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"""This module defines utilities for reading, writing, and modifying different types of files"""
# Import Own Assets
from hyperparameter_hunter.settings import G

# Import Miscellaneous Assets
from contextlib import suppress
from inspect import signature
import numpy as np
import os
import os.path
import pandas as pd
import simplejson as json
from typing import Union
import wrapt

# JSON File Functions
def default_json_write(obj):
    """Convert values that are not JSON-friendly to a more acceptable type

    obj: Object
        The object that is expected to be of a type that is incompatible with JSON files

        The value of `obj` after being cast to a type accepted by JSON

        If the type of `obj` is unhandled

    >>> assert default_json_write(np.array([1, 2, 3])) == [1, 2, 3]
    >>> assert default_json_write(np.int8(32)) == 32
    >>> assert np.isclose(default_json_write(np.float16(3.14)), 3.14, atol=0.001)
    >>> assert default_json_write(pd.Index(["a", "b", "c"])) == ["a", "b", "c"]
    >>> assert default_json_write((1, 2)) == {"__tuple__": [1, 2]}
    >>> default_json_write(object())  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line ?, in default_json_write
    TypeError: <object object at ...> is not JSON serializable"""
    #################### Builtin Types ####################
    if isinstance(obj, tuple):
        return {"__tuple__": list(obj)}
    #################### NumPy Types ####################
    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        return obj.tolist()
    if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
        return int(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, np.floating):
        return float(obj)
    #################### Pandas Types ####################
    if isinstance(obj, pd.Index):
        return list(obj)

    raise TypeError(f"{obj!r} is not JSON serializable")

def hook_json_read(obj):
    """Hook function to decode JSON objects during reading

    obj: Object
        JSON object to process, or return unchanged

        If `obj` contains the key "__tuple__", its value is cast to a tuple and returned. Else,
        `obj` is returned unchanged

    >>> assert hook_json_read({"__tuple__": [1, 2]}) == (1, 2)
    >>> assert hook_json_read({"__tuple__": (1, 2)}) == (1, 2)
    >>> assert hook_json_read({"a": "foo", "b": 42}) == {"a": "foo", "b": 42}
    if "__tuple__" in obj:
        return tuple(obj["__tuple__"])
    return obj

def write_json(file_path, data, do_clear=False):
    """Write `data` to the JSON file specified by `file_path`, optionally clearing the file before
    adding `data`

    file_path: String
        The target .json file path to which `data` will be written
    data: Object
        The content to save at the .json file given by `file_path`
    do_clear: Boolean, default=False
        If True, the contents of the file at `file_path` will be cleared before saving `data`"""
    if do_clear is True:

    with open(file_path, "w") as f:
        json.dump(data, f, default=default_json_write, tuple_as_array=False)

def read_json(file_path, np_arr=False):
    """Get the contents of the .json file located at `file_path`

    file_path: String
        The path of the .json file to be read
    np_arr: Boolean, default=False
        If True, the contents read from `file_path` will be cast to a numpy array before returning

    content: Object
        The contents of the .json file located at `file_path`"""
    content = json.loads(open(file_path).read(), object_hook=hook_json_read)

    if np_arr is True:
        return np.array(content)

    return content

def add_to_json(file_path, data_to_add, key=None, condition=None, default=None, append_value=False):
    """Append `data_to_add` to the contents of the .json file specified by `file_path`

    file_path: String
        The target .json file path to which `data_to_add` will be added and saved
    data_to_add: Object
        The data to add to the contents of the .json file given by `file_path`
    key: String, or None, default=None
        If None, the original contents of the file at `file_path` should not be of type dict. If
        string, the original content at `file_path` is expected to be a dict, and `data_to_add` will
        be added to the original dict under the key `key`. Therefore, `key` is expected to be a
        unique key to the original dict contents of `file_path`, unless `append_value` is True
    condition: Callable, or None, default=None
        If callable, will be given the original contents of the .json file at `file_path` as input,
        and should return a boolean value. If `condition(original_data)` is truthy, `data_to_add`
        will be added to the contents of the file at `file_path` as usual. Otherwise, `data_to_add`
        will not be added to the file, and the contents at `file_path` will remain unchanged. If
        `condition` is None, it will be treated as having been truthy, and will proceed to append
        `data_to_add` to the target file
    default: Object, or None, default=None
        If the attempt to read the original content at `file_path` raises a `FileNotFoundError` and
        `default` is not None, `default` will be used as the original data for the file. Otherwise,
        the error will be raised
    append_value: Boolean, default=False
        If True and the original data at `file_path` is a dict, then `data_to_add` will be appended
        as a list to the value of the original data at key `key`"""
        original_data = read_json(file_path)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if default is not None:
            original_data = default

    if condition is None or original_data is None or condition(original_data):
        if key is None and isinstance(original_data, list):
        elif isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(original_data, dict):
            if append_value is True:
                original_data[key] = original_data[key] + [data_to_add]
                original_data[key] = data_to_add

        write_json(file_path, original_data)

