Useful form fields for use with the mongoengine.
__all__ = [
from typing import Callable, Optional
from flask import json
from mongoengine.queryset import DoesNotExist
from wtforms import fields as wtf_fields
from wtforms import validators as wtf_validators
from wtforms import widgets as wtf_widgets
def coerce_boolean(value: Optional[str]) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Transform SelectField boolean value from string and in reverse direction."""
value = value.lower()
except AttributeError:
if value is None or value in {"", "none", "null"}:
return None
elif value is False or value in {"no", "n", "false"}:
return False
elif value is True or value in {"yes", "y", "true"}:
return True
raise ValueError("Unexpected string value.")
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyAbstractClass
class QuerySetSelectField(wtf_fields.SelectFieldBase):
Given a QuerySet either at initialization or inside a view, will display a
select drop-down field of choices. The `data` property actually will
store/keep an ORM model instance, not the ID. Submitting a choice which is
not in the queryset will result in a validation error.
Specifying `label_attr` in the constructor will use that property of the
model instance for display in the list, else the model object's `__str__`
or `__unicode__` will be used.
If `allow_blank` is set to `True`, then a blank choice will be added to the
top of the list. Selecting this choice will result in the `data` property
being `None`. The label for the blank choice can be set by specifying the
`blank_text` parameter.
widget = wtf_widgets.Select()
def __init__(
"""Init docstring placeholder."""
super(QuerySetSelectField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs)
self.label_attr = label_attr
self.allow_blank = allow_blank
self.blank_text = blank_text
self.label_modifier = label_modifier
self.queryset = queryset
def iter_choices(self):
Provides data for choice widget rendering. Must return a sequence or
iterable of (value, label, selected) tuples.
if self.allow_blank:
yield "__None", self.blank_text, self.data is None
if self.queryset is None:
for obj in self.queryset:
label = (
if self.label_modifier
else (self.label_attr and getattr(obj, self.label_attr) or obj)
if isinstance(self.data, list):
selected = obj in self.data
selected = self._is_selected(obj)
yield obj.id, label, selected
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if not valuelist or valuelist[0] == "__None" or self.queryset is None:
self.data = None
obj = self.queryset.get(pk=valuelist[0])
self.data = obj
except DoesNotExist:
self.data = None
def pre_validate(self, form):
Field-level validation. Runs before any other validators.
:param form: The form the field belongs to.
if (not self.allow_blank or self.data is not None) and not self.data:
raise wtf_validators.ValidationError(self.gettext("Not a valid choice"))
def _is_selected(self, item):
return item == self.data
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyAbstractClass
class QuerySetSelectMultipleField(QuerySetSelectField):
"""Same as :class:`QuerySetSelectField` but with multiselect options."""
widget = wtf_widgets.Select(multiple=True)
def __init__(
super(QuerySetSelectMultipleField, self).__init__(
label, validators, queryset, label_attr, allow_blank, blank_text, **kwargs
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if not valuelist or valuelist[0] == "__None" or not self.queryset:
self.data = None
self.data = list(self.queryset(pk__in=valuelist))
if not len(self.data):
self.data = None
def _is_selected(self, item):
return item in self.data if self.data else False
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyAbstractClass
class ModelSelectField(QuerySetSelectField):
Like a QuerySetSelectField, except takes a model class instead of a
queryset and lists everything in it.
def __init__(self, label="", validators=None, model=None, **kwargs):
queryset = kwargs.pop("queryset", model.objects)
super(ModelSelectField, self).__init__(
label, validators, queryset=queryset, **kwargs
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyAbstractClass
class ModelSelectMultipleField(QuerySetSelectMultipleField):
Allows multiple select
def __init__(self, label="", validators=None, model=None, **kwargs):
queryset = kwargs.pop("queryset", model.objects)
super(ModelSelectMultipleField, self).__init__(
label, validators, queryset=queryset, **kwargs
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyAbstractClass
class JSONField(wtf_fields.TextAreaField):
"""Special version fo :class:`wtforms.fields.TextAreaField`."""
def _value(self):
# TODO: Investigate why raw mentioned.
if self.raw_data:
return self.raw_data[0]
return self.data and json.dumps(self.data) or ""
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if valuelist:
self.data = json.loads(valuelist[0])
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(self.gettext("Invalid JSON data.")) from error
class DictField(JSONField):
Special version fo :class:`JSONField` to be generated for
Used in generator before flask_mongoengine version 2.0
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
super(DictField, self).process_formdata(valuelist)
if valuelist and not isinstance(self.data, dict):
raise ValueError(self.gettext("Not a valid dictionary."))
