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$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;

 * We give access to plenty of statistics through this class
 * Statistics should be non-intrusive and not change any
 * rows in our database to ensure data integrity for the backend
class Statistics extends Base {
  protected $table = 'statistics_shares';
  protected $table_user_stats = 'statistics_users';
  private $getcache = true;

  // Disable fetching values from cache
  public function setGetCache($set=false) {
    $this->getcache = $set;
  public function getGetCache() {
    return $this->getcache;
  public function getAllUserMiningStats() {
    return $this->allUserMiningStats;
  public function getUserStatsTableName() {
    return $this->table_user_stats;

   * Get our first block found
  public function getFirstBlockFound() {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
      SELECT IFNULL(MIN(time), 0) AS time FROM " . $this->block->getTableName());
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $result->fetch_object()->time;
    return false;

   * Fetch last found blocks by time
  function getLastBlocksbyTime() {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        COUNT(id) AS Total,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0, 1, 0)), 0) AS TotalValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1, 1, 0)), 0) AS TotalOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0, difficulty, 0)), 0) AS TotalDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1, shares, 0)), 0) AS TotalShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1, amount, 0)), 0) AS TotalAmount,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 1HourTotal,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 1HourValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 1HourOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), difficulty, 0)), 0) AS 1HourDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), shares, 0)), 0) AS 1HourShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3600 SECOND), amount, 0)), 0) AS 1HourAmount,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)    >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 24HourTotal,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 24HourValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 24HourOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), difficulty, 0)), 0) AS 24HourDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), shares, 0)), 0) AS 24HourShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), amount, 0)), 0) AS 24HourAmount,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysTotal,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), difficulty, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), shares, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 604800 SECOND), amount, 0)), 0) AS 7DaysAmount,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksTotal,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), difficulty, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), shares, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2419200 SECOND), amount, 0)), 0) AS 4WeeksAmount,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthTotal,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthValid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations = -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), 1, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthOrphan,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > 0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), difficulty, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthDifficulty,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), shares, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthShares,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(confirmations > -1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(time) >= DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 29030400 SECOND), amount, 0)), 0) AS 12MonthAmount
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName());
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
      $aData = $result->fetch_assoc();
      $aData['TotalEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['TotalDifficulty']);
      $aData['1HourEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['1HourDifficulty']);
      $aData['24HourEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['24HourDifficulty']);
      $aData['7DaysEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['7DaysDifficulty']);
      $aData['4WeeksEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['4WeeksDifficulty']);
      $aData['12MonthEstimatedShares'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['12MonthDifficulty']);
        return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__, $aData);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get our last $limit blocks found
   * @param limit int Last limit blocks
   * @return array
  public function getBlocksFound($limit=10) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $limit)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        a.username AS finder,
        a.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
        ROUND(difficulty * POW(2, 32 - " . $this->coin->getTargetBits() . "), " . $this->coin->getShareDifficultyPrecision() . ") AS estshares
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " AS b
      LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
      ON b.account_id =
      ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT ?");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("i", $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $limit, $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC), 5);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get our last $limit blocks found by height
   * @param limit int Last limit blocks
   * @return array
  public function getBlocksFoundHeight($iHeight=0, $limit=10) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $iHeight . $limit)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        a.username AS finder,
        a.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
        ROUND(difficulty * POW(2, 32 - " . $this->coin->getTargetBits() . "), 4) AS estshares
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " AS b
      LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a 
      ON b.account_id =
      WHERE b.height <= ?
      ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT ?");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("ii", $iHeight, $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $iHeight . $limit, $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC), 5);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get SUM of blocks found and generated Coins for each Account
   * @param limit int Last limit blocks
   * @return array
  public function getBlocksSolvedbyAccount($limit=25) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $limit)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        a.username AS finder,
        a.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
        COUNT( AS solvedblocks, 
        SUM(b.amount) AS generatedcoins
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " AS b
      LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a 
      ON b.account_id =
      WHERE confirmations > 0
      GROUP BY finder
      ORDER BY solvedblocks DESC LIMIT ?");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("i", $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $limit, $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC), 5);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get SUM of blocks found and generated Coins for each worker
   * @param limit int Last limit blocks
   * @return array
  public function getBlocksSolvedbyWorker($account_id, $limit=25) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id . $limit)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
          worker_name AS finder,
        COUNT(id) AS solvedblocks, 
        SUM(amount) AS generatedcoins
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . "
      WHERE account_id = ? AND worker_name != 'unknown'
      GROUP BY finder
      ORDER BY solvedblocks DESC LIMIT ?");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("ii", $account_id, $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id . $limit, $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC), 5);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Currently the only function writing to the database
   * Stored per block user statistics of valid and invalid shares
   * @param aStats array Array with user id, valid and invalid shares
   * @param iBlockId int Block ID as store in the Block table
   * @return bool
  public function updateShareStatistics($aStats, $iBlockId) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO $this->table (account_id, valid, invalid, block_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iddi', $aStats['id'], $aStats['valid'], $aStats['invalid'], $iBlockId) && $stmt->execute()) return true;
    return $this->sqlError();

