

6 hrs
Test Coverage
Login / logout and forbidden views and forms.
from datetime import datetime

import colander
from deform import Button
from deform import Form
from deform import ValidationFailure
from deform.widget import CheckedPasswordWidget
from deform.widget import HiddenWidget
from formencode.validators import Email
from pyramid.encode import urlencode
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.security import forget
from pyramid.security import remember
from pyramid.settings import asbool
from pyramid.url import resource_url
from pyramid.view import view_config

from kotti import get_settings
from kotti.events import ObjectEvent
from kotti.events import notify
from kotti.message import email_set_password
from kotti.message import validate_token
from kotti.security import get_principals
from kotti.util import _
from kotti.views.users import UserAddFormView
from kotti.views.users import deferred_email_validator
from kotti.views.users import name_new_validator
from kotti.views.users import name_pattern_validator
from kotti.views.util import template_api

def _find_user(login):
    principals = get_principals()
    principal = principals.get(login)
    if principal is not None:
        return principal
        # noinspection PyBroadException
        except Exception:
            for p in principals.search(email=login):
                return p

class UserSelfRegistered(ObjectEvent):
    """ This event is emitted just after user self registered.

    Intended use is to allow addons to do some preparation for such a user
    (create custom contents, nodes etc.

    Event handler object parameter is a Principal object. """

class RegisterSchema(colander.Schema):
    title = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), title=_("Full name"))
    name = colander.SchemaNode(
        validator=colander.All(name_pattern_validator, name_new_validator),
    email = colander.SchemaNode(
        colander.String(), title=_("Email"), validator=deferred_email_validator

    if_setting_has_value=("kotti.register", True),
def register(context, request):
    schema = RegisterSchema().bind(request=request)
    form = Form(schema, buttons=(Button("register", _("Register")),))
    rendered_form = None

    if "register" in request.POST:
            appstruct = form.validate(request.POST.items())
        except ValidationFailure as e:
            request.session.flash(_("There was an error."), "error")
            rendered_form = e.render()
            settings = get_settings()

            appstruct["groups"] = ""
            appstruct["roles"] = ""

            register_groups = settings["kotti.register.group"]
            if register_groups:
                appstruct["groups"] = [register_groups]

            register_roles = settings["kotti.register.role"]
            if register_roles:
                appstruct["roles"] = {"role:" + register_roles}

            appstruct["send_email"] = True
            form = UserAddFormView(context, request)
            success_msg = _(
                "Congratulations! You are successfully registered. "
                "You should be receiving an email with a link to set your "
                "password. Doing so will activate your account."
            request.session.flash(success_msg, "success")
            name = appstruct["name"]
            notify(UserSelfRegistered(get_principals()[name], request))
            return HTTPFound(location=request.application_url)

    if rendered_form is None:
        rendered_form = form.render(request.params)

    api = template_api(
        page_title=_("Register - ${title}", mapping=dict(title=context.title)),

    return {"api": api, "form": rendered_form}

def login_success_callback(request, user, came_from):
    """ Default implementation of ``kotti.login_success_callback``.  You can
    implement a custom function with the same signature and point the
    ``kotti.login_success_callback`` setting to it.

    :param request: Current request
    :type request: :class:`kotti.request.Request`

    :param user: Principal, who just logged in successfully.
    :type user: :class:`kotti.security.Princial`

    :param came_from: URL the user came from
    :type came_from: str

    :result: Any Pyramid response object, by default a redirect to
             ``came_from`` or the context where login was called.
    :rtype: :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound`

    headers = remember(request, user.name)
        _("Welcome, ${user}!", mapping=dict(user=user.title or user.name)), "success"
    user.last_login_date = datetime.now()
    return HTTPFound(location=came_from, headers=headers)

def reset_password_callback(request, user):
    """ Default implementation of ``kotti.reset_password_callback``.  You can
    implement a custom function with the same signature and point the
    ``kotti.reset_password_callback`` setting to it.

    :param request: Current request
    :type request: :class:`kotti.request.Request`

    :param user: Principal, who's password was requested to be reset.
    :type user: :class:`kotti.security.Princial`

    :result: Any Pyramid response object, by default a redirect to to the same
             URL from where the password reset was called.
    :rtype: :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound`

        user, request, template_name="kotti:templates/email-reset-password.pt"
            "You should be receiving an email with a link to reset your "
            "password. Doing so will activate your account."

    return HTTPFound(location=request.url)

@view_config(name="login", renderer="kotti:templates/login.pt")
def login(context, request):
    """ Login view.  Renders either the login or password forgot form templates
    or handles their form submission and redirects to came_from on success.