# General File Functions
def make_dirs(name, mode=0o0777, exist_ok=False):
    """Permissive version of `os.makedirs` that gives full permissions by default

    name: Str
        Path/name of directory to create. Will make intermediate-level directories needed to contain
        the leaf directory
    mode: Number, default=0o0777
        File permission bits for creating the leaf directory
    exist_ok: Boolean, default=False
        If False, an `OSError` is raised if the directory targeted by `name` already exists"""
    old_mask = os.umask(000)
    os.makedirs(name, mode=mode, exist_ok=exist_ok)

def clear_file(file_path):
    """Erase the contents of the file located at `file_path`

    file_path: String
        The path of the file whose contents should be cleared out"""
    clear_target = open(file_path, "w")

class RetryMakeDirs(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Execute decorated callable, but if `OSError` is raised, call :func:`make_dirs` on the
        directory specified by the exception, then recall the decorated callable again

        >>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
        >>> with TemporaryDirectory(dir="") as d:  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        ...     def f_0():
        ...         os.mkdir(f"{d}/nonexistent_dir/subdir")
        ...     f_0()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "", line ?, in f_0
        FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory...
        >>> with TemporaryDirectory(dir="") as d:
        ...     @RetryMakeDirs()
        ...     def f_1():
        ...         os.mkdir(f"{d}/nonexistent_dir/subdir")
        ...     f_1()

    def __call__(self, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
        except OSError as _ex:
            if _ex.filename:
                make_dirs(os.path.split(_ex.filename)[0], exist_ok=True)
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

class ParametersFromFile(object):
    def __init__(self, key: Union[str, int] = None, file: str = None, verbose: bool = False):
        """Decorator to specify a .json file that defines default values for the decorated callable.
        The location of the file can either be specified explicitly with `file`, or it can be
        retrieved when the decorated callable is called through an argument key/index given by `key`

        key: String, or integer, default=None
            Used only if `file` is not also given. Determines a value for `file` based on the
            parameters passed to the decorated callable. If string, represents a key in `kwargs`
            passed to :meth:`ParametersFromFile.__call__`. In other words, this names a keyword
            argument passed to the decorated callable. If `key` is integer, it represents an index
            in `args` passed to :meth:`ParametersFromFile.__call__`, the value at which specifies a
            filepath containing the default parameters dict to use
        file: String, default=None
            If not None, `key` will be ignored, and `file` will be used as the filepath from which
            to read the dict of default parameters for the decorated callable
        verbose: Boolean, default=False
            If True, will log messages when invalid keys are found in the parameters file, and when
            keys are set to the default values in the parameters file. Else, logging is silenced

        The order of precedence for determining the value of each parameter is as follows, with
        items at the top having the highest priority, and deferring only to the items below if
        their own value is not given:

        * 1)parameters explicitly passed to the callable decorated by `ParametersFromFile`,
        * 2)parameters in the .json file denoted by `key` or `file`,
        * 3)parameter defaults defined in the signature of the decorated callable

        >>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
        >>> with TemporaryDirectory(dir="") as d:
        ...     write_json(f"{d}/config.json", dict(b="I came from config.json", c="Me too!"))
        ...     @ParametersFromFile(file=f"{d}/config.json")
        ...     def f_0(a="first_a", b="first_b", c="first_c"):
        ...         print(f"{a}   ...   {b}   ...   {c}")
        ...     @ParametersFromFile(key="config_file")
        ...     def f_1(a="second_a", b="second_b", c="second_c", config_file=None):
        ...         print(f"{a}   ...   {b}   ...   {c}")
        ...     f_0(c="Hello, there")
        ...     f_0(b="General Kenobi")
        ...     f_1()
        ...     f_1(a="Generic prequel meme", config_file=f"{d}/config.json")
        ...     f_1(c="This is where the fun begins", config_file=None)
        first_a   ...   I came from config.json   ...   Hello, there
        first_a   ...   General Kenobi   ...   Me too!
        second_a   ...   second_b   ...   second_c
        Generic prequel meme   ...   I came from config.json   ...   Me too!
        second_a   ...   second_b   ...   This is where the fun begins"""
        self.key = key
        self.file = file
        self.verbose = verbose

    def __call__(self, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        file = self.file
        file_params = {}