   * insert user round and pplns shares merged array
  public function insertPPLNSStatistics($aStats, $iBlockId) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO $this->table (account_id, valid, invalid, pplns_valid, pplns_invalid, block_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iddddi', $aStats['id'], $aStats['valid'], $aStats['invalid'], $aStats['pplns_valid'], $aStats['pplns_invalid'], $iBlockId) && $stmt->execute()) return true;
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get our current pool hashrate for the past 10 minutes across both
   * shares and shares_archive table
   * @param none
   * @return data object Return our hashrateas an object
  public function getCurrentHashrate($interval=180) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->getStatic(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
          SELECT IFNULL(SUM(IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty)), 0) AS shares
          FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
          WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
        ) + (
          SELECT IFNULL(SUM(IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty)), 0) AS shares
          FROM " . $this->share->getArchiveTableName() . "
          WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
      ) AS shares
      FROM DUAL");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('ii', $interval, $interval) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() ) {
      $hashrate = $this->coin->calcHashrate($result->fetch_object()->shares, $interval);
      return $this->memcache->setStaticCache(__FUNCTION__, $hashrate);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Same as getCurrentHashrate but for Shares
   * @param none
   * @return data object Our share rate in shares per second
  public function getCurrentShareRate($interval=180) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->getStatic(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
          SELECT ROUND(SUM(difficulty) / ?, " . $this->coin->getShareDifficultyPrecision() . ") AS sharerate
          FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
          WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
        ) + (
          SELECT ROUND(SUM(difficulty) / ?, " . $this->coin->getShareDifficultyPrecision() . ") AS sharerate
          FROM " . $this->share->getArchiveTableName() . "
          WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
      ) AS sharerate
      FROM DUAL");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('iiii', $interval, $interval, $interval, $interval) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() ) return $this->memcache->setStaticCache(__FUNCTION__, $result->fetch_object()->sharerate);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get total shares for this round, since last block found
   * @param none
   * @return data array invalid and valid shares
  public function getRoundShares() {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    // Try the statistics cron cache, then function cache, then fallback to SQL
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_SHARES)) {
      $this->debug->append("Found data in statistics cache", 2);
      $total = array('valid' => 0, 'invalid' => 0);
      foreach ($data['data'] as $aUser) {
        $total['valid'] += $aUser['valid'];
        $total['invalid'] += $aUser['invalid'];
      return $total;
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(STATISTICS_ROUND_SHARES)) {
      $this->debug->append("Found data in local cache", 2);
      return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
      FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
      WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) > IFNULL((SELECT MAX(time) FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . "), 0)");
    if ( $this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() )
      return $this->memcache->setCache(STATISTICS_ROUND_SHARES, $result->fetch_assoc());
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get amount of shares for a all users
   * Used in statistics cron to refresh memcache data
   * @param account_id int User ID
   * @return data array invalid and valid share counts
  public function getAllUserShares() {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if (! $data = $this->memcache->get(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_SHARES)) {
      $data['share_id'] = 0;
      $data['data'] = array();
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid, AS id,
        u.donate_percent AS donate_percent,
        u.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
        u.username AS username
      FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . " AS s,
           " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS u
      WHERE u.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username, '.', 1 )
        AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.time) > IFNULL(
            SELECT MAX(b.time)
            FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " AS b
          ) ,0 )
        AND > ?
        GROUP BY");
    if ($stmt && $stmt->bind_param('i', $data['share_id']) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
      $data_new = array();
      while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        if (! array_key_exists($row['id'], $data['data'])) {
          $data['data'][$row['id']] = $row;
        } else {
          $data['data'][$row['id']]['valid'] += $row['valid'];
          $data['data'][$row['id']]['invalid'] += $row['invalid'];
          $data['data'][$row['id']]['donate_percent'] = $row['donate_percent'];
