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Test Coverage
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import typing
from typing import (
    Any, Optional,
    TypeVar, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from import AsyncGenerator, Generator, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, Iterable
from typing_extensions import Protocol, Literal
from typing import runtime_checkable
import warnings
import logging
import uuid

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
from opentelemetry import trace, context as opentelemetry_context
from sparseconverter import (
    ArrayBackend, cheapest_pair, check_shape, get_backend,
    make_like, result_type, for_backend

from libertem.common.tracing import attach_to_parent, TracedThreadPoolExecutor
from libertem.common.progress import ProgressManager, PartitionProgressTracker, PartitionTrackerNoOp
from import DataTile
from import DataSetMeta
from libertem.utils.devices import has_cupy
from libertem.warnings import UseDiscouragedWarning
from libertem.common.exceptions import UDFException
from libertem.common.buffers import (
    BufferWrapper, AuxBufferWrapper, PlaceholderBufferWrapper,
    BufferKind, BufferUse, BufferLocation, ArrayWithMask,
from libertem.common import Shape, Slice
from libertem.common.udf import TilingPreferences, UDFProtocol, UDFMethod
from libertem.common.math import count_nonzero, prod
from import (
    TilingScheme, Negotiator, Partition, DataSet, get_coordinates
from import CorrectionSet
from import roi_for_partition
from libertem.common.backend import get_use_cuda, get_device_class
from libertem.common.async_utils import async_generator_eager
from libertem.executor.inline import InlineJobExecutor
from libertem.common.executor import (
    Environment, JobExecutor, TaskCommHandler, NoopCommHandler, TaskProtocol,
    JobCancelledError, ResourceDef,
from libertem.common.exceptions import UDFRunCancelled

    from numpy import typing as nt
    from opentelemetry.trace import SpanContext
    from libertem.common.progress import ProgressReporter

tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BackendSpec = Union[ArrayBackend, Iterable[ArrayBackend]]
DeviceClass = Literal['cpu', 'cuda']
UDFKwarg = Union[Any, AuxBufferWrapper]
UDFKwargs = dict[str, UDFKwarg]
ExecutionPlan = dict[ArrayBackend, Iterable["UDF"]]

class ResultsForDataSet:
    def __init__(
        gen: Generator[tuple[tuple["UDFData", ...], TaskProtocol], None, None],
        params: "UDFParams",
        executor: JobExecutor,
        udfs: list["UDF"],
        self._gen = gen
        self._params = params
        self._params_handle = params_handle
        self._executor = executor
        self._udfs = udfs

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> tuple[tuple["UDFData", ...], TaskProtocol]:
        return next(self._gen)

    def close(self):

    def throw(self, exc: Exception):
        return self._gen.throw(exc)

    def update_parameters_experimental(self, patch: list[dict[str, Any]]):
        log.debug("ResultsForDataSet.update_parameters_experimental: %s", patch)
        # update parameters on workers (via the executor):
        self._executor.scatter_update_patch(self._params_handle, patch)
        # update UDFs on the main node:
        for udf, params in zip(self._udfs, patch):

def _get_dtype(
    udfs: list["UDF"],
    dtype: "nt.DTypeLike",
    corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet],
    array_backends: Iterable[ArrayBackend],
) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
    tmp_dtype: "nt.DTypeLike"
    if corrections is not None and corrections.have_corrections():
        tmp_dtype = np.result_type(np.float32, dtype)
        tmp_dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    for udf in udfs:
        tmp_dtype = result_type(
    return tmp_dtype

class TileConverter:
    def __init__(self, tile: DataTile):
        self._tile = tile
        # prime cache with identity
        self._cache = {get_backend(}

    def get(self, backend):
        Get a converted tile for the specified backend.

        Return from cache if any of them is in the cache,
        otherwise choose cheapest option to convert from availabe cache.
        res = self._cache.get(backend, None)
        if res is None:
            source, target = cheapest_pair(self._cache.keys(), (backend, ))
            res = for_backend(self._cache[source], target)
            if backend in ND_BACKENDS:
                res = res.reshape(self._tile.shape)
            self._cache[backend] = res
        return res

def _format_plan(plan: ExecutionPlan) -> list[str]:
    res = []
    for k, v in plan.items():
        udf_classes = ",".join([
            for c in v
            f"{str(k)}: {udf_classes}"
    return res

def _execution_plan(
    udfs, ds: Union[DataSet, DataSetMeta], device_class: Optional[DeviceClass] = None,
    available_backends: Iterable[ArrayBackend] = BACKENDS
) -> tuple[ArrayBackend, ExecutionPlan]:
    Calculate which array format to use for which UDFs
    remaining = list(udfs)
    execution_plan = OrderedDict()
    # preserve order
    if ds.array_backends is None:
        raise ValueError("Available dataset backends need to be known.")
    ds_backends = tuple(ds.array_backends)
    available_backends = frozenset(available_backends)

    if device_class is None:
        # No preference, for example to prepare running for dataset
        native_backends = available_backends
    elif device_class == 'cuda':
        native_backends = available_backends.intersection(CUDA_BACKENDS)
    elif device_class == 'cpu':
        native_backends = available_backends.intersection(CPU_BACKENDS)
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown device class{device_class}, allowed are 'cuda' and 'cpu'.")

    aggregate_udf_aversion: dict[ArrayBackend, float] = defaultdict(float)
    for udf in remaining:
        backends = _get_canonical_backends(udf.get_backends())
        for i, b in enumerate(backends):
            aggregate_udf_aversion[b] += i / len(backends)

    backend_popularity = sorted(
        key=lambda b: aggregate_udf_aversion[b]

    def find_popular(remaining, restrict_to, preference_order):

        preference_order: Order of preference for tie breaking if several formats can work for
        the same number of UDFs
        popular = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        for udf in remaining:
            for b in _get_canonical_backends(udf.get_backends()):
                if b in restrict_to:
                    # Use dict with value True to make sure UDFs are not counted double
                    popular[b][udf] = True
        most_popular = sorted(popular.keys(), key=lambda b: len(popular[b]), reverse=True)
        if most_popular:
            max_len = len(popular[most_popular[0]])
            most_popular = [b for b in most_popular if len(popular[b]) >= max_len]
            if len(most_popular) > 1:
                for b in preference_order:
                    if b in most_popular:
                        return b, list(popular[b].keys())
            b = most_popular[0]
            return b, list(popular[b].keys())
            return None, None

    def apply(backend, udfs):
        if backend is not None:
            execution_plan[backend] = udfs
            for udf in udfs:

    # First assign UDFs that work without conversion
    # with a tile format native to dataset and device class
    backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
    if backend is not None:
        apply(backend, selected_udfs)
    # The following covers the common case that the dataset is CPU-only
    # and we require conversion to a CuPy format
    # We should avoid costly conversion dense to sparse or sparse to dense
    # by default when transforming between CPU and CuPy.
    # Assign UDFs with sparse formats if the dataset has any sparse options
    if SPARSE_BACKENDS.intersection(ds_backends):
        backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
        if backend is not None:
            apply(backend, selected_udfs)
    # Assign a dense native format if the dataset has dense options
    if DENSE_BACKENDS.intersection(ds_backends):
        backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
        if backend is not None:
            apply(backend, selected_udfs)
    # Then assign UDFs that work with an array format that matches the devie class
    # That means arrays will be converted to allow execution on GPU or CPU even if the
    # dataset can't deliver that natively and it requires conversion between sparse and dense.
    # That is the case for the dataset default NumPy and UDFs that require sparse input.
    while True:
        backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
        if backend is not None:
            apply(backend, selected_udfs)
    # From here we have the "CPU on GPU fallback". A GPU on CPU fallback
    # is attempted as well, may trigger an error downstream.
    # Assign remaining UDFs that work with an array backend native to the dataset
    backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
    if backend:
        apply(backend, selected_udfs)
    # Finally assign UDFs to any array backend even if they don't match the
    # dataset or device class.
    while True:
        backend, selected_udfs = find_popular(
        if backend is not None:
            apply(backend, selected_udfs)

    if remaining:
        for r in remaining:
            for b in _get_canonical_backends(r.get_backends()):
                if b not in BACKENDS:
                    raise ValueError(f"UDF {r} returned invalid backend {b}.")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find backends for remaining {remaining}.")

