message = "knapsack_pro gem could not connect to Knapsack Pro API and the Fallback Mode cannot be used this time. Running tests in Fallback Mode are not allowed for retried parallel CI node to avoid running the wrong set of tests. Please manually retry this parallel job on your CI server then knapsack_pro gem will try to connect to Knapsack Pro API again and will run a correct set of tests for this CI node. Learn more #{KnapsackPro::Urls::REGULAR_MODE__CONNECTION_ERROR_WITH_FALLBACK_ENABLED_TRUE_AND_POSITIVE_RETRY_COUNT}"
        unless KnapsackPro::Config::Env.fixed_test_suite_split?
          message += " Please ensure you have set KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT=true to allow Knapsack Pro API remember the recorded CI node tests so when you retry failed tests on the CI node then the same set of tests will be executed. See more #{KnapsackPro::Urls::FIXED_TEST_SUITE_SPLIT}"