          $data['data'][$row['id']]['is_anonymous'] = $row['is_anonymous'];
      $data['share_id'] = $this->share->getLastInsertedShareId();
      return $this->memcache->setCache(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_SHARES, $data);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get amount of shares for a specific user
   * @param username str username
   * @param account_id int account id
   * @return data array invalid and valid share counts
  public function getUserShares($username, $account_id=NULL) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    // Dual-caching, try statistics cron first, then fallback to local, then fallbock to SQL
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_SHARES)) {
      if (array_key_exists($account_id, $data['data']))
        return $data['data'][$account_id];
      // We have no cached value, we return defaults
      return array('valid' => 0, 'invalid' => 0, 'donate_percent' => 0, 'is_anonymous' => 0);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='Y', IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0)), 0) AS valid,
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(our_result='N', IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0)), 0) AS invalid
      FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
      WHERE username LIKE ?
        AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) >IFNULL((SELECT MAX(b.time) FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . " AS b),0)");
    $username = $username . ".%";   
   if ($stmt && $stmt->bind_param("s", $username) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id, $result->fetch_assoc());
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Admin panel specific query
   * @return data array User settings and shares
  public function getAllUserStats($filter='%',$limit=1,$start=0) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    $sql = "
      SELECT AS id,
        a.is_admin as is_admin,
        a.is_locked as is_locked,
        a.no_fees as no_fees,
        a.username AS username,
        a.donate_percent AS donate_percent, AS email,
        a.last_login as last_login
      FROM " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a";
    if (is_array($filter)) {
      $aFilter = array();
      foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($value) && $value != "" ) {
          switch ($key) {
          case 'account':
            $aFilter[] = "a.username LIKE ?";
            $this->addParam('s', $value);
          case 'email':
              $aFilter[] = " LIKE ?";
              $this->addParam('s', $value);
          case 'is_admin':
              $aFilter[] = "a.is_admin = ?";
              $this->addParam('i', $value);
          case 'is_locked':
              $aFilter[] = "a.is_locked = ?";
              $this->addParam('i', $value);
          case 'no_fees':
              $aFilter[] = "a.no_fees = ?";
              $this->addParam('i', $value);
    if (!empty($aFilter)) {
      $sql .= " WHERE ";
      $sql .= implode(' AND ', $aFilter);
    $sql .= "
      ORDER BY username
      LIMIT ?,?";
    $this->addParam('i', $start);
    $this->addParam('i', $limit);
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && call_user_func_array( array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->getParam()) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
      // Add our cached shares to the users
      $aUsers = array();
      while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $row['shares'] = $this->getUserShares($row['username'], $row['id']);
        $aUsers[] = $row;
      if (count($aUsers) > 0) {
        return $aUsers;
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Fetch all user hashrates based on shares and archived shares
   * Store it in cache, also keep a copy of the data internally to
   * return it for further processing
   * @return data array Set of all user stats
  public function fetchAllUserMiningStats($interval=180) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
      SELECT AS id,
        a.username AS account,
        COUNT(DISTINCT t1.username) AS workers,
        IFNULL(SUM(t1.difficulty), 0) AS shares,
        ROUND(SUM(t1.difficulty) / ?, " . $this->coin->getShareDifficultyPrecision() . ") AS sharerate,
        IFNULL(AVG(IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty)), 0) AS avgsharediff
      FROM (
          IF(difficulty = 0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty,
        FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
        WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND) AND our_result = 'Y'
          IF(difficulty = 0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty,
        FROM " . $this->share->getArchiveTableName() . "
        WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND) AND our_result = 'Y'
      ) AS t1
      LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
      ON SUBSTRING_INDEX( t1.username, '.', 1 ) = a.username
      GROUP BY account
      ORDER BY shares DESC
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("iii", $interval, $interval, $interval) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() ) {
      $aData = array();
      while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $aData['data'][$row['id']] = $row;
        $aData['data'][$row['id']]['hashrate'] = $this->coin->calcHashrate($row['shares'], $interval);
      $this->allUserMiningStats = $aData;
      return $this->memcache->setStaticCache(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_HASHRATES, $aData, 600);
    } else {
      return $this->sqlError();