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
class NoneStringField(wtf_fields.StringField):
Custom StringField that counts "" as None
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if valuelist:
self.data = valuelist[0]
if self.data == "":
self.data = None
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
class BinaryField(wtf_fields.TextAreaField):
Custom TextAreaField that converts its value with binary_type.
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Process data received over the wire from a form.
This will be called during form construction with data supplied
through the `formdata` argument.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if valuelist:
self.data = bytes(valuelist[0], "utf-8")
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyAttributeOutsideInit
class EmptyStringIsNoneMixin:
Special mixin to ignore empty strings **before** parent class processing.
Unlike old :class:`NoneStringField` we do it before parent class call, this allows
us to reuse this mixin in many more cases without errors.
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
Ignores empty string and calls parent :func:`process_formdata` if data present.
:param valuelist: A list of strings to process.
if not valuelist or valuelist[0] == "":
self.data = None
class MongoBooleanField(wtf_fields.SelectField):
"""Mongo SelectField field for BooleanFields, that correctly coerce values."""
def __init__(
Replaces defaults of :class:`wtforms.fields.SelectField` with for Boolean values.
Fully compatible with :class:`wtforms.fields.SelectField` and have same parameters.
if coerce is None:
coerce = coerce_boolean
if choices is None:
choices = [("", "---"), ("yes", "yes"), ("no", "no")]
class MongoEmailField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.EmailField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.EmailField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoHiddenField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.HiddenField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.HiddenField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoPasswordField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.PasswordField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.PasswordField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoSearchField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.SearchField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.SearchField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoStringField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.StringField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.StringField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoTelField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.TelField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.TelField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoTextAreaField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.TextAreaField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.TextAreaField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoURLField(EmptyStringIsNoneMixin, wtf_fields.URLField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.URLField`, that transform empty string to `None`.
class MongoFloatField(wtf_fields.FloatField):
Regular :class:`wtforms.fields.FloatField`, with widget replaced to
widget = wtf_widgets.NumberInput(step="any")
class MongoDictField(MongoTextAreaField):
"""Form field to handle JSON in :class:`~flask_mongoengine.db_fields.DictField`."""
def __init__(
json_encoder: Optional[Callable] = None,
json_encoder_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
json_decoder: Optional[Callable] = None,
json_decoder_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
null: Optional[bool] = None,
Special WTForms field for :class:`~flask_mongoengine.db_fields.DictField`
Configuration available with providing :attr:`wtf_options` on
:class:`~flask_mongoengine.db_fields.DictField` initialization.
:param json_encoder: Any function, capable to transform dict to string, by
default :func:`json.dumps`
:param json_encoder_kwargs: Any dictionary with parameters to
:func:`json_encoder`, by default: `{"indent":4}`
:param json_decoder: Any function, capable to transform string to dict, by
default :func:`json.loads`
:param json_decoder_kwargs: Any dictionary with parameters to
:func:`json_decoder`, by default: `{}`
self.json_encoder = json_encoder or json.dumps
self.json_encoder_kwargs = json_encoder_kwargs or {"indent": 4}
self.json_decoder = json_decoder or json.loads
self.json_decoder_kwargs = json_decoder_kwargs or {}
self.data = None
self.null = null
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._default = self.default()
except TypeError:
self._default = self.default
if isinstance(self._default, dict):
self._default = self.json_encoder(self._default, **self.json_encoder_kwargs)
def _parse_json_data(self):
"""Tries to load JSON data with python internal JSON library."""
self.data = self.json_decoder(self.data, **self.json_decoder_kwargs)
except ValueError as error:
raise wtf_validators.ValidationError(
self.gettext(f"Cannot load data: {error}")
) from error
def _ensure_data_is_dict(self):
"""Ensures that saved data is dict, not a list or other valid parsed JSON."""
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
raise wtf_validators.ValidationError(
self.gettext("Not a valid dictionary (list input detected).")
def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
"""Process text form data to dictionary or raise JSONDecodeError."""
if self.data is not None:
def _value(self):
"""Show existing data as pretty-formatted, or show raw data/empty dict."""
if self.data is not None:
return (
self.json_encoder(self.data, **self.json_encoder_kwargs)
if isinstance(self.data, dict)
else self.data
return self._default if self._default is not None and not self.null else ""