    # Optimize the execution plan
    reordered_plan = OrderedDict()
    available = []
    required = list(execution_plan.keys())
    # First, determine the start point
    ds_backend, right = cheapest_pair(ds_backends, required)
    reordered_plan[right] = execution_plan[right]
    # Now assign the remaining ones
    while required:
        _, right = cheapest_pair(available, required)
        reordered_plan[right] = execution_plan[right]
    # Now we should have covered all

        'execution_plan', {
            'ds_backend': ds_backend,
            'execution_plan': _format_plan(reordered_plan),
    return ds_backend, reordered_plan

class UDFMeta:
    UDF metadata. Makes all relevant metadata accessible to the UDF. Can be different
    for each task/partition.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0
        Added distinction of dataset_dtype and input_dtype

    .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0
        Information on compute backend, corrections, coordinates and tiling scheme added

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0
        :code:`tiling_scheme_idx` and `sig_slice` added

    .. versionchanged:: 0.11.0
        :code:`array_backend` added

    def __init__(
        partition_slice: Optional[Slice],
        dataset_shape: Shape,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        dataset_dtype: "nt.DTypeLike",
        input_dtype: "nt.DTypeLike",
        tiling_scheme: Optional[TilingScheme] = None,
        tiling_index: int = 0,
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet] = None,
        device_class: Optional[DeviceClass] = None,
        threads_per_worker: Optional[int] = None,
        array_backend: Optional[ArrayBackend] = None,
        valid_nav_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        self._partition_slice = partition_slice
        self._dataset_shape = dataset_shape
        self._dataset_dtype = dataset_dtype
        self._input_dtype = input_dtype
        self._tiling_scheme = tiling_scheme
        self._tiling_index = tiling_index
        if device_class is None:
            device_class = 'cpu'
        self._device_class = device_class
        if roi is not None:
            roi = roi.reshape(tuple(dataset_shape.nav))
        self._roi = roi
        self._slice: Optional[Slice] = None
        self._cached_coordinates: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
        if corrections is None:
            corrections = CorrectionSet()
        self._corrections = corrections
        self._threads_per_worker = threads_per_worker
        self._array_backend = array_backend
        self._valid_nav_mask = valid_nav_mask

        if valid_nav_mask is not None and roi is not None:
            assert valid_nav_mask.shape[0] == count_nonzero(roi)

    def slice(self) -> Optional[Slice]:
        Slice : A :class:`~libertem.common.slice.Slice` instance that describes the location
                within the dataset with navigation dimension flattened and reduced to the ROI.
        return self._slice

    def slice(self, new_slice: Slice) -> None:
        self._slice = new_slice

    def partition_shape(self) -> Shape:
        Shape : The shape of the partition this UDF currently works on.
                If a ROI was applied, the shape will be modified accordingly.
        if self._partition_slice is None:
            raise ValueError("cannot get partition_shape if partition_slice is None")
        return self._partition_slice.shape

    def dataset_shape(self) -> Shape:
        Shape : The original shape of the whole dataset, not influenced by the ROI
        return self._dataset_shape

    def tiling_scheme(self) -> Optional[TilingScheme]:
        TilingScheme : the tiling scheme that was negotiated

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        return self._tiling_scheme

    def tiling_scheme_idx(self) -> int:
        Index of the current tile in :attr:`tiling_scheme`.
        return self._tiling_index

    def tiling_scheme_idx(self, new_idx: int) -> None:
        self._tiling_index = new_idx

    def sig_slice(self) -> Slice:
        Signal slice of the current tile.

        Since all tiles follow the same tiling scheme, this avoids repeatedly
        calculating the signal part of :attr:`slice`. Instead, the
        appropriate slice from the tiling scheme can be re-used.
        assert self._tiling_scheme is not None
        return self._tiling_scheme[self._tiling_index]

    def roi(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
        numpy.ndarray : Boolean array which limits the elements the UDF is working on.
                     Has a shape of :attr:`dataset_shape.nav`.
        return self._roi

    def dataset_dtype(self) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
        numpy.dtype : Native dtype of the dataset
        return self._dataset_dtype

    def input_dtype(self) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
        numpy.dtype : dtype of the data that will be passed to the UDF

        This is determined from the dataset's native dtype and
        :meth:`UDF.get_preferred_input_dtype` using :meth:`numpy.result_type`

        .. versionadded:: 0.4.0
        return self._input_dtype

    def corrections(self) -> CorrectionSet:
        CorrectionSet : correction data that is available, either from the dataset
        or specified by the user

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        return self._corrections

    def device_class(self) -> str:
        Which device class is used.

        The back-end library can be accessed as :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.xp`.
        This additional string information is used since that way the back-end can be probed without
        importing them all and testing them against :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.xp`.

        Current values are :code:`cpu` (default) or :code:`cuda`.

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        return self._device_class

    def coordinates(self) -> np.ndarray:
        np.ndarray : Array of coordinates that correspond to the frames in the actual
        navigation space which are part of the current tile or partition.

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        assert self._slice is not None
        assert self._partition_slice is not None
        if self._cached_coordinates is None:
            self._cached_coordinates = get_coordinates(
        shifted_slice = self._slice.shift(self._partition_slice).get(nav_only=True)
        return self._cached_coordinates[shifted_slice]

    def threads_per_worker(self) -> Optional[int]:
        int or None : number of threads that a UDF is allowed to use in the `process_*` method.
                      For Numba, pyfftw, Torch, NumPy and SciPy (OMP, MKL, OpenBLAS), this limit
                      is set automatically; this property can be used for other cases, like manually
                      creating thread pools or setting limits for unsupported modules.
                      :code:`None` means no limit is set, and the UDF can use any number of threads
                      it deems necessary (should be limited to system limits, of course).


        .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0
            Since discovery of loaded libraries can be slow with :mod:`threadpoolctl`
            (:issue:`1117`), they are cached now. In case an UDF triggers loading of a new
            library or instance of a library that is supported by :mod:`threadpoolctl`,
            it will only be discovered in the first run on a :class:`~libertem.api.Context`.
            The threading settings for such other libraries or instances can therefore depend on the
            execution order. In such cases the thread count for affected libraries should be
            set in the UDF based on :code:`threads_per_worker`. Numba, pyfftw, Torch, NumPy
            and SciPy should not be affected since they are loaded before the first discovery.

        See also: :func:`libertem.common.threading.set_num_threads`

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.0
        return self._threads_per_worker

    def array_backend(self) -> Optional[ArrayBackend]:
        Array backend, one of the constants defined in :code:`BACKEND_*`
        constants in :class:`libertem.udf.base.UDF`, or None if not known at
        that time.

        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
        return self._array_backend

    def get_valid_nav_mask(self, full_nav: bool = False) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
        Return a mask of the already computed nav positions, as flattened
        1D array.

        Only available in :meth:`~libertem.udf.base.UDF.merge` and

        In case of :meth:`~libertem.udf.base.UDF.merge`, the mask does not yet
        contain the positions of the data that will be merged into the result,
        but only those positions that have already been merged into result.

        NOTE: these positions may include dropped frames or missing data.

            If a `roi` is applied, still include all elements of the navigation
            space in the mask. If this is not set, the mask is compressed to the
            positions selected in the `roi`.
        if self._valid_nav_mask is None:
            return None
        if full_nav and self._roi is not None:
            ds_shape = self.dataset_shape.nav.to_tuple()
            full_mask = np.zeros(ds_shape, dtype=bool).reshape((-1,))
            full_mask[self._roi.reshape((-1,))] = self._valid_nav_mask
            return full_mask
            return self._valid_nav_mask

    def set_valid_nav_mask(self, new_valid_nav_mask: Optional[np.ndarray]):
        self._valid_nav_mask = new_valid_nav_mask

class MergeAttrMapping:
    def __init__(self, dict_input: dict[str, np.ndarray]):
        self._dict: dict[str, np.ndarray] = dict_input

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(self._dict)

    def __contains__(self, k: str) -> bool:
        return k in self._dict

    def __getattr__(self, k: str) -> np.ndarray:
        return self._dict[k]

    def __setattr__(self, k: str, v: np.ndarray) -> None:
        if k in ['_dict']:
            super().__setattr__(k, v)
            self._dict[k][:] = v

    def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> np.ndarray:
            "dict-like access is discouraged, as it can be "
            "confusing vs. using attribute access",
        return self._dict[k]

T = TypeVar('T')

class UDFData:
    Container for result buffers, return value from running UDFs

    def __init__(self, data: dict[str, BufferWrapper]):
        self._data = data
        self._views: dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "<UDFData: %r>" % (

    def __getattr__(self, k: str) -> Union[np.ndarray, BufferWrapper]:
        if k.startswith("_"):
            raise AttributeError("no such attribute: %s" % k)
            return self._get_view_or_data(k)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise AttributeError(str(e))

    def get_buffer(self, name: str) -> BufferWrapper:
        Return the `BufferWrapper` for buffer `name`