   * Store our gathered data into our statistic table for users
   * @param aData array Data created by fetchAllUserMiningStats
   * @return bool true or false
  public function storeAllUserMiningStatsSnapshot($aData) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if (!isset($aData['data'])) return false;
    // initilize
    $timestamp = time();    // Store all entries with the same timestamp to reduce cardinality
    $ok = 0;
    $failed = 0;
    foreach ($aData['data'] as $key => $aUserData) {
      $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        INSERT INTO " . $this->getUserStatsTableName() . "
          ( account_id, hashrate, workers, sharerate, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
      if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("ididi", $aUserData['id'], $aUserData['hashrate'], $aUserData['workers'], $aUserData['sharerate'], $timestamp) && $stmt->execute() ) {
      } else {
    return array('ok' => $ok, 'failed' => $failed);

   * Fetch unpaid PPS shares for an account
   * @param username string Username
   * @param account_id int User ID
   * @param last_paid_pps_id int Last paid out share by pps_payout cron
   * @return data int Sum of unpaid diff1 shares
  public function getUserUnpaidPPSShares($username, $account_id=NULL, $last_paid_pps_id) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        IFNULL(SUM(IF(difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty)), 0) AS total
      FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
      WHERE username LIKE ?
      AND id > ?
      AND our_result = 'Y'");
    $username = $username . ".%";
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("si", $username, $last_paid_pps_id) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() )
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id, $result->fetch_object()->total);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Get Shares per x interval by user
   * @param username string username
   * @param $account_id int account id   
   * @return data integer Current Sharerate in diff1 shares/s
  public function getUserMiningStats($username, $account_id=NULL, $interval=180) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    // Dual-caching, try statistics cron first, then fallback to local, then fallbock to SQL
    if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->getStatic(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_HASHRATES)) {
      if (array_key_exists($account_id, $data['data'])) {
        $retData['hashrate'] = $data['data'][$account_id]['hashrate'];
        $retData['sharerate'] = $data['data'][$account_id]['sharerate'];
        $retData['avgsharediff'] = $data['data'][$account_id]['avgsharediff'];
        return $retData;
      return array('hashrate' => (float)0, 'sharerate' => (float)0, 'avgsharediff' => (float)0);
    if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        IFNULL(SUM(difficulty) / ?, 0) AS sharerate,
        IFNULL(SUM(difficulty), 0) AS shares,
        IFNULL(AVG(difficulty), 0) AS avgsharediff
      FROM (
          id, our_result, IF(difficulty = 0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
          " . $this->share->getTableName() . "
        WHERE username LIKE ?
          AND time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
          share_id, our_result, IF(difficulty = 0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty) AS difficulty
          " . $this->share->getArchiveTableName() . "
        WHERE username LIKE ?
          AND time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)
          AND our_result = 'Y'
      ) AS temp");
    $username = $username . ".%";
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("isisi", $interval, $username, $interval, $username, $interval) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result() ) {
      $aData = $result->fetch_assoc();
      $aData['hashrate'] = $this->coin->calcHashrate($aData['shares'], $interval);
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id, $aData);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * get our top contributors for either shares or hashrate
   * @param type string shares or hashes
   * @param limit int Limit result to $limit
   * @return data array Users with shares, account or hashrate, account
  public function getTopContributors($type='shares', $limit=15) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    switch ($type) {
    case 'shares':
      if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $type . $limit)) return $data;
      if ($data = $this->memcache->get(STATISTICS_ALL_USER_SHARES)) {
        // Use global cache to build data, if we have any data there
        if (!empty($data['data']) && is_array($data['data'])) {
          foreach($data['data'] as $key => $aUser) {
            $shares[$key] = $aUser['valid'];
            $username[$key] = $aUser['username'];
          array_multisort($shares, SORT_DESC, $username, SORT_ASC, $data['data']);
          $count = 0;
          foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $aUser) {
            if ($count == $limit) break;
            $data_new[$key]['shares'] = $aUser['valid'];
            $data_new[$key]['account'] = $aUser['username'];
            $data_new[$key]['donate_percent'] = $aUser['donate_percent'];
            $data_new[$key]['is_anonymous'] = $aUser['is_anonymous'];
          return $data_new;
      // No cached data, fallback to SQL ONLY if we don't use memcache
      if ($this->config['memcache']['enabled'] && $this->config['memcache']['force']['contrib_shares']) {
        // Do not use SQL queries and a second layer of caching
        $this->debug->append('Skipping SQL queries due to config option', 4);
        return false;
      $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
          a.username AS account,
          a.donate_percent AS donate_percent,
          a.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
          IFNULL(SUM(IF(s.difficulty=0, POW(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), s.difficulty)), 0) AS shares
        FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . " AS s
        LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
        ON SUBSTRING_INDEX( s.username, '.', 1 ) = a.username
        WHERE our_result = 'Y'
        GROUP BY account
        ORDER BY shares DESC
        LIMIT ?");
      if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("i", $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
        return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $type . $limit, $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC));
      return $this->sqlError();

