* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* @class PolarAxis
class PolarAxis extends Axis
private $angle_step = 15;
private $angle_color = 'lightgray';
private $angle_label_color = 'black';
private $angle_fontfam = FF_FONT1;
private $angle_fontstyle = FS_NORMAL;
private $angle_fontsize = 10;
private $angle_fontcolor = 'navy';
private $gridminor_color = 'lightgray';
private $gridmajor_color = 'lightgray';
private $show_minor_grid = false;
private $show_major_grid = true;
private $show_angle_mark = true;
private $show_angle_grid = true;
private $show_angle_label = true;
private $angle_tick_len = 3;
private $angle_tick_len2 = 3;
private $angle_tick_color = 'black';
private $show_angle_tick = true;
private $radius_tick_color = 'black';
public function __construct($img, $aScale)
parent::__construct($img, $aScale);
public function ShowAngleDegreeMark($aFlg = true)
$this->show_angle_mark = $aFlg;
public function SetAngleStep($aStep)
$this->angle_step = $aStep;
public function HideTicks($aFlg = true, $aAngleFlg = true)
parent::HideTicks($aFlg, $aFlg);
$this->show_angle_tick = !$aAngleFlg;
public function ShowAngleLabel($aFlg = true)
$this->show_angle_label = $aFlg;
public function ShowGrid($aMajor = true, $aMinor = false, $aAngle = true)
$this->show_minor_grid = $aMinor;
$this->show_major_grid = $aMajor;
$this->show_angle_grid = $aAngle;
public function SetAngleFont($aFontFam, $aFontStyle = FS_NORMAL, $aFontSize = 10)
$this->angle_fontfam = $aFontFam;
$this->angle_fontstyle = $aFontStyle;
$this->angle_fontsize = $aFontSize;
public function SetColor($aColor, $aRadColor = '', $aAngleColor = '')
if ($aAngleColor == '') {
$aAngleColor = $aColor;
parent::SetColor($aColor, $aRadColor);
$this->angle_fontcolor = $aAngleColor;
public function SetGridColor($aMajorColor, $aMinorColor = '', $aAngleColor = '')
if ($aMinorColor == '') {
$aMinorColor = $aMajorColor;
if ($aAngleColor == '') {
$aAngleColor = $aMajorColor;
$this->gridminor_color = $aMinorColor;
$this->gridmajor_color = $aMajorColor;
$this->angle_color = $aAngleColor;
public function SetTickColors($aRadColor, $aAngleColor = '')
$this->radius_tick_color = $aRadColor;
$this->angle_tick_color = $aAngleColor;
// Private methods
public function StrokeGrid($pos)
$x = round($this->img->left_margin + $this->img->plotwidth / 2);
$this->scale->ticks->Stroke($this->img, $this->scale, $pos);
// Stroke the minor arcs
$pmin = [];
$p = $this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos;
$n = safe_count($p);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $n) {
$r = $p[$i] - $x + 1;
$pmin[] = $r;
if ($this->show_minor_grid) {
$this->img->Circle($x, $pos, $r);
$limit = max($this->img->plotwidth, $this->img->plotheight) * 1.4;
while ($r < $limit) {
$off = $r;
$i = 1;
$r = $off + round($p[$i] - $x + 1);
while ($r < $limit && $i < $n) {
$r = $off + $p[$i] - $x;
$pmin[] = $r;
if ($this->show_minor_grid) {
$this->img->Circle($x, $pos, $r);
// Stroke the major arcs
if ($this->show_major_grid) {
// First determine how many minor step on
// every major step. We have recorded the minor radius
// in pmin and use these values. This is done in order
// to avoid rounding errors if we were to recalculate the
// different major radius.