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.0
        return self._data[name]

    def set_buffer(self, name: str, buffer: BufferWrapper) -> None:
        Replace or set the `BufferWrapper` for buffer `name`
        assert isinstance(buffer, BufferWrapper)
        self._data[name] = buffer

    def get(
        self, k: str, default: Optional[T] = None
    ) -> Optional[Union[T, np.ndarray, BufferWrapper]]:
            return self.__getattr__(k)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return default

    def __setattr__(self, k: str, v: "nt.ArrayLike") -> None:
        if not k.startswith("_"):
            # convert UDFData.some_attr = something to array slice assignment
            getattr(self, k)[:] = v
            super().__setattr__(k, v)

    def _get_view_or_data(self, k: str) -> Union[np.ndarray, BufferWrapper]:
        if k in self._views:
            return self._views[k]
        res = self._data[k]
        if isinstance(res, BufferWrapper) and res.raw_data is not None:
            return res.raw_data
        return res

    def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> BufferWrapper:
            "dict-like access is discouraged, as it can be "
            "confusing vs. using attribute access. Please use `get_buffer` instead, "
            "if you really need the `BufferWrapper` and not the current view",
        return self._data[k]

    def __contains__(self, k: str) -> bool:
        return k in self._data

    def items(self):
        return self._data.items()

    def keys(self):
        return self._data.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self._data.values()

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, BufferWrapper]:
        return dict(self.items())

    def get_proxy(self) -> MergeAttrMapping:
        return MergeAttrMapping({
            k: (self._views[k] if k in self._views else self._data[k].raw_data)
            for k, v in self.items()
            if v and v.has_data()

    def _get_buffers(
        self, filter_allocated: bool = False
    ) -> Generator[tuple[str, BufferWrapper], None, None]:
        for k, buf in self._data.items():
            if not hasattr(buf, 'has_data') or (buf.has_data() and filter_allocated):
            yield k, buf

    def allocate_for_part(self, partition: Partition, roi: Optional[np.ndarray], lib=None) -> None:
        allocate all BufferWrapper instances in this namespace.
        for pre-allocated buffers (i.e. aux data), only set shape and roi
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            buf.set_shape_partition(partition, roi)
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers(filter_allocated=True):

    def allocate_for_full(self, dataset: DataSet, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        ds_partitions = [*dataset.get_partitions()]
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            buf.set_shape_ds(dataset.shape, roi)
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers(filter_allocated=True):

    def set_view_for_dataset(self, dataset: DataSet) -> None:
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._views[k] = buf.get_view_for_dataset(dataset)

    def set_view_for_partition(self, partition: Partition) -> None:
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._views[k] = buf.get_view_for_partition(partition)

    def set_view_for_tile(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile) -> None:
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._views[k] = buf.get_view_for_tile(partition, tile)

    def set_contiguous_view_for_tile(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.5.0
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._views[k] = buf.get_contiguous_view_for_tile(partition, tile)

    def flush(self, debug: bool = False) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.5.0
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():

    def export(self) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():

    def set_view_for_frame(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile, frame_idx: int) -> None:
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._views[k] = buf.get_view_for_frame(partition, tile, frame_idx)

    def clear_views(self) -> None:
        self._views = {}

class UDFKwargsWrapper(UDFData):
    Wrapper for UDF kwargs, used for slicing/viewing AUX data
    def __init__(self, data: UDFKwargs):
        self._data = data
        self._views = {}

    def _get_buffers(
        self, filter_allocated: bool = False
    ) -> Generator[tuple[str, AuxBufferWrapper], None, None]:
        for k, buf in self._data.items():
            if isinstance(buf, AuxBufferWrapper):
                if buf.has_data() and filter_allocated:
                yield k, buf

    def new_for_partition(self, partition: Partition, roi: np.ndarray):
        for k, buf in self._get_buffers():
            self._data[k] = buf.new_for_partition(partition, roi)

class UDFFrameMixin(Protocol):
    Implement :code:`process_frame` for per-frame processing.

    def process_frame(self, frame: np.ndarray):
        Implement this method to process the data on a frame-by-frame manner.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params`    - the parameters of this UDF
        - `self.task_data` - task data created by `get_task_data`
        - `self.results`   - the result buffer instances
        - `self.meta`      - meta data about the current operation and data set

        frame : numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray
            A single frame or signal element from the dataset.
            The shape is the same as `dataset.shape.sig`. In case of pixelated
            STEM / scanning diffraction data this is 2D, for spectra 1D etc.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UDFTileMixin(Protocol):
    Implement :code:`process_tile` for per-tile processing.

    def process_tile(self, tile: np.ndarray):
        Implement this method to process the data in a tiled manner.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params`    - the parameters of this UDF
        - `self.task_data` - task data created by `get_task_data`
        - `self.results`   - the result buffer instances
        - `self.meta`      - meta data about the current operation and data set

        tile : numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray
            A small number N of frames or signal elements from the dataset.
            The shape is (N,) + `dataset.shape.sig`. In case of pixelated
            STEM / scanning diffraction data this is 3D, for spectra 2D etc.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UDFPartitionMixin(Protocol):
    Implement :code:`process_partition` for per-partition processing.

    def process_partition(self, partition: np.ndarray) -> None:
        Implement this method to process the data partitioned into large
        (100s of MiB) partitions.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params`    - the parameters of this UDF
        - `self.task_data` - task data created by `get_task_data`
        - `self.results`   - the result buffer instances
        - `self.meta`      - meta data about the current operation and data set

        Only use this method if you know what you are doing; especially if
        you are running a processing pipeline with multiple steps, or multiple
        processing pipelines at the same time, performance may be adversely

        partition : numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray
            A large number N of frames or signal elements from the dataset.
            The shape is (N,) + `dataset.shape.sig`. In case of pixelated
            STEM / scanning diffraction data this is 3D, for spectra 2D etc.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UDFPreprocessMixin(Protocol):
    Implement :code:`preprocess` to initialize the result buffers of a partition on the worker
    before the partition data is processed.

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.0

    def preprocess(self) -> None:
        Implement this method to preprocess the result data for a partition.

        This can be useful to initialize arrays of
        :code:`dtype='object'` with the correct container types, for example.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params`    - the parameters of this UDF
        - `self.task_data` - task data created by `get_task_data`
        - `self.results`   - the result buffer instances
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UDFPostprocessMixin(Protocol):
    Implement :code:`postprocess` to modify the resulf buffers of a partition on the worker
    after the partition data has been completely processed, but before it is returned to the
    main node for the final merging step.

    def postprocess(self) -> None:
        Implement this method to postprocess the result data for a partition.

        This can be useful in combination with process_tile() to implement
        a postprocessing step that requires the reduced results for whole frames.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params`    - the parameters of this UDF
        - `self.task_data` - task data created by `get_task_data`
        - `self.results`   - the result buffer instances
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UDFMergeAllMixin(Protocol):
    def merge_all(
                self, ordered_results: 'OrderedDict[Slice, MergeAttrMapping]'
            ) -> Mapping[str, 'nt.ArrayLike']:
        Combine stack of ordered partial results :code:`ordered_results` to form complete result.

        Combining can be more efficient than direct merging into a result buffer
        for cases where the results are not NumPy arrays.
        Currently this is only applicable for the
        where it provides an efficient pathway to construct Dask arrays from delayed UDF results.

        The input and the returned arrays are in flattened navigation dimension with ROI applied.

        Data available in this method:

        - :code:`self.params` - the parameters of this UDF

        For UDFs with only :code:`kind='nav'` result buffers a default implementation
        is used automatically.


            Ordered dict mapping partition slice to UDF partial result


        dict[buffername] -> array_like
            Dictionary mapping result buffer name to buffer content

        This function is running on the main node, which means `self.results`
        and `self.task_data` are not available.
        raise NotImplementedError()

def _default_merge_all(udf, ordered_results: 'OrderedDict[Slice, MergeAttrMapping]'):
    if udf.requires_custom_merge_all:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Default merging only works for kind='nav' buffers. "
            "Please implement a suitable custom merge_all function."
    result_chunks = defaultdict(list)
    for b in ordered_results.values():
        for key in b:
            result_chunks[key].append(getattr(b, key))

    result = {
        # checking above assures that we only have kind='nav'
        # where concatenation is the correct method.
        k: np.concatenate(val)
        for k, val in result_chunks.items()
    return result

class UDFBase(UDFProtocol):
    Base class for UDFs with helper functions.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        # this should not execute - it is mostly for getting the typing right:
        self.params = UDFKwargsWrapper({})
        self.results = UDFData({})

    def _update_parameters_patch(self, kwargs_patch):
        Update the parameters _for this UDF instance_ by applying the patch in
        `kwargs_patch`, which is a dict containing the key/value combinations to

        For properly supporting AUX data (i.e. `BufferWrapper`-typed parameters),
        make sure to set the correct views afterwards.