    case 'hashes':
      if ($this->getGetCache() && $data = $this->memcache->getStatic(__FUNCTION__ . $type . $limit)) return $data;
      $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
          a.username AS account,
          a.donate_percent AS donate_percent,
          a.is_anonymous AS is_anonymous,
          IFNULL(SUM(t1.difficulty), 0) AS shares
          SELECT id, IFNULL(IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0) AS difficulty, username FROM " . $this->share->getTableName() . " WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) AND our_result = 'Y'
          SELECT share_id, IFNULL(IF(difficulty=0, pow(2, (" . $this->config['difficulty'] . " - 16)), difficulty), 0) AS difficulty, username FROM " . $this->share->getArchiveTableName() ." WHERE time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) AND our_result = 'Y'
        ) AS t1
        LEFT JOIN " . $this->user->getTableName() . " AS a
        ON SUBSTRING_INDEX( t1.username, '.', 1 ) = a.username
        GROUP BY account
        ORDER BY shares DESC LIMIT ?");
      if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("i", $limit) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
        $aData = array();
        $count = 0;
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
          $aData[$count] = $row;
          $aData[$count]['hashrate'] = $this->coin->calcHashrate($row['shares'], 600);
        return $this->memcache->setStaticCache(__FUNCTION__ . $type . $limit, $aData);
      return $this->sqlError();

   * get Hourly hashrate for a user
   * @param username string Username
   * @param $account_id int account id
   * @return data array NOT FINISHED YET
  public function getHourlyMiningStatsByAccount($account_id, $format='array', $days = 1) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
        FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') AS time,
        AVG(hashrate) AS hashrate,
        AVG(workers) AS workers,
        AVG(sharerate) AS sharerate
      FROM " . $this->getUserStatsTableName() . "
        AND account_id = ?
      GROUP BY DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)), HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp))");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('i', $account_id) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
      $aData = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
      if ($format == 'json') $aData = json_encode($aData);
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $account_id . $format, $aData);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * get user estimated payouts based on share counts
   * @param value1 mixed Round shares OR share rate
   * @param value2 mixed User shares OR share difficulty
   * @param dDonate double User donation setting
   * @param bNoFees bool User no-fees option setting
   * @return aEstimates array User estimations
  public function getUserEstimates($value1, $value2, $dDonate, $bNoFees, $ppsvalue=0) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($this->config['payout_system'] != 'pps') {
      if (@$value1['valid'] > 0  && @$value2['valid'] > 0) {
        $this->config['reward_type'] == 'fixed' ? $reward = $this->config['reward'] : $reward = $this->block->getAverageAmount();
        $aEstimates['block'] = round(( (float)$value2['valid'] / (float)$value1['valid'] ) * (float)$reward, 8);
        $bNoFees == 0 ? $aEstimates['fee'] = round(((float)$this->config['fees'] / 100) * (float)$aEstimates['block'], 8) : $aEstimates['fee'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['donation'] = round((( (float)$dDonate / 100) * ((float)$aEstimates['block'] - (float)$aEstimates['fee'])), 8);
        $aEstimates['payout'] = round((float)$aEstimates['block'] - (float)$aEstimates['donation'] - (float)$aEstimates['fee'], 8);
      } else {
        $aEstimates['block'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['fee'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['donation'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['payout'] = 0;
    } else {
      // Hack so we can use this method for PPS estimates too
      // value1 = shares/s
      // value2 = avg share difficulty
      if (@$value1 > 0 && @$value2 > 0) {
        $hour = 60 * 60;
        $pps = $value1 * $value2 * $ppsvalue;
        $aEstimates['hours1'] = $pps * $hour;
        $aEstimates['hours24'] = $pps * 24 * $hour;
        $aEstimates['days7'] = $pps * 24 * 7 * $hour;
        $aEstimates['days14'] = $pps * 14 * 24 * $hour;
        $aEstimates['days30'] = $pps * 30 * 24 * $hour;
      } else {
        $aEstimates['hours1'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['hours24'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['days7'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['days14'] = 0;
        $aEstimates['days30'] = 0;
    return $aEstimates;