$pmaj = $this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos;
$p = $this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos;
if ($this->scale->name == 'lin') {
$step = round(($pmaj[1] - $pmaj[0]) / ($p[1] - $p[0]));
} else {
$step = 9;
$n = round(safe_count($pmin) / $step);
$i = 0;
$limit = max($this->img->plotwidth, $this->img->plotheight) * 1.4;
$off = $r;
$i = 0;
$r = $pmin[$i * $step];
while ($r < $limit && $i < $n) {
$r = $pmin[$i * $step];
$this->img->Circle($x, $pos, $r);
// Draw angles
if ($this->show_angle_grid) {
$d = max($this->img->plotheight, $this->img->plotwidth) * 1.4;
$a = 0;
$p = $this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos;
$start_radius = $p[1] - $x;
while ($a < 360) {
if ($a == 90 || $a == 270) {
// Make sure there are no rounding problem with
// exactly vertical lines
$x + $start_radius * cos($a / 180 * M_PI) + 1,
$pos - $start_radius * sin($a / 180 * M_PI),
$x + $start_radius * cos($a / 180 * M_PI) + 1,
$pos - $d * sin($a / 180 * M_PI)
} else {
$x + $start_radius * cos($a / 180 * M_PI) + 1,
$pos - $start_radius * sin($a / 180 * M_PI),
$x + $d * cos($a / 180 * M_PI),
$pos - $d * sin($a / 180 * M_PI)
$a += $this->angle_step;
public function StrokeAngleLabels($pos, $type)
if (!$this->show_angle_label) {
$x0 = round($this->img->left_margin + $this->img->plotwidth / 2) + 1;
$d = max($this->img->plotwidth, $this->img->plotheight) * 1.42;
$a = $this->angle_step;
$t = new Text\Text();
$t->SetFont($this->angle_fontfam, $this->angle_fontstyle, $this->angle_fontsize);
$xright = $this->img->width - $this->img->right_margin;
$ytop = $this->img->top_margin;
$xleft = $this->img->left_margin;
$ybottom = $this->img->height - $this->img->bottom_margin;
$ha = 'left';
$va = 'center';
$w = $this->img->plotwidth / 2;
$h = $this->img->plotheight / 2;
$xt = $x0;
$yt = $pos;
$margin = 5;
$tl = $this->angle_tick_len; // Outer len
$tl2 = $this->angle_tick_len2; // Interior len
$rot90 = $this->img->a == 90;
if ($type == POLAR_360) {
// Corner angles of the four corners
$ca1 = atan($h / $w) / M_PI * 180;
$ca2 = 180 - $ca1;
$ca3 = $ca1 + 180;
$ca4 = 360 - $ca1;
$end = 360;
while ($a < $end) {
$ca = cos($a / 180 * M_PI);
$sa = sin($a / 180 * M_PI);
$x = $d * $ca;
$y = $d * $sa;
$xt = 1000;
$yt = 1000;
if ($a <= $ca1 || $a >= $ca4) {
$yt = $pos - $w * $y / $x;
$xt = $xright + $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'top';
} else {
$ha = 'left';
$va = 'center';
$x1 = $xright - $tl2;
$x2 = $xright + $tl;
$y1 = $y2 = $yt;
} elseif ($a > $ca1 && $a < $ca2) {
$xt = $x0 + $h * $x / $y;
$yt = $ytop - $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'left';
$va = 'center';
} else {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'bottom';
$y1 = $ytop + $tl2;
$y2 = $ytop - $tl;
$x1 = $x2 = $xt;
} elseif ($a >= $ca2 && $a <= $ca3) {
$yt = $pos + $w * $y / $x;
$xt = $xleft - $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'bottom';
} else {
$ha = 'right';
$va = 'center';
$x1 = $xleft + $tl2;
$x2 = $xleft - $tl;
$y1 = $y2 = $yt;
} else {
$xt = $x0 - $h * $x / $y;
$yt = $ybottom + $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'right';
$va = 'center';
} else {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'top';
$y1 = $ybottom - $tl2;
$y2 = $ybottom + $tl;
$x1 = $x2 = $xt;
if ($a != 0 && $a != 180) {
$t->Align($ha, $va);
if ($this->scale->clockwise) {
$t->Set(360 - $a);
} else {
if ($this->show_angle_mark && $t->font_family > 4) {
$a .= SymChar::Get('degree');
$t->Stroke($this->img, $xt, $yt);
if ($this->show_angle_tick) {
$this->img->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$a += $this->angle_step;
} else {
$ca1 = atan($h / $w * 2) / M_PI * 180;
$ca2 = 180 - $ca1;
$end = 180;
while ($a < $end) {
$ca = cos($a / 180 * M_PI);
