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# Awesomplete
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Awesomplete is an ultra lightweight, customizable, simple autocomplete widget with zero dependencies, built with modern standards for modern browsers.

## Installation
There are a few ways to obtain the needed files.
Here are 2 of them:
1. CDN server


2. Another way to get up and running is by using `yarn` or `npm`:

yarn add awesomplete

npm install awesomplete --save

More information about the npm package can be found [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/awesomplete).

## Basic Usage

Before you try anything, you need to include awesomplete.css and awesomplete.js in your page, via the usual tags:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="awesomplete.css" />
<script src="awesomplete.js" async></script>

Then you can add an Awesomplete widget by adding the following input tag:

<input class="awesomplete"
       data-list="Ada, Java, JavaScript, Brainfuck, LOLCODE, Node.js, Ruby on Rails" />

Add `class="awesomplete"` for it to be automatically processed (you can still specify many options via HTML attributes)
Otherwise you can instantiate with a few lines of JS code, which allow for more customization.

There are many ways to link an input to a list of suggestions. 
The simple example above could have also been made with the following markup, which provides a nice native fallback in case the script doesn’t load:

<input class="awesomplete" list="mylist" />
<datalist id="mylist">
    <option>Ruby on Rails</option>

Or the following, if you don’t want to use a `<datalist>`, or if you don’t want to use IDs (since any selector will work in data-list):

<input class="awesomplete" data-list="#mylist" />
<ul id="mylist">
    <li>Ruby on Rails</li>

There are multiple customizations and properties able to be instantiated within the JS. Libraries and definitions of the properties are available in the Links below.

## Options

| JS Property | HTML Attribute | Description                                                                     | Value   | Default      |
| ----------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------ |
| `list`      | `data-list`      | Where to find the list of suggestions.                                          | Array of strings, HTML element, CSS selector (no groups, i.e. no commas), String containing a comma-separated list of items | N/A |
| `minChars`  | `data-minchars`  | Minimum characters the user has to type before the autocomplete popup shows up. | Number  | `2`           |
| `maxItems`  | `data-maxitems`  | Maximum number of suggestions to display.                                       | Number  | `10`          |
| `autoFirst` | `data-autofirst` | Should the first element be automatically                                       | Boolean | `false`       |
| `listLabel` | `data-listlabel` | Denotes a label to be used as aria-label on the generated autocomplete list.    | String  | Results List |

## License

Awesomplete is released under the MIT License. See [LICENSE][1] file for

## Links

The official site for the library is at <https://leaverou.github.io/awesomplete/>.

Documentation for the API and other topics is at

Created by Lea Verou and other fantastic contributors.

[1]: https://github.com/LeaVerou/awesomplete/blob/gh-pages/LICENSE