        :meta private:
        new_kwargs = {}
        self.params = UDFKwargsWrapper(new_kwargs)

    def get_task_data(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_result_buffers(self) -> dict[str, BufferWrapper]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def allocate_for_part(self, partition: Partition, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        for ns in [self.results]:
            ns.allocate_for_part(partition, roi, lib=self.xp)

    def allocate_for_full(self, dataset: DataSet, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:
            ns.allocate_for_full(dataset, roi)

    def set_views_for_dataset(self, dataset: DataSet) -> None:
        for ns in [self.params]:

    def set_views_for_partition(self, partition: Partition) -> None:
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:

    def set_views_for_tile(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile) -> None:
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:
            ns.set_view_for_tile(partition, tile)

    def set_contiguous_views_for_tile(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.5.0
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:
            ns.set_contiguous_view_for_tile(partition, tile)

    def flush(self, debug: bool = False) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.5.0
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:

    def set_views_for_frame(self, partition: Partition, tile: DataTile, frame_idx: int):
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:
            ns.set_view_for_frame(partition, tile, frame_idx)

    def clear_views(self) -> None:
        for ns in [self.params, self.results]:

    def init_task_data(self) -> None:
        self.task_data = UDFData(self.get_task_data())

    def init_result_buffers(self, executor=None) -> None:
        Create the UDFData instance containing BufferWrappers
        for results of this UDF. Same method used for
        Dataset- and Partition-sized buffers.

        The executor argument is provided on the main node
        only to allow modification of Dataset-sized buffers
        buffers into more specialized forms.

        #TODO use another mechanism to distinguish between
        dataset and parititon-sized buffers when initializing,
        such that we can modify buffers in both cases.

        :meta private:
        self.results = UDFData(self.get_result_buffers())
        if executor is not None:
            for name, buffer in self.results.items():
                new_buffer = executor.modify_buffer_type(buffer)
                self.results.set_buffer(name, new_buffer)

    def export_results(self) -> None:
        # .. versionadded:: 0.6.0.dev0

    def set_meta(self, meta: UDFMeta) -> None:
        self.meta = meta

    def set_slice(self, slice_: Slice) -> None:
        self.meta.slice = slice_

    def set_tile_idx(self, idx: int) -> None:
        self.meta.tiling_scheme_idx = idx

    def set_backend(self, backend: ArrayBackend) -> None:
        assert backend in _get_canonical_backends(self.get_backends())
        self._backend = backend

    def get_backends(self) -> BackendSpec:
        raise NotImplementedError()  # see impl in UDF.get_backends

    def xp(self):
        Compute back-end library to use.

        Generally, use :code:`self.xp` instead of :code:`np` to use NumPy or CuPy transparently

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        # Implemented as property and not variable to avoid pickling issues
        # tests/udf/
        if self._backend in CPU_BACKENDS or self._backend == CUDA:
            return np
        elif self._backend in CUPY_BACKENDS:
            # Re-importing should be fast, right?
            # Importing only here to avoid superfluous import
            import cupy
            # mocking for testing without actual CUDA device
            # import numpy as cupy
            return cupy
            raise ValueError(f"Backend can be {BACKENDS}, got {self._backend}")

    def get_method(self) -> UDFMethod:
        Return a member of the :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.UDF_METHOD`
        enum to indicate which processing method to use during :code:`run_udf`.

        By default, this method returns based on the process method
        precedence of tile > frame > partition.

        The return is checked at runtime to ensure the requested method
        is impemented on the UDF itself.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0
            :meth:`~libertem.udf.base.UDF.get_method()` was exposed to enable
            choice of processing method at runtime


            A member of the enum :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.UDF_METHOD`
        if isinstance(self, UDFTileMixin):
            return UDFMethod.TILE
        elif isinstance(self, UDFFrameMixin):
            return UDFMethod.FRAME
        elif isinstance(self, UDFPartitionMixin):
            return UDFMethod.PARTITION
            raise TypeError("UDF should implement one of the `process_*` methods")

    def _check_results(self, decl, arr, name):
        Check results in `arr` for buffer `name` for consistency with the
        declaration in `decl`.

        1) All returned buffers need to be declared
        2) Private buffers can't be returned from `get_results`
        3) The `dtype` of `arr` needs to be compatible with the declared `dtype`
        if name not in decl:
            raise UDFException(
                "buffer '%s' is not declared in `get_result_buffers` "
                "(hint: `self.buffer(..., use='result_only')`" % name
        buf_decl = decl[name]
        if buf_decl.use == "private":
            raise UDFException("Don't return `use='private'` buffers from `get_results`")
        if np.dtype(arr.dtype).kind != np.dtype(buf_decl.dtype).kind:
            raise UDFException(
                "the returned ndarray '%s' has a different dtype kind (%s) "
                "than declared (%s)" % (
                    name, arr.dtype, buf_decl.dtype

    def get_results(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    _default_merge_all = UDFMergeAllMixin.merge_all

    def _do_merge_all(self, ordered_results: 'OrderedDict[Slice, MergeAttrMapping]'):
        if isinstance(self, UDFMergeAllMixin):
            results_tmp = self.merge_all(ordered_results)
            # This will raise NotImplemementedError if preconditions for default merge
            # are not met
            results_tmp = _default_merge_all(self, ordered_results)

        if not set(results_tmp.keys()).issubset(set(self.results.keys())):
            raise ValueError(f'Returned result names from merge_all ({[*results_tmp.keys()]}) '
                            'are not contained within declared result buffer names '

        for key, value in results_tmp.items():
            # This SHOULD throw errors if sth doesn't match up about
            # buffer name, shape or dtype

    def _do_get_results(self) -> Mapping[str, BufferWrapper]:
        results_tmp = self.get_results()
        decl = self.get_result_buffers()

        # include any results that were not explicitly included, but have non-private `use`:
            k: getattr(self.results, k)
            for k, v in decl.items()
            if k not in results_tmp and v.use is None

        results_buffer_cls = {
            k: self.results.get_buffer(k).result_buffer_type()
            for k in results_tmp.keys()

        # wrap numpy results into `ResultBuffer`s:
        results = {}
        for name, arr in results_tmp.items():
            mask = None
            if isinstance(arr, ArrayWithMask):
                mask = arr.mask
                arr = arr.arr
            self._check_results(decl, arr, name)
            buf_decl = decl[name]
            if mask is None:
                valid_mask = self.meta.get_valid_nav_mask()
                assert valid_mask is not None
                mask = buf_decl.make_default_mask(
            buf = results_buffer_cls[name](
                kind=buf_decl.kind, extra_shape=buf_decl.extra_shape,
            buf.valid_mask = mask
            buf.set_shape_ds(self.meta.dataset_shape, self.meta.roi)
            results[name] = buf
        return results

class UDF(UDFBase):
    The main user-defined functions interface. You can implement your functionality
    by overriding methods on this class.

    If you override `__init__`, please take care,
    as it is called multiple times during evaluation of a UDF. You can handle
    some pre-conditioning of parameters, but you also have to accept the results
    as input again.

    Arguments passed as `**kwargs` will be automatically available on `self.params`
    when running the UDF.


    >>> class MyUDF(UDF):
    ...     def __init__(self, param1, param2="def2", **kwargs):
    ...         param1 = int(param1)
    ...         if "param3" not in kwargs:
    ...             raise TypeError("missing argument param3")
    ...         super().__init__(param1=param1, param2=param2, **kwargs)

        Input parameters. They are scattered to the worker processes and
        available as `self.params` from here on.

        Values can be `BufferWrapper` instances, which, when accessed via
        `self.params.the_key_here`, will automatically return a view corresponding
        to the current unit of data (frame, tile, partition).

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: UDFKwarg) -> None:
        self._backend = 'numpy'  # default so that self.xp can always be used
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self.params = UDFKwargsWrapper(kwargs)
        self.task_data = UDFData({})
        self.results = UDFData({})
        self._requires_custom_merge = None
        self._requires_custom_merge_all = None

    def copy(self) -> "UDF":
        return self.__class__(**self._kwargs)

    def new_for_partition(
        kwargs: dict[str, Any],
        partition: Partition,
        roi: np.ndarray,
    ) -> "UDF":
        new_instance = cls(**kwargs)
        new_instance.params.new_for_partition(partition, roi)
        return new_instance

    def copy_for_partition(self, partition: Partition, roi: np.ndarray) -> "UDF":
        create a copy of the UDF, specifically slicing aux data to the
        specified pratition and roi
        return self.__class__.new_for_partition(self._kwargs, partition, roi)

    def get_task_data(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Initialize per-task data.

        Per-task data can be mutable. Override this function
        to allocate temporary buffers, or to initialize
        system resources.

        If you want to distribute static data, use
        parameters instead.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params` - the input parameters of this UDF
        - `self.meta` - relevant metadata, see :class:`UDFMeta` documentation.

            Flat dict with string keys. Keys should
            be valid python identifiers, which allows
            access via `self.task_data.the_key_here`.
        return {}

    def get_result_buffers(self) -> dict[str, BufferWrapper]:
        Return result buffer declaration.

