namespace Laragear\Rewind;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilderContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query\Builder as BuilderContract;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Conditionable;
use Laragear\Rewind\Events\StateCreated;
use Laragear\Rewind\Events\StateDeleted;
use Laragear\Rewind\Events\StateRetrieved;
use Laragear\Rewind\Events\StatesCleared;
use Laragear\Rewind\Events\StatesPruned;
class Rewind
use Conditionable;
* Determine if the rewind logic should run.
* @internal Developers should use Model::withoutCreatingStates(callable $callback) instead.
public static bool $enabled = true;
* The rewind relation to query.
protected MorphMany $relation;
* Create a new rewind instance.
public function __construct(protected Model $target)
$this->relation = $this->target->morphMany(Models\RewindState::class, 'rewindable');
* Rewinds the model into a previous saved state.
public function to(int $id, string|array $only = []): Model
$attributes = $this->find($id)->getAttributes();
if ($only) {
$attributes = Arr::only($attributes, $only);
$this->target->setAttributesFromRewindState($attributes); // @phpstan-ignore-line
return $this->target;
* Rewinds the model to the latest state.
public function toLatest(string|array $only = null): Model
$attributes = $this->findLatest()->getAttributes();
if ($only) {
$attributes = Arr::only($attributes, $only);
$this->target->setAttributesFromRewindState($attributes); // @phpstan-ignore-line
return $this->target;
* Rewinds the model to the oldest state.
public function toOldest(string|array $only = null): Model
$attributes = $this->findOldest()->getAttributes();
if ($only) {
$attributes = Arr::only($attributes, $only);
$this->target->setAttributesFromRewindState($attributes); // @phpstan-ignore-line
return $this->target;
* Returns the count of all states.
public function count(): int
return $this->queryStates()->count();
* Check if there is any state for the model.
public function exists(): bool
return $this->queryStates()->exists();
* Check if there is no state for the model.
public function missing(): bool
return ! $this->exists();
* Return the given state ID as a new model instance.
* @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException
public function find(int $id): Model
$state = $this->queryStates() // @phpstan-ignore-line
->findOrFail($id, ['rewindable_type', 'data'])
StateRetrieved::dispatch($this->target, $state);
return $state;
* Return the latest state as a new model instance.
public function findLatest(): Model
return $this->queryStates()->orderByDesc('id')->firstOrFail([ // @phpstan-ignore-line
'rewindable_type', 'data'
* Return the oldest state as a new model instance.
public function findOldest(): Model
return $this->queryStates()->orderBy('id')->firstOrFail([ // @phpstan-ignore-line
'rewindable_type', 'data'
* Creates a new raw Eloquent Query Builder for the states.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public function query(): BuilderContract
return $this->relation->newQuery(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
* Create a new query for the model states scoped to the item limits.
protected function queryStates(): EloquentBuilderContract
return $this->query()->withGlobalScope('limited', new Scopes\LimitStatesScope($this->target));
* Return all the past model instances.
public function all(): Collection
return $this->queryStates() // @phpstan-ignore-line
->get(['rewindable_type', 'data'])
->map(static function (Models\RewindState $model): Model { // @phpstan-ignore-line
return $model->instanceRewindable();
* Remove a given state by its ID.
public function delete(int $id): void
StateDeleted::dispatch($this->target, $id);
* Remove the latest state, may include kept ones.
public function deleteLatest(bool $includeKept = false): void
/** @var \Laragear\Rewind\Models\RewindState|null $state */
$state = $this->query()->orderByDesc('id')->first(['id', 'is_kept']);
if ($state && (!$state->is_kept || $state->is_kept === $includeKept)) {
* Remove the oldest state, may include kept ones.
public function deleteOldest(bool $includeKept = false): void
/** @var \Laragear\Rewind\Models\RewindState|null $state */
$state = $this->query()->orderBy('id')->first(['id', 'is_kept']);
if ($state && (!$state->is_kept || $state->is_kept === $includeKept)) {
* Clear all previous states, may include kept ones.
public function clear(bool $includeKept = false): void
->unless($includeKept)->whereNot('is_kept', true)
StatesCleared::dispatch($this->target, $includeKept);
* Clear all previous states, included kept ones.
public function forceClear(): void
* Pushes the current model state on top of the states stack, returning a new Model instance.
public function create(bool $keep = false, bool $prune = true, bool $includeKept = false): Model
/** @var \Laragear\Rewind\Models\RewindState $state */
$state = $this->relation->make([
'data' => $this->target->getAttributesForRewindState(), // @phpstan-ignore-line
'is_kept' => $keep,
if (static::$enabled) {
StateCreated::dispatch($this->target, $state);
if ($prune) {
return $state->instanceRewindable();
* Prune old model states (that are virtually outside the set limits).
public function prune(bool $includeKept = false): void
// If the target model has no set limit, we will just not execute this.
if ($this->target->rewindLimit()) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
$this->query()->whereNotIn('id', // @phpstan-ignore-line
->whereNot('is_kept', true)
StatesPruned::dispatch($this->target, $includeKept);