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"""This module defines utilities for assisting in processing Keras Experiments"""
# Import Own Assets
from hyperparameter_hunter.settings import G
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.general_utils import to_snake_case, subdict

# Import Miscellaneous Assets
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from inspect import signature, _empty
from types import MethodType
from typing import List, Tuple

# Global Variables
HH_ARG_ATTRS = ["__hh_default_args", "__hh_default_kwargs", "__hh_used_args", "__hh_used_kwargs"]

# Keras Callback Helpers
def keras_callback_to_key(callback):
    """Convert a `Keras` callback instance to a string that identifies it, along with the parameters
     used to create it

    callback: Child instance of `keras.callbacks.Callback`
        A Keras callback for which a key string describing it will be created

    callback_key: String
        A string identifying and describing `callback`"""
    signature_args = parameters_by_signature(callback, lambda n, v: n not in ["verbose"])
    string_args = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in sorted(signature_args.items())]
    callback_key = f"{callback.__class__.__name__}(" + ", ".join(string_args) + ")"
    return callback_key

def keras_callback_to_dict(callback):
    """Convert a `Keras` callback instance to a dict that identifies it, along with the parameters
    used to create it

    callback: Child instance of `keras.callbacks.Callback`
        A Keras callback for which a dict describing it will be created

    callback_dict: Dict
        A dict identifying and describing `callback`"""
    callback_dict = dict(
        **parameters_by_signature(callback, lambda arg_name, arg_val: arg_name not in ["verbose"]),
    return callback_dict

def reinitialize_callbacks(callbacks):
    """Ensures the contents of `callbacks` are valid Keras callbacks

    callbacks: List
        Expected to contain Keras callbacks, or dicts describing callbacks

    callbacks: List
        A validated list of Keras callbacks"""

    if len(callbacks) > 0:
        for i in range(len(callbacks)):
            current_callback = callbacks[i]

            if not isinstance(current_callback, dict):

            # Find `callback_initializer` by checking attributes of callback (`current_callback.values()`)
            # At the first attribute that is a method, fetch the class to which it is bound
            # This will be the class used to initialize the callback. Kinda sneaky
            callback_initializer = next(
                _ for _ in current_callback.values() if isinstance(_, MethodType)
            callback_parameters = list(signature(callback_initializer).parameters)
            callbacks[i] = callback_initializer(
                **{_: current_callback.get(_, None) for _ in callback_parameters}
    return callbacks

# Keras Initializer Helpers
def keras_initializer_to_dict(initializer):
        #################### Descendants of `VarianceScaling` ####################
        previous_frame = getattr(initializer, "__hh_previous_frame")
    except AttributeError:
        #################### Non-Descendants of `VarianceScaling` ####################
        class_name = initializer.__class__.__name__

            initializer_params = dict(map(lambda _: (_, getattr(initializer, _)), HH_ARG_ATTRS))
            if all(not _ for _ in initializer_params.values()):
                initializer_params = dict()
        except AttributeError:
            initializer_params = parameters_by_signature(initializer)
        #################### Descendants of `VarianceScaling` (Continued) ####################
        class_name = previous_frame.function
        # TODO: This is very bad, but it'll do for now. FIX IT LATER
        initializer_params = dict(seed=getattr(initializer, "__hh_used_kwargs").get("seed", None))

    return dict(class_name=to_snake_case(class_name), **initializer_params)

# Helpers
def get_concise_params_dict(params, split_args=False):
    # TODO: Add docstring
    new_params = subdict(params, drop=HH_ARG_ATTRS)
    arg_vals = {}

    #################### Resolve Kwargs Used as Args ####################
    if len(params.get(U_ARGS, [])) > len(params.get(D_ARGS, [])):
        for i in range(len(params[D_ARGS]), len(params[U_ARGS])):
            # Find the kwarg key that probably should have been used
            target_kwarg = list(params[D_KWARGS])[i - len(params[D_ARGS])]
            if target_kwarg in params[U_KWARGS]:
                raise SyntaxError(f"Misplaced argument (i={i}/{target_kwarg}): {params[U_ARGS][i]}")
                params[U_KWARGS][target_kwarg] = params[U_ARGS][i]  # Move arg to kwargs
        params[U_ARGS] = params[U_ARGS][: len(params[D_ARGS])]  # Remove arg (now in kwargs)

    #################### Gather Args ####################
    for i, expected_arg in enumerate(params.get(D_ARGS, [])):
            arg_vals[expected_arg] = params[U_ARGS][i]
        except IndexError:
            if expected_arg in params[U_KWARGS]:
                arg_vals[expected_arg] = params[U_KWARGS][expected_arg]

    #################### Gather Kwargs ####################
    # Merge default and used kwargs with constraints: only include if k in default, and give priority to used values
    # This means that args used as kwargs won't make it through because they have no default values, and
    # nonsensical kwargs won't make it through because the defaults are the point of reference
    kwarg_vals = {k: params[U_KWARGS].get(k, v) for k, v in params.get(D_KWARGS, {}).items()}