        Values of the returned dict should be :class:`~libertem.common.buffers.BufferWrapper`
        instances, which, when accessed via :code:`self.results.key`,
        will automatically return a view corresponding to the
        current unit of data (frame, tile, partition).

        The values also need to be serializable via pickle.

        Data available in this method:

        - :code:`self.params` - the parameters of this UDF
        - :code:`self.meta` - relevant metadata, see :class:`UDFMeta` documentation.
          Please note that partition metadata will not be set when this method is
          executed on the head node.

            Flat dict with string keys. Keys should
            be valid python identifiers, which allows
            access via `self.results.the_key_here`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def requires_custom_merge(self):
        Determine if buffers with :code:`kind != 'nav'` that are not :code:`use
        != 'result_only'` are present where the default merge doesn't work

        .. versionadded:: 0.5.0

        .. versionchanged:: 0.12.0
            Ignore :code:`use != 'result_only'` buffer since they are not present
            in the merge function
        if self._requires_custom_merge is None:
            buffers = self.get_result_buffers()
            self._requires_custom_merge = any(
                buffer.kind != 'nav' and buffer.use != 'result_only' for buffer in buffers.values()
        return self._requires_custom_merge

    def requires_custom_merge_all(self):
        Determine if buffers with :code:`kind != 'nav'` are present where
        the default merge doesn't work

        .. versionadded:: 0.12.0
        if self._requires_custom_merge_all is None:
            buffers = self.get_result_buffers()
            self._requires_custom_merge_all = any(
                buffer.kind != 'nav' for buffer in buffers.values()
        return self._requires_custom_merge_all

    def merge(self, dest: MergeAttrMapping, src: MergeAttrMapping):
        Merge a partial result `src` into the current global result `dest`.

        Data available in this method:

        - `self.params` - the parameters of this UDF


            global results; you can access the ndarrays for each
            buffer name (from `get_result_buffers`) by attribute access

            results for a partition; you can access the ndarrays for each
            buffer name (from `get_result_buffers`) by attribute access

        This function is running on the main node, which means `self.results`
        and `self.task_data` are not available.
        if self.requires_custom_merge:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Default merging only works for kind='nav' buffers. "
                "Please implement a suitable custom merge function."
        for k in dest:
            check_cast(getattr(src, k), getattr(dest, k))
            getattr(dest, k)[:] = getattr(src, k)

    def get_results(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        Get results, allowing a postprocessing step on the main node after
        a result has been merged. See also: :class:`UDFPostprocessMixin`.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.0

        You should return all values as numpy arrays, they will be wrapped
        in `BufferWrapper` instances before they are returned to the user.

        See the :ref:`udf final post processing` section in the documentation for
        details and examples.


        results : dict
            A `dict` containing the final post-processed results.

        for k in self.results.keys():
            buf = self.results.get_buffer(k)
            if buf.use == "result_only":
                raise UDFException(
                    "don't know how to set use='result_only' buffer '%s';"
                    " please implement `get_results`" % k
        decls = self.get_result_buffers()
        return {
            k: getattr(self.results, k)
            for k in self.results.keys()
            if decls[k].use != "private"

    def get_preferred_input_dtype(self) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
        Override this method to specify the preferred input dtype of the UDF.

        The default is :code:`float32` since most numerical processing tasks
        perform best with this dtype, namely dot products.

        The back-end uses this preferred input dtype in combination with the
        dataset`s native dtype to determine the input dtype using
        :func:`numpy.result_type`. That means :code:`float` data in a dataset
        switches the dtype to :code:`float` even if this method returns an
        :code:`int` dtype. :code:`int32` or wider input data would switch from
        :code:`float32` to :code:`float64`, and complex data in the dataset will
        switch the input dtype kind to :code:`complex`, following the NumPy
        casting rules.

        In case your UDF only works with specific input dtypes, it should throw
        an error or warning if incompatible dtypes are used, and/or implement a
        meaningful conversion in your UDF's :code:`process_<...>` routine.

        If you prefer to always use the dataset's native dtype instead of
        floats, you can override this method to return
        :attr:`UDF.USE_NATIVE_DTYPE`, which is currently identical to
        :code:`numpy.bool` and behaves as a neutral element in

        .. versionadded:: 0.4.0
        return np.float32

    def get_tiling_preferences(self) -> TilingPreferences:
        Configure tiling preferences. Return a dictionary with the
        following keys:

        - "depth": number of frames/frame parts to stack on top of each other
        - "total_size": total size of a tile in bytes

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        return {
            "depth": UDF.TILE_DEPTH_DEFAULT,
            "total_size": UDF.TILE_SIZE_MAX,

    def get_backends(self) -> BackendSpec:
        Signal which computation back-ends the UDF can use.

        Allowed are values in :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.BACKEND_ALL`.
        :code:`(UDF.BACKEND_NUMPY, )` is returned by default for CPU-based computation.

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0

        .. versionchanged:: 0.11.0
            Extended from just NumPy vs. CuPy to include more generic specification of backends,
            including sparse arrays. See :ref:`sparse` for details! The backend specifications are
            backwards-compatible with the previously supported values.


            A single value or iterable containing values from the supported backends
            in :attr:`libertem.udf.base.UDF.BACKEND_ALL`
        return (UDF.BACKEND_NUMPY, )

    def forbuf(self, arr, target):
        Convert array to backend that is compatible with result buffers and

        This function should be wrapped around assignment to result buffers if
        the array :code:`arr` might have an incompatible array backend and/or
        have a flattened sig dimension. It converts any of the supported input
        backends into the array backend of the target buffer. If the argument is
        already matching the buffer or is not recognized, it is a no-op.

        In particular, the result of array operations on a sparse input tile
        can't always be merged into dense result buffers directly since arrays
        from the :mod:`sparse` package are not converted to NumPy arrays

        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0


        arr : array-like
            Any array-like object that is supported by the `sparseconverter`
            package or allows the desired operation with the result buffer at
        target : array-like
            The LiberTEM result buffer that the desired operation targets.


        >>> def process_tile(self, tile):
        ...     res = ...  # Processing result from tile
        ...     self.results.intensity[:] += self.forbuf(
        ...         res,
        ...         self.results.intensity
        ...     )

        See :ref:`sparse` for a complete example how to use this function in the
        contaxt of a UDF!
        res = make_like(arr, target, strict=False)
        return res

    def cleanup(self) -> None:  # FIXME: name? implement cleanup as context manager somehow?

    def with_mask(data: np.ndarray, mask: Union[np.ndarray, bool]) -> ArrayWithMask:
        Add a mask to indicate the valid parts in a result. The mask
        should be an array of bools, with a shape matching
        the `data` array. The mask should have `True` in positions
        that are valid, and `False` otherwise.

        You can pass `mask=True` or `mask=False` as shortcuts for
        all-valid or all-invalid, and also pass in masks that can
        be broadcast to `data`.

        This should be used in :meth:`get_results`.

        See the :ref:`udf valid data masking` section in the
        documentation for details and more examples.


        >>> class SomeUDF(UDF):
        ...     # ... other methods omitted for brevity ...
        ...     def get_results(self):
        ...         return {
        ...             'some_result': self.with_mask(
        ...                 data=self.results.some_result,
        ...                 mask=False,
        ...             ),
        ...         }
        return ArrayWithMask(data, mask=mask)

    def buffer(
        kind: BufferKind,
        extra_shape: tuple[int, ...] = (),
        dtype: "nt.DTypeLike" = "float32",
        where: BufferLocation = None,
        use: Optional[BufferUse] = None,
    ) -> BufferWrapper:
        Use this method to create :class:`~ libertem.common.buffers.BufferWrapper` objects
        in :meth:`get_result_buffers`.

        kind : "nav", "sig" or "single"
            The abstract shape of the buffer, corresponding either to the navigation
            or the signal dimensions of the dataset, or a single value.

        extra_shape : optional, tuple of int or a Shape object
            You can specify additional dimensions for your data. For example, if
            you want to store 2D coords, you would specify :code:`(2,)` here.
            If this is specified as a Shape object, it is converted to a tuple first.

        dtype : string or numpy dtype
            The dtype of this buffer

        where : string or None
            :code:`None` means NumPy array, specify :code:`'device'` to use a device buffer
            (for example on a CUDA device)

            .. versionadded:: 0.6.0

        use : "private", "result_only" or None
            If you specify :code:`"private"` here, the result will only be made available
            to internal functions, like :meth:`process_frame`, :meth:`merge` or
            :meth:`get_results`. It will not be available to the user of the UDF, which means
            you can use this to hide implementation details that are likely to change later.

            Specify :code:`"result_only"` here if the buffer is only used in :meth:`get_results`,
            this means we don't have to allocate and return it on the workers without actually
            needing it.

            :code:`None` means the buffer is used both as a final and intermediate result.

