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package flixel.system.debug.console;

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.system.debug.log.LogStyle;

using flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;
using flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;
using StringTools;

#if hscript
import hscript.Expr;
import hscript.Parser;

 * A set of helper functions used by the console.
class ConsoleUtil
    #if hscript
     * The hscript parser to make strings into haxe code.
    static var parser:Parser;

     * The custom hscript interpreter to run the haxe code from the parser.
    public static var interp:Interp;

     * Sets up the hscript parser and interpreter.
    public static function init():Void
        parser = new Parser();
        parser.allowJSON = true;
        parser.allowTypes = true;

        interp = new Interp();

     * Converts the input string into its AST form to be executed.
     * @param   input  The user's input command.
     * @return  The parsed out AST.
    public static function parseCommand(input:String):Expr
        if (StringTools.endsWith(input, ";"))
            input = input.substr(0, -1);
        return parser.parseString(input);

     * Parses and runs the input command.
     * @param   input  The user's input command.
     * @return  Whatever the input code evaluates to.
    public static function runCommand(input:String):Dynamic
        return interp.expr(parseCommand(input));

     * Runs the input expression.
     * @param   expr  The expression to run
     * @return  Whatever the input code evaluates to.
    public static function runExpr(expr:Expr):Dynamic
        return interp.expr(expr);

     * Register a new object to use in any command.
     * @param   alias   The name with which you want to access the object.
     * @param   object  The object to register.
    public static function registerObject(alias:String, object:Dynamic):Void
        if (object == null || Reflect.isObject(object))
            interp.variables.set(alias, object);

     * Register a new function to use in any command.
     * @param   alias  The name with which you want to access the function.
     * @param   func   The function to register.
    public static function registerFunction(alias:String, func:Dynamic):Void
        if (Reflect.isFunction(func))
            interp.variables.set(alias, func);

     * Removes an alias from the command registry.
     * @param   alias  The alias to remove.
     * @since 5.4.0
    public static function removeByAlias(alias:String):Void

    public static function getFields(Object:Dynamic):Array<String>
        var fields = [];
        if ((Object is Class)) // passed a class -> get static fields
            fields = Type.getClassFields(Object);
        else if ((Object is Enum))
            fields = Type.getEnumConstructs(Object);
        else if (Reflect.isObject(Object)) // get instance fields
            fields = Type.getInstanceFields(Type.getClass(Object));

        // on Flash, enums are classes, so Std.is(_, Enum) fails

        var filteredFields = [];
        for (field in fields)
            // don't add property getters / setters
            if (field.startsWith("get_") || field.startsWith("set_"))
                var name = field.substr(4);
                // property without a backing field, needs to be added
                if (!fields.contains(name) && !filteredFields.contains(name))

        return sortFields(filteredFields);

    static function sortFields(fields:Array<String>):Array<String>
        var underscoreList = [];

        fields = fields.filter(function(field)
            if (field.startsWith("_"))
                return false;
            return true;


        return fields.concat(underscoreList);

     * Shortcut to log a text with the Console LogStyle.
     * @param   text  The text to log.
    public static inline function log(text:Dynamic):Void
        FlxG.log.advanced([text], LogStyle.CONSOLE);

 * hscript doesn't use property access by default... have to make our own.
#if hscript
private class Interp extends hscript.Interp
    public function getGlobals():Array<String>
        return toArray(locals.keys()).concat(toArray(variables.keys()));

    function toArray<T>(iterator:Iterator<T>):Array<T>
        var array = [];
        for (element in iterator)
        return array;

    override function get(o:Dynamic, f:String):Dynamic
        if (o == null)
        return Reflect.getProperty(o, f);

    override function set(o:Dynamic, f:String, v:Dynamic):Dynamic
        if (o == null)
        Reflect.setProperty(o, f, v);
        return v;