   * Get pool stats last 24 hours
   * @param limit int Last number of hours
   * @return array
  public function getPoolStatsHours($hour=24) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__ . $hour)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
      IFNULL(COUNT(id), 0) as count,
      IFNULL(AVG(difficulty), 0) as average,
      IFNULL(SUM(shares), 0) as shares,
      IFNULL(SUM(amount), 0) as rewards
      FROM " . $this->block->getTableName() . "
      AND confirmations >= 1");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param("i", $hour) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) {
      $aData = $result->fetch_assoc();
      $aData['expected'] = $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($aData['average']);
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . $hour, $aData);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Caclulate estimated shares based on network difficulty and pool difficulty
   * @param dDiff double Network difficulty
   * @return shares integer Share count
  public function getEstimatedShares($dDiff) {
    return $this->coin->calcEstaimtedShares($dDiff);

   * Get the Expected Time per Block in the whole Network in seconde
   * @return seconds double Seconds per Block
  public function getExpectedTimePerBlock($type='network',$hashrate = 0){
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;

    if ($this->bitcoin->can_connect() === true) {
      if ($type == 'network') {
        $hashrate = $this->bitcoin->getnetworkhashps();
      } else {
        // We need hashes/second and expect khash as input
        $hashrate = $hashrate * 1000;
      $dDifficulty = $this->bitcoin->getdifficulty();
    } else {
      $hashrate = 1;
      $dDifficulty = 1;
    if ($hashrate <= 0) $hashrate = 1;
    return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__ . '_' . $type, $this->coin->calcNetworkExpectedTimePerBlock($dDifficulty, $hashrate));

   * Get the Expected next Difficulty
   * @return difficulty double Next difficulty
  public function getExpectedNextDifficulty(){
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;

    if ($this->bitcoin->can_connect() === true) {
      $dDifficulty = $this->bitcoin->getdifficulty();
      $dNetworkHashrate = $this->bitcoin->getnetworkhashps();
    } else {
      $dDifficulty = 1;
      $dNetworkHashrate = 1;

    return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__, $this->coin->calcExpectedNextDifficulty($dDifficulty, $dNetworkHashrate));

   * Get Number of blocks until next difficulty change
   * @return blocks int blocks until difficulty change
  public function getBlocksUntilDiffChange(){
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;

    if ($this->bitcoin->can_connect() === true) {
      $iBlockcount = $this->bitcoin->getblockcount();
    } else {
      $iBlockcount = 1;

    return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__, $this->config['coindiffchangetarget'] - ($iBlockcount % $this->config['coindiffchangetarget']));

   * Get current PPS value
   * @return value double PPS Value

  public function getPPSValue() {
    // Fetch RPC difficulty
    if ($this->bitcoin->can_connect() === true) {
      $dDifficulty = $this->bitcoin->getdifficulty();
    } else {
      $dDifficulty = 1;

    if ($this->config['pps']['reward']['type'] == 'blockavg' && $this->block->getBlockCount() > 0) {
      $pps_reward = round($this->block->getAvgBlockReward($this->config['pps']['blockavg']['blockcount']));
    } else {
      if ($this->config['pps']['reward']['type'] == 'block') {
        if ($aLastBlock = $this->block->getLast()) {
          $pps_reward = $aLastBlock['amount'];
        } else {
          $pps_reward = $this->config['pps']['reward']['default'];
      } else {
        $pps_reward = $this->config['pps']['reward']['default'];
    return round($this->coin->calcPPSValue($pps_reward, $dDifficulty), 12);

   * Get all currently active users in the past 2 minutes
   * @param interval int Time in seconds to fetch shares from
   * @return data mixed int count if any users are active, false otherwise
  public function getCountAllActiveUsers($interval=120) {
    $this->debug->append("STA " . __METHOD__, 4);
    if ($data = $this->memcache->get(__FUNCTION__)) return $data;
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("
      SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(SUBSTRING_INDEX( `username` , '.', 1 ))) AS total
      FROM "  . $this->share->getTableName() . "
      WHERE our_result = 'Y'
      AND time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL ? SECOND)");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('i', $interval) && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result())
      return $this->memcache->setCache(__FUNCTION__, $result->fetch_object()->total);
    return $this->sqlError();

   * Purge older entries from our statistics_users table
  public function purgeUserStats($days = 1) {
    // Fallbacks if unset
    $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM " . $this->getUserStatsTableName() . " WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp) <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)");
    if ($this->checkStmt($stmt) && $stmt->bind_param('i', $days) && $stmt->execute())
      return $stmt->affected_rows;
    return $this->sqlError();

$statistics = new Statistics();