            .. versionadded:: 0.7.0
        if use is not None and use.lower() == "result_only":
            return PlaceholderBufferWrapper(kind, extra_shape, dtype, use=use)
        return BufferWrapper(kind, extra_shape, dtype, where, use=use)

    def aux_data(cls, data, kind, extra_shape=(), dtype="float32"):
        Use this method to create auxiliary data. Auxiliary data should
        have a shape like `(dataset.shape.nav, extra_shape)` and on access,
        an appropriate view will be created. For example, if you access
        aux data in `process_frame`, you will get the auxiliary data for
        the current frame you are processing.


        We create a UDF to demonstrate the behavior:

        >>> class MyUDF(UDF):
        ...     def get_result_buffers(self):
        ...         # Result buffer for debug output
        ...         return {'aux_dump': self.buffer(kind='nav', dtype='object')}
        ...     def process_frame(self, frame):
        ...         # Extract value of aux data for demonstration
        ...         self.results.aux_dump[:] = str(self.params.aux_data[:])
        >>> # for each frame, provide three values from a sequential series:
        >>> aux1 = MyUDF.aux_data(
        ...     data=np.arange( * 3, dtype=np.float32),
        ...     kind="nav", extra_shape=(3,), dtype="float32"
        ... )
        >>> udf = MyUDF(aux_data=aux1)
        >>> res = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf)

        process_frame for frame (0, 7) received a view of aux_data with values [21., 22., 23.]:

        >>> res['aux_dump'].data[0, 7]
        '[21. 22. 23.]'
        buf = AuxBufferWrapper(kind, extra_shape, dtype)
        return buf

class NoOpUDF(UDF):
    A UDF that does nothing and returns nothing.

    This is useful for testing.

    preferred_input_dtype : numpy.dtype
        Perform dtype conversion. By default, this is :attr:`UDF.USE_NATIVE_DTYPE`.
    def __init__(self, preferred_input_dtype=UDF.USE_NATIVE_DTYPE) -> None:

    def process_tile(self, tile):
        Do nothing.

    def get_result_buffers(self):
        No result buffers.
        return {}

    def get_preferred_input_dtype(self):
        Return the value passed in the constructor.
        return self.params.preferred_input_dtype

def check_cast(fromvar, tovar):
    if not np.can_cast(fromvar.dtype, tovar.dtype, casting='safe'):
        # FIXME exception or warning?
        raise TypeError(f"Unsafe automatic casting from {fromvar.dtype} to {tovar.dtype}")

class UDFParams:
    def __init__(
        kwargs: list[dict],
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet],
        tiling_scheme: TilingScheme,
        Container class for UDF parameters for multiple UDFs

        kwargs : List[dict]
            List of kwargs which can be used to re-create the UDF instances
            that were passed to `run_for_dataset`
            Boolean array to select parts of the navigation space
            Corrections to apply
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._roi = roi
        self._corrections = corrections
        self._tiling_scheme = tiling_scheme

    def from_udfs(
        udfs: Iterable[UDF],
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet],
        tiling_scheme: TilingScheme,
        kwargs = [udf._kwargs for udf in udfs]
        return cls(kwargs, roi, corrections, tiling_scheme)

    def patch(self, patch):
        for p, kwargs in zip(patch, self._kwargs):

    def roi(self):
        return self._roi

    def corrections(self):
        return self._corrections

    def kwargs(self):
        return self._kwargs

    def tiling_scheme(self):
        return self._tiling_scheme

class Task:
    A computation on a partition. Inherit from this class and implement ``__call__``
    for your specific computation.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0
        Moved from libertem.job.base to libertem.udf.base as part of Job API deprecation

    def __init__(self, partition: Partition, idx: int, span_context: "SpanContext"):
        self.partition = partition
        self.idx = idx
        self._span_context = span_context
        self._progress = False

    def get_partition(self):
        return self.partition

    def get_locations(self):
        return self.partition.get_locations()

    def get_resources(self) -> ResourceDef:
        Specify the resources that a Task will use.

        The resources are designed to work with resource tags in Dask clusters:

        The resources allow scheduling of CPU-only compute, CUDA-only compute,
        (CPU or CUDA) hybrid compute, and service tasks in such a way that all
        resources are used without oversubscription. Furthermore, they
        distinguish if the given resource can be accessed with a transparent
        NumPy ndarray interface -- namely if CuPy is installed to access CUDA

        Each CPU worker gets one CPU, one compute and one ndarray resource
        assigned. Each CUDA worker gets one CUDA and one compute resource
        assigned. If CuPy is installed, it additionally gets an ndarray resource
        assigned. A service worker doesn't get any resources assigned.

        A CPU-only task consumes one CPU, one ndarray and one compute resource,
        i.e. it will be scheduled only on CPU workers. A CUDA-only task consumes
        one CUDA, one compute and possibly an ndarray resource, i.e. it will
        only be scheduled on CUDA workers. A hybrid task that can run on both
        CPU or CUDA using a transparent ndarray interface only consumes a
        compute and an ndarray resource, i.e. it can be scheduled on CPU workers
        or CUDA workers with CuPy. A service task doesn't request any resources
        and can therefore run on CPU, CUDA and service workers.

        Which device a hybrid task uses is only decided at runtime by the
        environment variables that are set on each worker process.

        That way, CPU-only and CUDA-only tasks can run in parallel without
        oversubscription, and hybrid tasks use whatever compute workers are free
        at the time. Furthermore, it allows using CUDA without installing CuPy.
        See for detailed

        Compute tasks will not run on service workers, so that these can serve
        shorter service tasks with lower latency.

        At the moment, workers only get a single "item" of each resource
        assigned since we run one process per CPU. Requesting more of a resource
        than any of the workers has causes a :class:`RuntimeError`, including
        requesting a resource that is not available at all.

        For that reason one has to make sure that the workers are set up with
        the correct resources and matching environment.
        :meth:`libertem.executor.dask.cluster_spec` and
        :meth:`libertem.executor.dask.DaskJobExecutor.make_local` can be used to
        set up a local cluster correctly.

        .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
        # default: run only on CPU and do computation
        # No CUDA support for the deprecated Job interface
        return {'CPU': 1, 'compute': 1, 'ndarray': 1}

    def get_tracing_span_context(self) -> "SpanContext":
        return self._span_context

    def __call__(self, params: UDFParams, env: Environment):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def report_progress(self):
        self._progress = True

def _get_canonical_backends(backends: Optional[BackendSpec]) -> Sequence[ArrayBackend]:
    Convert from either an iterable of backends or a simple string form into a
    canonical form of Sequence[str]
    if backends is None:
        return ()
    if isinstance(backends, str):
        backends = (backends,)
    return tuple(backends)

def get_resources_for_backends(
    udf_backends: list[BackendSpec],
    user_backends: Optional[BackendSpec]
) -> ResourceDef:
    Find the resource definition that is appropriate for the backends specified
    by the UDFs and the user. This is the intersection between the backend specified
    in each UDF, and the backend that was sepected by the user.

        The backends specified by each UDF that we want to run

        The backends specified by the user

    See :meth:`Task.get_resources` for details.
    udf_backends_canonical = [
        for bs in udf_backends
    user_backends_canonical = _get_canonical_backends(user_backends)

    needs_cuda = 0
    needs_cpu = 0
    needs_ndarray = 0

    # Limit to externally specified backends
    for backend_set in udf_backends_canonical:
        if user_backends_canonical:
            backends = set(user_backends_canonical).intersection(backend_set)
            backends = set(backend_set)
        needs_cuda += backends.isdisjoint(CPU_BACKENDS)
        needs_cpu += backends.isdisjoint(CUDA_BACKENDS)
        needs_ndarray += CUDA not in backends
    if needs_cuda and needs_cpu:
        raise ValueError(
            "There is no common supported UDF backend (have: %r, limited to %r)"
            % (udf_backends, user_backends_canonical)
    result: ResourceDef = {'compute': 1}
    if needs_cpu:
        result['CPU'] = 1
    if needs_cuda:
        result['CUDA'] = 1
    if needs_ndarray:
        result['ndarray'] = 1
    return result

class UDFTask(Task):
    def __init__(
        partition: Partition,
        idx: int,
        udf_classes: list[type[UDF]],
        udf_backends: list[BackendSpec],
        user_backends: Optional[BackendSpec],
        runner_cls: type['UDFPartRunner'],
        span_context: "SpanContext",
        task_frames: int,
        A computation for a single partition. The parameters that stay the same
        for the whole dataset are excluded here and supplied by the executor in

        partition : Partition
            The partition to work on
        idx : int
            the index of the task, used to identify results (?)
        udf_classes : List[Type[UDF]]
            The UDFs to run
        backends : List[str]
            The specified backends we want to run on
        task_frames : int
            The number of frames this task must process (ROI included)
        super().__init__(partition=partition, idx=idx, span_context=span_context)
        self._udf_classes = udf_classes
        self._udf_backends = udf_backends
        self._user_backends = user_backends
        self._runner_cls = runner_cls
        self._task_frames = task_frames

    def __call__(self, params: UDFParams, env: Environment) -> tuple[UDFData, ...]:
        with self._propagate_tracing(), tracer.start_as_current_span("UDFTask.__call__"):
            udfs = [
                cls.new_for_partition(kwargs, self.partition, params.roi)
                for cls, kwargs in zip(self._udf_classes, params.kwargs)
            return self._runner_cls(udfs, progress=self._progress).run_for_partition(
                self.partition, params, env, self._user_backends,

    def _propagate_tracing(self):
        Initialize the current tracing context from the :code:`SpanContext`
        given in `self._span_context`, if we don't already have a running
        tracing context.
        if opentelemetry_context.get_current():
            with attach_to_parent(self._span_context):

    def get_runner_cls(self) -> type["UDFPartRunner"]:
        return self._runner_cls

    def get_udf_classes(self) -> list[type["UDF"]]:
        return self._udf_classes

    def get_resources(self) -> ResourceDef:
        Intersection of resources of all UDFs, throws if empty.