    :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template
             for rendering
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict

    principals = get_principals()

    came_from = request.params.get("came_from", request.resource_url(context))
    login, password = "", ""

    if "submit" in request.POST:
        login = request.params["login"].lower()
        password = request.params["password"]
        user = _find_user(login)

        if (
            user is not None
            and user.active
            and principals.validate_password(password, user.password)
            return get_settings()["kotti.login_success_callback"][0](
                request, user, came_from
        request.session.flash(_("Login failed."), "error")

    if "reset-password" in request.POST:
        login = request.params["login"]
        user = _find_user(login)
        if user is not None and user.active:
            return get_settings()["kotti.reset_password_callback"][0](request, user)
                _("That username or email is not known by this system."), "error"

    return {
        "url": request.application_url + "/@@login",
        "came_from": came_from,
        "login": login,
        "password": password,
        "register": asbool(get_settings()["kotti.register"]),

def logout(context, request):
    """ Logout view.  Always redirects the user to where he came from.

    :result: Redirect to came_from
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound

    headers = forget(request)
    request.session.flash(_("You have been logged out."), "info")
    location = request.params.get("came_from", request.application_url)
    return HTTPFound(location=location, headers=headers)

class SetPasswordSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    """ Schema for the set password form """

    #: colander.String
    password = colander.SchemaNode(
    #: colander.String
    token = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), widget=HiddenWidget())
    #: colander.String
    email = colander.SchemaNode(
        colander.String(), title=_("Email"), widget=HiddenWidget()
    #: colander.String
    continue_to = colander.SchemaNode(
        colander.String(), widget=HiddenWidget(), missing=colander.null

@view_config(name="set-password", renderer="kotti:templates/edit/simpleform.pt")
def set_password(context, request, success_msg=_("You have reset your password.")):
    """ Set password view.  Displays the set password form and handles its form

    :param context: Current context
    :type context: :class:`kotti.resources.Content`

    :param request: Current request
    :type request: :class:`kotti.request.Request`

    :param success_msg: Message to display on successful submission handling
    :type success_msg: str or TranslationString

    :result: Redirect response or dictionary passed to the template for
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict

    form = Form(SetPasswordSchema(), buttons=(Button("submit", _("Set password")),))
    rendered_form = None

    if "submit" in request.POST:
            appstruct = form.validate(request.POST.items())
        except ValidationFailure as e:
            rendered_form = e.render()
            token = appstruct["token"]
            email = appstruct["email"]
            user = _find_user(email)
            if (
                user is not None
                and validate_token(user, token)
                and token == user.confirm_token
                and user.active
                password = appstruct["password"]
                user.password = get_principals().hash_password(password)
                user.confirm_token = None
                headers = remember(request, user.name)
                user.last_login_date = datetime.now()

                location = appstruct["continue_to"] or resource_url(context, request)
                request.session.flash(success_msg, "success")
                return HTTPFound(location=location, headers=headers)
                    _("Your password reset token may have expired."), "error"

    if rendered_form is None:
        rendered_form = form.render(request.params)

    api = template_api(
            "Reset your password - ${title}.", mapping=dict(title=context.title)

    return {"api": api, "form": rendered_form}

@view_config(context=HTTPForbidden, accept="text/html")
def forbidden_redirect(context, request):
    """ Forbidden redirect view.  Redirects to the login form for anonymous
    users or to the forbidden view for authenticated users.

    :result: Redirect to one of the above.
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound
    if request.authenticated_userid:
        location = request.application_url + "/@@forbidden"
        location = (
            + "/@@login?"
            + urlencode({"came_from": request.url})
    return HTTPFound(location=location)

def forbidden_view(request):
    """ Forbidden view.  Raises 403 for requests not originating from a web
    browser like device.

    :result: 403
    :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden

    return request.exception

@view_config(name="forbidden", renderer="kotti:templates/forbidden.pt")
def forbidden_view_html(request):
    """ Forbidden view for browsers.

    :result: empty dictionary passed to the template for rendering
    :rtype: dict

    return {}

def includeme(config):
    """ Pyramid includeme hook.

    :param config: app config
    :type config: :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator`