        #################### Locate Parameters File ####################
        if not file and self.key is not None:
            with suppress(TypeError):
                file = kwargs.get(self.key, None) or args[self.key]

        if file:  # If `file=None`, continue with empty dict of `file_params`
            file_params = read_json(file)

        if not isinstance(file_params, dict):
            raise TypeError("{} must have dict, not {}".format(file, file_params))

        #################### Check Valid Parameters for `wrapped` ####################
        ok_keys = [k for k, v in signature(wrapped).parameters.items() if v.kind == v.KEYWORD_ONLY]

        for k, v in file_params.items():
            if k not in ok_keys:
                if self.verbose:
                    G.warn(f"Invalid key ({k}) in user parameters file: {file}")
            if k not in kwargs:
                kwargs[k] = v
                if self.verbose:
                    G.debug(f"Parameter `{k}` set to user default in parameters file: '{file}'")

        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

# Display Utilities
def real_name(path, root=None):
    if root is not None:
        path = os.path.join(root, path)

    result = os.path.basename(path)

    if os.path.islink(path):
        real_path = os.readlink(path)
        result = "{} -> {}".format(os.path.basename(path), real_path)

    return result

def print_tree(start_path, depth=-1, pretty=True):
    """Print directory/file tree structure

    start_path: String
        Root directory path, whose children should be traversed and printed
    depth: Integer, default=-1
        Maximum number of subdirectories allowed to be between the root `start_path` and the current
        element. -1 allows all child directories beneath `start_path` to be traversed
    pretty: Boolean, default=True
        If True, directory names will be bolded

    >>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
    >>> with TemporaryDirectory(dir="") as d:
    ...     os.mkdir(f"{d}/root")
    ...     os.mkdir(f"{d}/root/sub_a")
    ...     os.mkdir(f"{d}/root/sub_a/sub_b")
    ...     _ = open(f"{d}/root/file_0.txt", "w+")
    ...     _ = open(f"{d}/root/", "w+")
    ...     _ = open(f"{d}/root/sub_a/", "w+")
    ...     _ = open(f"{d}/root/sub_a/sub_b/file_3.txt", "w+")
    ...     _ = open(f"{d}/root/sub_a/sub_b/", "w+")
    ...     print_tree(f"{d}/root", pretty=False)
    ...     print("#" * 50)
    ...     print_tree(f"{d}/root", depth=2, pretty=False)
    ...     print("#" * 50)
    ...     print_tree(f"{d}/root/", pretty=False)
    |-- root/
    |   |-- file_0.txt
    |   |--
    |   |-- sub_a/
    |   |   |--
    |   |   |-- sub_b/
    |   |   |   |-- file_3.txt
    |   |   |   |--
    |-- root/
    |   |-- file_0.txt
    |   |--
    |   |-- sub_a/
    |   |   |--
    |-- file_0.txt
    |-- sub_a/
    |   |--
    |   |-- sub_b/
    |   |   |-- file_3.txt
    |   |   |--"""
    prefix = 0

    if start_path != "/":
        if start_path.endswith("/"):
            # If True, the last dir in start_path will be treated as root, rather than the whole thing
            start_path = start_path[:-1]
            prefix = len(start_path)

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(start_path):
        level = root[prefix:].count(os.sep)
        if level > depth > -1:

        indent = ""

        if level > 0:
            indent = "|   " * (level - 1) + "|-- "
        sub_indent = "|   " * (level) + "|-- "

        content = "{}{}/".format(indent, real_name(root))
        if pretty:
            content = "\u001b[;1m" + content + "\u001b[0m"


        for d in sorted(dirs):
            if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, d)):
                content = "{}{}".format(sub_indent, real_name(d, root=root))

        for f in sorted(files):
            content = "{}{}".format(sub_indent, real_name(f, root=root))

if __name__ == "__main__":