        See docstring of super class for details.
        return get_resources_for_backends(self._udf_backends, user_backends=self._user_backends)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<UDFTask {self._udf_classes!r}>"

    def task_frames(self) -> int:
        The number of frames to be processed in this task
        (accounting for ROI)
        return self._task_frames

class UDFPartRunner:
    def __init__(self, udfs: list[UDF], debug: bool = False, progress: bool = False):
        self._udfs = udfs
        self._debug = debug
        self._progress = progress

    def run_for_partition(
        partition: Partition,
        params: UDFParams,
        env: Environment,
        backend_choice: BackendSpec
    ) -> tuple[UDFData, ...]:
        roi = params.roi
        corrections = params.corrections
        if backend_choice is None:
            backend_choice = BACKENDS
        backend_choice = frozenset(_get_canonical_backends(backend_choice))
        with env.enter():
                previous_id = None
                device_class = get_device_class()
                if device_class == 'cpu':
                    available_backends = backend_choice.intersection(CPU_BACKENDS)
                elif device_class == 'cuda':
                    if has_cupy():
                        available_backends = backend_choice.intersection(BACKENDS)
                        available_backends = backend_choice.intersection(
                            CPU_BACKENDS.union((CUDA, ))
                    raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown device class {device_class}.")
                # This will raise an exception if unavailable backends would be used
                ds_backend, execution_plan = _execution_plan(
                if CUPY_BACKENDS.intersection(execution_plan.keys()):
                    # Avoid importing if not used
                    import cupy
                    device = get_use_cuda()
                    previous_id = cupy.cuda.Device().id
                dtype = self._init_udfs(
                    execution_plan, partition, roi, corrections, device_class, env,
                if env.worker_context is not None:
                    ds_backend, execution_plan, partition, params.tiling_scheme, roi, dtype
                if previous_id is not None:
            # Make sure results are in the same order as the UDFs
            return tuple(udf.results for udf in self._udfs)

    def _run_udfs(
        ds_backend: ArrayBackend,
        execution_plan: ExecutionPlan,
        partition: Partition,
        tiling_scheme: TilingScheme,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
    ) -> None:
        # FIXME pass information on target location (numpy or cupy)
        # to dataset so that is can already move it there.
        # In the future, it might even decode data on the device instead of CPU
        tiles = partition.get_tiles(
            roi=roi, dest_dtype=dtype,

        # type explicitly to help mypy
        partition_progress: Union[PartitionProgressTracker, PartitionTrackerNoOp]
        if self._progress:
            partition_progress = PartitionProgressTracker(partition)
            partition_progress = PartitionTrackerNoOp()

        # Save udf process_ method to avoid repeated isinstance() checks
        # in the future could be computed along with the execution_plan
        # or better still computed on the main node to ensure consistency
        # with the tiling scheme
        udf_methods = {
            backend: tuple(udf.get_method() for udf in udfs)
            for backend, udfs in execution_plan.items()

        for backend, udfs in execution_plan.items():
            for udf in udfs:

            for tile in tiles:
                converter = TileConverter(tile)
                for backend, udfs in execution_plan.items():
                    methods = udf_methods[backend]
                    device_tile = converter.get(backend)
                        zip(udfs, methods), partition, tile, backend, device_tile, roi=roi
        except AttributeError as e:
            removed = {
                'tile_slice': 'self.meta.slice',
                'scheme_idx': 'self.meta.tiling_scheme_idx',
            for r, repl in removed.items():
                if r in e.args[0]:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        f'Attribute {r} for input tiles was removed. Please use {repl} instead.'

        # We could signal partition completion here, but this is already
        # handled on the main node via ProgressManager.finalize_task(task)
        # as it is the fallback method for executors that don't support comms
        # partition_progress.signal_complete()

    def _init_udfs(
        execution_plan: ExecutionPlan,
        partition: Partition,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        corrections: CorrectionSet,
        env: Environment,
        tiling_scheme: TilingScheme,
    ) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
        dtype = _get_dtype(self._udfs, partition.dtype, corrections, execution_plan.keys())
        for backend, udfs in execution_plan.items():
            pslice_for_roi = partition.slice.adjust_for_roi(roi)
            meta = UDFMeta(
            for udf in udfs:
                # validate that get_method returns a valid method type
                # the presence of the method was checked on the main node
                if udf.get_method() not in tuple(UDFMethod):  # pragma: no cover
                    # Should never be reached
                    raise UDFException('UDF.get_method() returned unrecognized')
                udf.allocate_for_part(partition, roi)
                if isinstance(udf, UDFPreprocessMixin):

        return dtype

    def _run_tile(
        udfs_and_methods: Iterable[
        partition: Partition,
        tile: DataTile,
        array_backend: ArrayBackend,
        device_tile: Any,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
    ) -> None:
        for udf, udf_method in udfs_and_methods:
            if udf_method == UDFMethod.TILE:
                udf.set_contiguous_views_for_tile(partition, tile)
                udf_tile = typing.cast(UDFTileMixin, udf)
            elif udf_method == UDFMethod.FRAME:
                tile_slice = tile.tile_slice
                udf_frame = typing.cast(UDFFrameMixin, udf)
                for frame_idx, frame in enumerate(device_tile):
                    frame_slice = Slice(
                        origin=(tile_slice.origin[0] + frame_idx,) + tile_slice.origin[1:],
                        shape=Shape((1,) + tuple(tile_slice.shape)[1:],
                    # Internal checks for dataset consistency
                    assert frame_slice.shape[0] == 1
                    # assert .... or True to allow disabling this check
                    # in a production run for performance
                    if array_backend in ND_BACKENDS:
                        # The sig dimension is squeezed out
                        assert check_shape(frame, frame_slice.shape[1:]) or True
                    elif array_backend in D2_BACKENDS:
                        # The matrix backend of the 2D arrays adds a sig dimension of 1
                        assert check_shape(frame, frame_slice.shape) or True
                    udf.set_views_for_frame(partition, tile, frame_idx)
            elif udf_method == UDFMethod.PARTITION:
                # Internal checks for dataset consistency
                assert partition.slice.adjust_for_roi(roi) == tile.tile_slice
                udf.set_views_for_tile(partition, tile)
                udf_partition = typing.cast(UDFPartitionMixin, udf)
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                # Should never be reached!
                raise UDFException('UDF.get_method() return unrecognized '
                                   'method during _run_udfs')

    def _wrapup_udfs(
        partition: Partition
    ) -> None:
        for udf in self._udfs:
            if isinstance(udf, UDFPostprocessMixin):


        if self._debug:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("could not pickle partition")
                    [u.results for u in self._udfs]
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("could not pickle results")

class UDFRunner:
    def _apply_part_result(
        udfs: Iterable[UDF],
        damage: BufferWrapper,
        part_results: tuple[UDFData, ...],
        task: TaskProtocol,
        raw_damage = damage.raw_data
        assert raw_damage is not None
        for results, udf in zip(part_results, udfs):
        v = damage.get_view_for_partition(task.get_partition())
        v[:] = True

    def _make_udf_result(udfs: Iterable[UDF], damage: BufferWrapper) -> "UDFResults":
        raw_damage = damage.raw_data
        assert raw_damage is not None
        for udf in udfs:
        return UDFResults(
                for udf in udfs

    def __init__(self, udfs: list[UDF], debug: bool = False,
                 progress_reporter: Optional['ProgressReporter'] = None):
        self._udfs = udfs
        self._debug = debug
        self._pool = TracedThreadPoolExecutor(tracer, max_workers=4)
        self._progress_reporter = progress_reporter

    def inspect_udf(
        udf: UDF,
        dataset: DataSet,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> dict[str, BufferWrapper]:
        Return result buffer declarations for a given UDF/DataSet/roi combination
        ds_backend, execution_plan = _execution_plan(
            udfs=(udf, ),
            # For the sake of dtype determination we'll assume all backends are available.
            # On the workers some might be missing. The cupyx.scipy.sparse backends might
            # trigger an up-conversion to float that may or may not happen in reality.
            # By being inclusive with backends here we make sure that the result buffers
            # can hold whatever the workers may be sending.
        dtype = _get_dtype(
        meta = UDFMeta(

        udf = udf.copy()
        buffers = udf.get_result_buffers()
        for buf in buffers.values():
            buf.set_shape_ds(dataset.shape, roi)
        return buffers

    def dry_run(cls, udfs, dataset, roi=None):
        Return result buffers for a given UDF/DataSet/roi combination
        exactly as running the UDFs would, just skipping execution and
        merging of the processing tasks.

