Showing 6,805 of 6,805 total issues
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 299 characters Open
25074 => ['Interner Fehler. Der Skalierungsbereich ist negativ (%f) [für %s Achse]. Dieses Problem könnte verursacht werden durch den Versuch, \'ungültige\' Werte in die Daten-Vektoren einzugeben (z.B. nur String- oder NULL-Werte), was beim automatischen Skalieren einen Fehler erzeugt.', 2],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 267 characters Open
25114 => ['PHP hat nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, um in die Cache-Datei %s zu schreiben. Bitte versichere Dich, dass der Benutzer, der PHP anwendet, die entsprechenden Schreibrechte für die Datei hat, wenn Du das Cache-System in JPGraph verwenden willst.', 1],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 127 characters Open
26015 => ['PDF417: Interner Fehler. Ein Eintrag 0 in die Statusübertragungstabellen ist nicht NULL. Eintrag 1 = (%s)', 1],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 140 characters Open
14006 => ['Pie3D Internal Error: Z-Sorting algorithm for 3D Pies is not working properly (2). Trying to wrap twice while stroking.', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 167 characters Open
25002 => ['Your PHP installation does not seem to have the required GD library. Please see the PHP documentation on how to install and enable the GD library.', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 181 characters Open
25035 => ['You have enabled clipping. Clipping is only supported for graphs at 0 or 90 degrees rotation. Please adjust you current angle (=%d degrees) or disable clipping.', 1],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 169 characters Open
//('One of the objects submitted to AccBar is not a BarPlot. Make sure that you create the AccBar plot from an array of BarPlot objects.(Class='.$c.')');
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 122 characters Open
// The first argument (grad_fromcolor) can be either an array or a single color. If it is an array
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 131 characters Open
// to investgate the first element. If this element is an integer [0,255] then we assume it is an Image\RGB
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 234 characters Open
25045 => ['Font families FF_HANDWRT and FF_BOOK are no longer available due to copyright problem with these fonts. Fonts can no longer be distributed with JpGraph. Please download fonts from', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 151 characters Open
25072 => ['You have specified a max value with SetAutoMax() which is smaller than the minimum value used for the scale. This is not possible.', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 135 characters Open
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(10003); //('Each plot in an accumulated lineplot must have the same number of data points',0)
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 128 characters Open
$this->csimarea .= "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"${coords}\" href=\"" . $this->title->csimtarget[$i] . '"';
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 153 characters Open
if (($a < 90 && ($a + $da > 270)) || ($a > 90 && $a <= 270 && ($a + $da > 360 + 90)) || ($a > 270 && $this->NormAngle($a + $da) > 270)) {
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 215 characters Open
25026 => ['Can\'t draw unspecified Y-scale. You have either: 1. Specified an Y axis for auto scaling but have not supplied any plots. 2. Specified a scale manually but have forgot to specify the tick steps', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 261 characters Open
25127 => ['The library has been configured for automatic encoding conversion of Japanese fonts. This requires that PHP has the mb_convert_encoding() function. Your PHP installation lacks this function (PHP needs the "--enable-mbstring" when compiled).', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 151 characters Open
22019 => ['Index for direction must be between 0 and 15. You can\'t specify angles for a Regular Windplot, only index and compass directions.', 0],
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 133 characters Open
// then we have two choices. It can either a) be a single color specified as an Image\RGB triple or it can be
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 123 characters Open
// an array to specify both (from, to style) for each individual bar. The way to know the difference is
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 127 characters Open
// to investgate the first element. If this element is an integer [0,255] then we assume it is an Image\RGB
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