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Test Coverage
""" Schema to represent a knowledge base to build models of prokaryotes

:Author: Balazs Szigeti <balazs.szigeti@mssm.edu>
:Author: Jonathan Karr <jonrkarr@gmail.com>
:Author: Bilal Shaikh  <bilal.shaikh@columbia.edu>
:Author: Arthur Goldberg <Arthur.Goldberg@mssm.edu>
:Author: Yin Hoon Chew <yinhoon.chew@mssm.edu>
:Date: 2018-09-10
:Copyright: 2018, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

from wc_kb import core
from wc_onto import onto as kbOnt
from wc_utils.util import chem
import obj_tables
import obj_tables.sci.onto

# Species types

class RnaSpeciesType(core.PolymerSpeciesType):
    """ Knowledge of an RNA species

        transcription_units (:obj:`list` of :obj:`TranscriptionUnitLocus`): transcription units
        type (:obj:`RnaType`): type

    Related attributes:
        proteins (:obj:`list` of :obj:`ProteinSpeciesType`): protein(s)

    start = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    end = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    proteins = obj_tables.OneToManyAttribute('ProteinSpeciesType', related_name='rnas')
    coordinate = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    length = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    type = obj_tables.sci.onto.OntoTermAttribute(kbOnt,

    class Meta(obj_tables.Model.Meta):
        verbose_name = 'RNA'
        verbose_name_plural = 'RNAs'
        attribute_order = ('id', 'name', 'synonyms', 'type', 'start', 'end', 'proteins', 'identifiers', 'references', 'comments')

    def get_seq(self):
        """ Get the sequence

            :obj:`Bio.Seq.Seq`: sequence
        tu = self.transcription_units[0]
        tu_start = tu.start
        tu_end = tu.end
        dna_seq = tu.polymer.get_subseq(start=tu_start, end=tu_end, strand=tu.strand)

        #tu_start = self.start
        #dna_seq = self.transcription_units[0].polymer.get_subseq(start=tu_start, end=tu_end)

        return dna_seq.transcribe()

    def get_empirical_formula(self):
        """ Get the empirical formula for an RNA transcript with

        * 5' monophosphate
        * Deprotonated phosphate oxygens

        :math:`N_A * AMP + N_C * CMP + N_G * GMP + N_U * UMP - (L-1) * OH`

           :obj:`chem.EmpiricalFormula`: empirical formula
        seq = self.get_seq()
        n_a = seq.upper().count('A')
        n_c = seq.upper().count('C')
        n_g = seq.upper().count('G')
        n_u = seq.upper().count('U')
        l   = len(seq)

        formula = chem.EmpiricalFormula()
        formula.C = 10 * n_a +  9 * n_c + 10 * n_g +  9 * n_u
        formula.H = 12 * n_a + 12 * n_c + 12 * n_g + 11 * n_u - (l - 1)
        formula.N =  5 * n_a +  3 * n_c +  5 * n_g +  2 * n_u
        formula.O =  7 * n_a +  8 * n_c +  8 * n_g +  9 * n_u - (l - 1)
        formula.P =      n_a +      n_c +      n_g +      n_u

        return formula

    def get_charge(self):
        """ Get the charge for a transcript with

        * 5' monophosphate
        * Deprotonated phosphate oxygens

        :math:`-L - 1`

           :obj:`int`: charge
        return -self.get_len() - 1

    def get_mol_wt(self):
        """ Get the molecular weight for a transcript with

        * 5' monophosphate
        * Deprotonated phosphate oxygens

            :obj:`float`: molecular weight (Da)
        return self.get_empirical_formula().get_molecular_weight()

    def get_direction(self):
        """ Returns the direction of the polymer feature defind by its strand and start/end coordinate
                :obj:`str`: direction (in ['forward', 'reverse'])