        This can be used to create an empty result to initialize live plots
        before running an UDF.
        with tracer.start_as_current_span("UDFRunner.dry_run"):
            runner = cls(udfs)
            executor = InlineJobExecutor()
            res = runner.run_for_dataset(
            return res

    def _debug_task_pickling(self, tasks: list[UDFTask]) -> None:
        if self._debug:

    def _check_preconditions(self, dataset: DataSet, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        if roi is not None and prod(roi.shape) != prod(dataset.shape.nav):
            raise ValueError(
                "roi: incompatible shapes: {} (roi) vs {} (dataset)".format(
                    roi.shape, dataset.shape.nav

    def _prepare_run_for_dataset(
        dataset: DataSet,
        executor: JobExecutor,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet],
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec],
        dry: bool,
    ) -> tuple[list[UDFTask], UDFParams]:
        self._check_preconditions(dataset, roi)
        if backends is None:
            backends = BACKENDS
        backends = _get_canonical_backends(backends)
        ds_backend, execution_plan = _execution_plan(
            # To include all possible backends without preference for device class
            # For the sake of dtype determination we'll assume all backends are available.
            # On the workers some might be missing. The cupyx.scipy.sparse backends might
            # trigger an up-conversion to float that may or may not happen in reality.
            # By being inclusive with backends here we make sure that the result buffers
            # can hold whatever the workers may be sending.
        dtype = _get_dtype(self._udfs, dataset.dtype, corrections, execution_plan.keys())
        meta = UDFMeta(
            # We don't specify the dataset input backend here since
            # that will be determined dynamically on the workers.
        for udf in self._udfs:
            # ideally the UDF would know the set of workers it might run on
            # here, e.g. backend information, to choose the best method,
            # as-is the backend will always be numpy by default
            udf_method = udf.get_method()
            if udf_method not in tuple(UDFMethod):
                raise UDFException('UDF.get_method() returned unrecognized value')
            elif udf_method == UDFMethod.TILE and not isinstance(udf, UDFTileMixin):
                raise UDFException(f'UDF declared method {udf_method.value} but '
                                   'does not implement process_tile.')
            elif udf_method == UDFMethod.FRAME and not isinstance(udf, UDFFrameMixin):
                raise UDFException(f'UDF declared method {udf_method.value} but '
                                   'does not implement process_frame.')
            elif udf_method == UDFMethod.PARTITION and not isinstance(udf, UDFPartitionMixin):
                raise UDFException(f'UDF declared method {udf_method.value} but '
                                   'does not implement process_partition.')
            udf.allocate_for_full(dataset, roi)

            if isinstance(udf, UDFPreprocessMixin):
        with tracer.start_as_current_span('tileshape negotiation'):
            neg = Negotiator()
            # FIXME take compute backend into consideration as well
            # Other boundary conditions when moving input data to device
            # FIXME: approximate partition shape here
            partition = next(dataset.get_partitions())
            tiling_scheme = neg.get_scheme(
        params = UDFParams.from_udfs(
        if dry:
            tasks = []
            tasks = list(self._make_udf_tasks(dataset, roi, backends))
        return (tasks, params)

    def run_for_dataset(
        dataset: DataSet,
        executor: JobExecutor,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        progress: bool = False,
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet] = None,
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec] = None,
        dry: bool = False
    ) -> "UDFResults":
        with tracer.start_as_current_span("UDFRunner.run_for_dataset"):
            for res in self.run_for_dataset_sync(
            return res  # type: ignore

    def results_for_dataset_sync(
        dataset: DataSet,
        executor: JobExecutor,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        progress: bool = False,
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet] = None,
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec] = None,
        dry: bool = False,
    ) -> tuple[
        Iterable[tuple[tuple[UDFData, ...], TaskProtocol]],
        with tracer.start_as_current_span("_prepare_run_for_dataset"):
            tasks, params = self._prepare_run_for_dataset(
                dataset, executor, roi, corrections, backends, dry

        with tracer.start_as_current_span("before inner work"):
            cancel_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            executor = executor.ensure_sync()
            if dry:
                task_comm_handler: TaskCommHandler = NoopCommHandler()
                task_comm_handler = dataset.get_task_comm_handler()

        def _inner():
            pman = None
                if progress and tasks:
                    pman = ProgressManager(tasks, cancel_id, reporter=self._progress_reporter)
                    for task in tasks:
                with executor.scatter(params) as params_handle:
                    # XXX yuck, refactor this?
                    yield params_handle

                    if tasks:
                        for res in executor.run_tasks(
                            if progress:
                            yield res
                if progress and tasks and pman is not None:

        it = _inner()
        params_handle = next(it)
        return it, params_handle, params

    def run_for_dataset_sync(
        dataset: DataSet,
        executor: JobExecutor,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        progress: bool = False,
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet] = None,
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec] = None,
        dry: bool = False,
        iterate: bool = True
    ) -> ResultsForDataSet:
        executor = executor.ensure_sync()
        result_iter, params_handle, params = self.results_for_dataset_sync(
        damage = BufferWrapper(kind='nav', dtype=bool)
        damage.set_shape_ds(dataset.shape, roi)

        def _inner():
            num_results = 0
                for part_results, task in result_iter:
                    num_results += 1
                    with tracer.start_as_current_span("_apply_part_result -> UDF.merge"):
                    if iterate:
                        yield self._make_udf_result(
                if num_results == 0 or not iterate:
                    yield self._make_udf_result(
            except JobCancelledError:
                raise UDFRunCancelled(f"UDF run cancelled after {num_results} partitions")

        gen = _inner()
        return ResultsForDataSet(

    async def run_for_dataset_async(
        dataset: DataSet,
        executor: JobExecutor,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        corrections: Optional[CorrectionSet] = None,
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec] = None,
        progress: bool = False,
        dry: bool = False,
        iterate: bool = True,
    ) -> AsyncGenerator["UDFResults", None]:
        with tracer.start_as_current_span("UDFRunner.run_for_dataset_async"):
            gen = self.run_for_dataset_sync(

            async for res in async_generator_eager(gen, pool=self._pool):
                yield res

    def _roi_for_partition(self, roi: np.ndarray, partition: Partition) -> np.ndarray:
        return roi_for_partition(roi, partition)

    def _make_udf_tasks(
        dataset: DataSet,
        roi: Optional[np.ndarray],
        backends: Optional[BackendSpec]
    ) -> Generator[UDFTask, None, None]:
        udf_backends = [
            for udf in self._udfs

        span = trace.get_current_span()
        span_context = span.get_span_context()
        for idx, partition in enumerate(dataset.get_partitions()):
            num_frames = partition.get_frame_count(roi)
            if not num_frames:
                # roi is empty for this partition or zero-length, ignore
            udf_classes = [
                for udf in self._udfs
            tasks = UDFTask(
                partition=partition, idx=idx, udf_classes=udf_classes,
            yield tasks

    def get_part_runner_cls(cls) -> type['UDFPartRunner']:
        return UDFPartRunner

UDFResultDict = Mapping[str, BufferWrapper]

class UDFResults:
    Container class to combine UDF results with additional information.

    This class allows to return additional information from UDF execution
    together with UDF result buffers. This is currently used to pass
    "damage" information when running UDFs as an iterator using
    :meth:`libertem.api.Context.run_udf_iter`. "Damage" is
    a map of the nav space that is set to :code:`True`
    for all positions that have already been processed.

    .. versionadded:: 0.7.0


        Iterable containing the result buffer dictionaries for each of the UDFs being executed

    damage : BufferWrapper
        :class:`libertem.common.buffers.BufferWrapper` of :code:`kind='nav'`, :code:`dtype=bool`.
        It is set to :code:`True` for all positions in nav space that have been processed already.
    def __init__(self, buffers: Iterable[UDFResultDict], damage: BufferWrapper):
        self.buffers = tuple(buffers)
        self.damage = damage