Void
        #if FLX_STEAMWRAP
        if (steamControllerAllSet != -1)
            for (i in 0...steamControllerSets.length)
                changeSteamControllerActionSet(i, steamControllerAllSet, sets);
            for (i in 0...steamControllerSets.length)
                if (steamControllerSets[i] != -1)
                    changeSteamControllerActionSet(i, steamControllerSets[i], sets);

     * Attach this controller to a new action set, remove it from the old action set, update internal steam inputs accordingly
     * @param    controllerHandle steam controller handle (guaranteed not to be FlxInputDeviceID.ALL or FlxInputDeviceID.FIRST_ACTIVE)
     * @param    newSet    the action set handle of the new set to attach to
    function changeSteamControllerActionSet(controllerHandle:Int, newSet:Int, sets:Array<FlxActionSet>)
        var lastSet = FlxSteamController.getCurrentActionSet(controllerHandle);
        if (lastSet == newSet)

        if (sets == null)

        if (lastSet != -1)
            if (lastSet < sets.length)
                // detach inputs for this controller from any steam-aware actions in the old set
                sets[lastSet].attachSteamController(controllerHandle, false);

        // attach inputs for this controller to any steam-aware actions in the new set

     * Go through all action sets and mark them as active if any device is
     * subscribed to one of their actions. (Assumes you've previously set
     * them all to active=false earlier in the udpate loop)
     * @param    device
     * @param    sets
    function syncDevice(device:FlxInputDevice, sets:Array<FlxActionSet>)
        switch (device)
            case FlxInputDevice.MOUSE:
                if (mouseSet >= 0 && mouseSet < sets.length)
                    sets[mouseSet].active = true;

            case FlxInputDevice.KEYBOARD:
                if (keyboardSet >= 0 && keyboardSet < sets.length)
                    sets[keyboardSet].active = true;

            case FlxInputDevice.GAMEPAD:
                if (gamepadAllSet >= 0 && gamepadAllSet < sets.length)
                    sets[gamepadAllSet].active = true;
                    for (i in 0...gamepadSets.length)
                        var gset = gamepadSets[i];
                        if (gset >= 0 && gset < sets.length)
                            sets[gset].active = true;

            case FlxInputDevice.STEAM_CONTROLLER:
                if (steamControllerAllSet >= 0 && steamControllerAllSet < sets.length)
                    sets[steamControllerAllSet].active = true;
                    for (i in 0...steamControllerSets.length)
                        var sset = steamControllerSets[i];
                        if (sset >= 0 && sset < sets.length)
                            sets[sset].active = true;
                // do nothing

    function clearSetFromArray(ActionSet:Int = -1, array:Array<Int>)
        for (i in 0...array.length)
            if (ActionSet == -1 || array[i] == ActionSet)
                array[i] = -1;

 * @since 4.6.0
typedef ActionSetJsonArray =
    @:optional var actionSets:Array<ActionSetJson>;

 * @since 4.6.0
typedef ActionSetJson =
    @:optional var name:String;
    @:optional var analogActions:Array<String>;
    @:optional var digitalActions:Array<String>;

 * @since 4.6.0
enum ResetPolicy
     * Do not reset any action sets.

     * Reset all action sets.

     * Only reset the default action set (created automatically by adding actions to the action manager without first defining an action set)