                :obj:`ValueError`: start and end coordinate of chromosome feature can not be the same
                :obj:`Exception`: strand is not member of PolymerStrand

        if self.start < self.end:
            if self.strand == core.PolymerStrand.positive:
                return core.PolymerDirection.forward
            elif self.strand == core.PolymerStrand.negative:
                return core.PolymerDirection.reverse
                raise Exception('Unrecognized polymer strand ({}) found for {}.'.format(self.strand, self.id))
        elif self.start > self.end:
            if self.strand == core.PolymerStrand.positive:
                return core.PolymerDirection.reverse
            elif self.strand == core.PolymerStrand.negative:
                return core.PolymerStrand.forward
                raise Exception('Unrecognized polymer strand ({}) found for {}.'.format(self.strand, self.id))
        elif self.start == self.end:
            raise ValueError('Start and end position of chromosome feature can not be the same (Chrom feature id: {}).'.format(self.id))

class ProteinSpeciesType(core.PolymerSpeciesType):
    """ Knowledge of a protein monomer

        gene (:obj:`GeneLocus`): gene
        rna (:obj:`RnaSpeciesType`): rna

    unit = obj_tables.StringAttribute()
    type = obj_tables.sci.onto.OntoTermAttribute(kbOnt,
                                  terms = kbOnt['WC:protein'].subclasses(),

    class Meta(obj_tables.Model.Meta):
        verbose_name = 'Protein'
        verbose_name_plural = 'Proteins'
        attribute_order = ('id', 'name', 'synonyms', 'type', 'identifiers', 'references', 'comments')

    def get_seq(self, cds=True):
        """ Get the sequence

            :obj:`Bio.Seq.Seq`: sequence
        table = self.cell.knowledge_base.translation_table
        seq = self.gene.get_seq().translate(table=table, cds=cds)
        return seq

    def get_empirical_formula(self, cds=True):
        """ Get the empirical formula

            :obj:`chem.EmpiricalFormula`: empirical formula
        seq = self.get_seq(cds=cds)
        l = len(seq.strip('*'))

        n_a = seq.count('A')  # Ala: Alanine (C3 H7 N O2)
        n_r = seq.count('R')  # Arg: Arginine (C6 H14 N4 O2)
        n_n = seq.count('N')  # Asn: Asparagine (C4 H8 N2 O3)
        n_d = seq.count('D')  # Asp: Aspartic acid (C4 H7 N O4)
        n_c = seq.count('C')  # Cys: Cysteine (C3 H7 N O2 S)

        n_q = seq.count('Q')  # Gln: Glutamine (C5 H10 N2 O3)
        n_e = seq.count('E')  # Glu: Glutamic acid (C5 H9 N O4)
        n_g = seq.count('G')  # Gly: Glycine (C2 H5 N O2)
        n_h = seq.count('H')  # His: Histidine (C6 H9 N3 O2)
        n_i = seq.count('I')  # Ile: Isoleucine (C6 H13 N O2)

        n_l = seq.count('L')  # Leu: Leucine (C6 H13 N O2)
        n_k = seq.count('K')  # Lys: Lysine (C6 H14 N2 O2)
        n_m = seq.count('M')  # Met: Methionine (C5 H11 N O2 S)
        n_f = seq.count('F')  # Phe: Phenylalanine (C9 H11 N O2)
        n_p = seq.count('P')  # Pro: Proline (C5 H9 N O2)

        n_s = seq.count('S')  # Ser: Serine (C3 H7 N O3)
        n_t = seq.count('T')  # Thr: Threonine (C4 H9 N O3)
        n_w = seq.count('W')  # Trp: Tryptophan (C11 H12 N2 O2)
        n_y = seq.count('Y')  # Tyr: Tyrosine (C9 H11 N O3)
        n_v = seq.count('V')  # Val: Valine (C5 H11 N O2)

        n_u = seq.count('U')  # Selcys: Selenocysteine (C3 H7 N O2 Se)

        formula = chem.EmpiricalFormula()

        formula.C = 3 * n_a + 6 * n_r + 4 * n_n + 4 * n_d + 3 * n_c + \
            5 * n_q + 5 * n_e + 2 * n_g + 6 * n_h + 6 * n_i + \
            6 * n_l + 6 * n_k + 5 * n_m + 9 * n_f + 5 * n_p + \
            3 * n_s + 4 * n_t + 11 * n_w + 9 * n_y + 5 * n_v + \
            3 * n_u

        formula.H = 7 * n_a + 14 * n_r + 8 * n_n + 7 * n_d + 7 * n_c + \
            10 * n_q + 9 * n_e + 5 * n_g + 9 * n_h + 13 * n_i + \
            13 * n_l + 14 * n_k + 11 * n_m + 11 * n_f + 9 * n_p + \
            7 * n_s + 9 * n_t + 12 * n_w + 11 * n_y + 11 * n_v + \
            7 * n_u - 2 * (l - 1)