    #################### Consolidate ####################
    if split_args:
        new_params = dict(**new_params, **dict(arg_vals=arg_vals, kwarg_vals=kwarg_vals))
        new_params = {**new_params, **arg_vals, **kwarg_vals}

    return new_params

def parameters_by_signature(instance, signature_filter=None):
    """Get a dict of the parameters used to create an instance of a class. This is only suited for
    classes whose attributes are named according to their input parameters

    instance: Class instance
        Instance of a class that has attributes named for the class's input parameters
    signature_filter: Callable, or None, default=None
        If not None, should be callable that expects as input (<arg_name>, <arg_val>), which are
        signature parameter names, and values, respectively. The callable should return a boolean:
        True if the pair should be added to `params`, or False if it should be ignored. If
        `signature_filter` is None, all signature parameters will be added to `params`

    params: Dict
        Mapping of input parameters in class's `__init__` signature to instance attribute values"""
    signature_filter = signature_filter or (lambda _name, _val: True)
    params = dict()
    signature_args = sorted(signature(instance.__class__).parameters.items())

    for arg_name, arg_val in signature_args:
        if signature_filter(arg_name, arg_val):
                temp_val = getattr(instance, arg_name)
                params[arg_name] = temp_val if temp_val is not _empty else None
            except AttributeError:
                params[arg_name] = arg_val.default if arg_val.default is not _empty else None

    return params

# Keras Model Parametrization
sentinel_default_value = object()

def get_keras_attr(model, attr, max_depth=3, default=sentinel_default_value):
    """Retrieve specific Keras model attributes safely across different versions of Keras

    model: Instance of :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.<KerasClassifier; KerasRegressor>`
        A compiled instance of a Keras model, made using the Keras `wrappers.scikit_learn` module
    attr: String
        Name of the attribute to retrieve from `model`
    max_depth: Integer, default=3
        Maximum number of times to check the "model" attribute of `model` for the target `attr` if
        `attr` itself is not in `model` before returning `default` or raising AttributeError
    default: Object, default=object()
        If given, `default` will be returned once `max_depth` attempts have been made to find `attr`
        in `model`. If not given and total attempts exceed `max_depth`, AttributeError is raised

        Value of `attr` for `model` (or a nested `model` if necessary), or None"""
        max_depth -= 1
        return getattr(model, attr)
    except AttributeError:  # Keras<2.2.0 has these attributes deeper in `model`
        if max_depth > 0 and hasattr(model, "model"):
            return get_keras_attr(model.model, attr, max_depth=max_depth, default=default)
        elif default is not sentinel_default_value:
            return default

def parameterize_compiled_keras_model(model) -> Tuple[List[dict], dict]:
    """Traverse a compiled Keras model to gather critical information about the layers used to
    construct its architecture, and the parameters used to compile it

    model: Instance of :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.<KerasClassifier; KerasRegressor>`
        A compiled instance of a Keras model, made using the Keras `wrappers.scikit_learn` module.
        This must be a completely valid Keras model, which means that it often must be the result
        of :func:`compat.keras_optimization_helper.initialize_dummy_model`. Using the
        resulting dummy model ensures the model will pass Keras checks that would otherwise reject
        instances of `space.Space` descendants used to provide hyperparameter choices

    layers: List[Dict]
        List containing a dict for each layer found in the architecture of `model`. A layer dict
        should contain the following keys: ['class_name', '__hh_default_args',
        '__hh_default_kwargs', '__hh_used_args', '__hh_used_kwargs']
    compile_params: Dict
        Parameters used on the call to :meth:`model.compile`. If a value for a certain parameter
        was not explicitly provided, its default value will be included in `compile_params`"""
    # NOTE: `optimizer`/`loss` as callable or string is converted to callable automatically
    # Model Compile Parameters
    compile_params = dict()

    compile_params["optimizer"] = get_keras_attr(model, "optimizer").__class__.__name__.lower()
    compile_params["optimizer_params"] = get_keras_attr(model, "optimizer").get_config()

    compile_params["metrics"] = get_keras_attr(model, "metrics")
    compile_params["metrics_names"] = get_keras_attr(model, "metrics_names")

    compile_params["loss_functions"] = get_keras_attr(model, "loss_functions")
    compile_params["loss_function_names"] = [_.__name__ for _ in compile_params["loss_functions"]]

    # FLAG: BELOW PARAMETERS SHOULD ONLY BE DISPLAYED IF EXPLICITLY GIVEN (probably have to be in key by default, though):
    compile_params["loss_weights"] = get_keras_attr(model, "loss_weights")
    compile_params["sample_weight_mode"] = get_keras_attr(model, "sample_weight_mode")
    compile_params["weighted_metrics"] = get_keras_attr(model, "weighted_metrics")

    compile_params["target_tensors"] = get_keras_attr(model, "target_tensors", default=None)
    compile_params["compile_kwargs"] = get_keras_attr(model, "_function_kwargs")

    # Model Architecture
    layers = []

    for layer in get_keras_attr(model, "layers"):
        layer_obj = dict(class_name=layer.__class__.__name__)

        for hh_attr in HH_ARG_ATTRS:
            layer_obj[hh_attr] = getattr(layer, hh_attr, None)


    # Check Custom Losses/Optimizers
    if any([_.__module__ != "keras.losses" for _ in compile_params["loss_functions"]]):
            "Custom losses are not hashed/saved. They are identified only by their names."
            + "\nEnsure custom function names differ from those of Keras's native loss functions. "
            + "Otherwise, naming conflicts may make results very confusing (especially if tuning)."
    if get_keras_attr(model, "optimizer").__module__ != "keras.optimizers":
            "Custom optimizers are not hashed/saved. They are identified only by their names."
            + "\nEnsure custom optimizer names differ from those of Keras's native optimizers. "
            + "Otherwise, naming conflicts may make results very confusing (especially if tuning)."

    return layers, compile_params

if __name__ == "__main__":