| Description | Config field | Default value | Type | Command line flag / Env |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Path to fd server socket | `fdServerSocketPath` | `/var/lib/virtlet/tapfdserver.sock` | string | `--fd-server-socket-path` / `VIRTLET_FD_SERVER_SOCKET_PATH` |
| Path to the virtlet database | `databasePath` | `/var/lib/virtlet/virtlet.db` | string | `--database-path` / `VIRTLET_DATABASE_PATH` |
| Image download protocol. Can be https or http | `downloadProtocol` | `https` | string | `--image-download-protocol` / `VIRTLET_DOWNLOAD_PROTOCOL` |
| Image directory | `imageDir` | `/var/lib/virtlet/images` | string | `--image-dir` / `VIRTLET_IMAGE_DIR` |
| Image name translation configs directory | `imageTranslationConfigsDir` | `/etc/virtlet/images` | string | `--image-translation-configs-dir` / `VIRTLET_IMAGE_TRANSLATIONS_DIR` |
| Libvirt connection URI | `libvirtURI` | `qemu:///system` | string | `--libvirt-uri` / `VIRTLET_LIBVIRT_URI` |
| Comma separated list of raw device glob patterns which VMs can access (without '/dev/' prefix) | `rawDevices` | `loop*` | string | `--raw-devices` / `VIRTLET_RAW_DEVICES` |
| The path to UNIX domain socket for CRI service to listen on | `criSocketPath` | `/run/virtlet.sock` | string | `--listen` / `VIRTLET_CRI_SOCKET_PATH` |
| Display logging and the streamer | `disableLogging` | `false` | boolean | `--disable-logging` / `VIRTLET_DISABLE_LOGGING` |
| Forcibly disable KVM support | `disableKVM` | `false` | boolean | `--disable-kvm` / `VIRTLET_DISABLE_KVM` |
| Enable SR-IOV support | `enableSriov` | `false` | boolean | `--enable-sriov` / `VIRTLET_SRIOV_SUPPORT` |
| Path to CNI plugin binaries | `cniPluginDir` | `/opt/cni/bin` | string | `--cni-bin-dir` / `VIRTLET_CNI_PLUGIN_DIR` |
| Path to the CNI configuration directory | `cniConfigDir` | `/etc/cni/net.d` | string | `--cni-conf-dir` / `VIRTLET_CNI_CONFIG_DIR` |
| Calico subnet size to use | `calicoSubnetSize` | `24` | integer | `--calico-subnet-size` / `VIRTLET_CALICO_SUBNET` |
| Enable regexp image name translation | `enableRegexpImageTranslation` | `true` | boolean | `--enable-regexp-image-translation` / `IMAGE_REGEXP_TRANSLATION` |
| CPU model to use in libvirt domain definition (libvirt's default value will be used if not set) | `cpuModel` | | string | `--cpu-model` / `VIRTLET_CPU_MODEL` |
| configurable port to the virtlet server | `streamPort` | `10010` | integer | `--stream-port` / `VIRTLET_STREAM_PORT` |
| Pod's root dir in kubelet | `kubeletRootDir` | `/var/lib/kubelet/pods` | string | `--kubelet-root-dir` / `KUBELET_ROOT_DIR` |
| Log level to use | `logLevel` | `1` | integer | `--v` / `VIRTLET_LOGLEVEL` |