        formula.N = 1 * n_a + 4 * n_r + 2 * n_n + 1 * n_d + 1 * n_c + \
            2 * n_q + 1 * n_e + 1 * n_g + 3 * n_h + 1 * n_i + \
            1 * n_l + 2 * n_k + 1 * n_m + 1 * n_f + 1 * n_p + \
            1 * n_s + 1 * n_t + 2 * n_w + 1 * n_y + 1 * n_v + \
            1 * n_u

        formula.O = 2 * n_a + 2 * n_r + 3 * n_n + 4 * n_d + 2 * n_c + \
            3 * n_q + 4 * n_e + 2 * n_g + 2 * n_h + 2 * n_i + \
            2 * n_l + 2 * n_k + 2 * n_m + 2 * n_f + 2 * n_p + \
            3 * n_s + 3 * n_t + 2 * n_w + 3 * n_y + 2 * n_v + \
            2 * n_u - (l - 1)

        formula.S = n_c + n_m
        formula.Se = n_u

        return formula

    def get_charge(self, cds=True):
        """ Get the charge at physiological pH

            :obj:`int`: charge
        seq = self.get_seq(cds=cds)

        n_r = seq.count('R')
        n_h = seq.count('H')
        n_k = seq.count('K')
        n_d = seq.count('D')
        n_e = seq.count('E')

        return (n_r + n_h + n_k) - (n_d + n_e)

    def get_mol_wt(self, cds=True):
        """ Get the molecular weight

            :obj:`float`: molecular weight
        return self.get_empirical_formula(cds=cds).get_molecular_weight()

# Locus types

class TranscriptionUnitLocus(core.PolymerLocus):
    """ Knowledge about an open reading frame

        genes (:obj:`list` of :obj:`GeneLocus`): genes

    pribnow_start = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    pribnow_end = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    genes = obj_tables.OneToManyAttribute('GeneLocus', related_name='transcription_units')
    rnas = obj_tables.ManyToManyAttribute('RnaSpeciesType', related_name='transcription_units')
    #type = obj_tables.sci.onto.OntoTermAttribute(kbOnt,
    #                              terms = kbOnt['WC:gene'].subclasses(),
    #                              none=True)

    class Meta(obj_tables.Model.Meta):
        verbose_name = 'Transcription unit'
        verbose_name_plural = 'Transcription units'
        attribute_order = ('id', 'name', 'polymer', 'strand', 'pribnow_start', 'pribnow_end', 'start', 'end',
                           'rnas', 'genes', 'identifiers', 'references', 'comments')

    def get_3_prime(self):
        """ Get the 3' coordinate

            :obj:`int`: 3' coordinate
        if self.get_direction() == core.PolymerDirection.forward:
            return self.end
            return self.start

    def get_5_prime(self):
        """ Get the 5' coordinate

            :obj:`int`: 5' coordinate
        if self.get_direction() == core.PolymerDirection.forward:
            return self.start
            return self.end

class GeneLocus(core.PolymerLocus):
    """ Knowledge of a gene

        symbol (:obj:`str`): symbol

    Related attributes:
        proteins (:obj:`list` of :obj:`ProteinSpeciesType`): protein

    symbol = obj_tables.StringAttribute()
    start = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    end = obj_tables.IntegerAttribute()
    is_essential = obj_tables.BooleanAttribute()
    proteins = obj_tables.OneToOneAttribute(ProteinSpeciesType, related_name='gene')
    homologs = obj_tables.LongStringAttribute()
    evidence = obj_tables.OneToManyAttribute(core.Evidence, related_name='genes')
    cog = obj_tables.sci.onto.OntoTermAttribute(kbOnt,
                                  terms = kbOnt['WC:COG'].subclasses(),

    class Meta(obj_tables.Model.Meta):
        verbose_name = 'Gene'
        verbose_name_plural = 'Genes'
        attribute_order = ('id', 'name', 'synonyms', 'symbol', 'polymer',  'start', 'end', 'cog', 'homologs',
                           'is_essential', 'proteins', 'evidence', 'identifiers', 'references', 'comments')