$sa = sin($a / 180 * M_PI);
$x = $d * $ca;
$y = $d * $sa;
if ($a <= $ca1) {
$yt = $pos - $w * $y / $x;
$xt = $xright + $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'top';
} else {
$ha = 'left';
$va = 'center';
$x1 = $xright - $tl2;
$x2 = $xright + $tl;
$y1 = $y2 = $yt;
} elseif ($a > $ca1 && $a < $ca2) {
$xt = $x0 + 2 * $h * $x / $y;
$yt = $ytop - $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'left';
$va = 'center';
} else {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'bottom';
$y1 = $ytop + $tl2;
$y2 = $ytop - $tl;
$x1 = $x2 = $xt;
} elseif ($a >= $ca2) {
$yt = $pos + $w * $y / $x;
$xt = $xleft - $margin;
if ($rot90) {
$ha = 'center';
$va = 'bottom';
} else {
$ha = 'right';
$va = 'center';
$x1 = $xleft + $tl2;
$x2 = $xleft - $tl;
$y1 = $y2 = $yt;
$t->Align($ha, $va);
if ($this->show_angle_mark && $t->font_family > 4) {
$a .= SymChar::Get('degree');
$t->Stroke($this->img, $xt, $yt);
if ($this->show_angle_tick) {
$this->img->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$a += $this->angle_step;
public function Stroke($pos, $dummy = true)
$this->img->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->font_size);
if (!$this->hide_line) {
$this->img->width - $this->img->right_margin,
$pos + $this->weight - 1
$y = $pos + $this->img->GetFontHeight() + $this->title_margin + $this->title->margin;
if ($this->title_adjust == 'high') {
$this->title->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->img->right_margin, $y, 'right', 'top');
} elseif ($this->title_adjust == 'middle' || $this->title_adjust == 'center') {
($this->img->width - $this->img->left_margin - $this->img->right_margin) / 2 + $this->img->left_margin,
} elseif ($this->title_adjust == 'low') {
$this->title->SetPos($this->img->left_margin, $y, 'left', 'top');
} else {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(17002, $this->title_adjust);
//('Unknown alignment specified for X-axis title. ('.$this->title_adjust.')');
if (!$this->hide_labels) {
$this->StrokeLabels($pos, false);
$this->scale->ticks->Stroke($this->img, $this->scale, $pos);
// Mirror the positions for the left side of the scale
$mid = 2 * ($this->img->left_margin + $this->img->plotwidth / 2);
$n = safe_count($this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $n) {
$this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos[$i] =
$mid - $this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos[$i];
$n = safe_count($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $n) {
$this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos[$i] =
$mid - $this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos[$i];
$n = safe_count($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticklabels_pos);
$i = 1;
while ($i < $n) {
$this->scale->ticks->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i] =
$mid - $this->scale->ticks->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i];
// Draw the left side of the scale
$n = safe_count($this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos);
$yu = $pos - $this->scale->ticks->direction * $this->scale->ticks->GetMinTickAbsSize();
// Minor ticks
if (!$this->scale->ticks->supress_minor_tickmarks) {
$i = 1;
while ($i < $n / 2) {
$x = round($this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos[$i]);
$this->img->Line($x, $pos, $x, $yu);
$n = safe_count($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos);
$yu = $pos - $this->scale->ticks->direction * $this->scale->ticks->GetMajTickAbsSize();
// Major ticks
if (!$this->scale->ticks->supress_tickmarks) {
$i = 1;
while ($i < $n / 2) {
$x = round($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos[$i]);
$this->img->Line($x, $pos, $x, $yu);
if (!$this->hide_labels) {
$this->StrokeLabels($pos, false);