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// This source file is part of the RediStack open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 RediStack project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of RediStack project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import protocol Foundation.LocalizedError
import NIOCore

extension UInt8 {
    static let newline = UInt8(ascii: "\n")
    static let carriageReturn = UInt8(ascii: "\r")
    static let dollar = UInt8(ascii: "$")
    static let asterisk = UInt8(ascii: "*")
    static let plus = UInt8(ascii: "+")
    static let hyphen = UInt8(ascii: "-")
    static let colon = UInt8(ascii: ":")

// This is not ready for prime-time

/// An exhaustive list of the available versions of the Redis Serialization Protocol.
/// - Warning: These values are not generally intended to be used outside of this library,
/// so no guarantees to source stability are given.
fileprivate enum RESPVersion {
    /// The RESP version first made available in Redis 1.2.
    /// It was made the default version in Redis 2.0.
    case v2
    /// The RESP version first made available in Redis 6.0.
    case v3

extension RESPTranslator {
    /// Possible errors thrown while parsing RESP messages.
    /// - Important: Any of these errors should be considered a **BUG**.
    /// Please file a bug at [](
    public struct ParsingError: LocalizedError, Equatable {
        /// An invalid RESP data type identifier was found.
        public static let invalidToken = ParsingError(.invalidToken)
        /// A bulk string size did not match the RESP schema.
        public static let invalidBulkStringSize = ParsingError(.invalidBulkStringSize)
        /// A bulk string's declared size did not match its content size.
        public static let bulkStringSizeMismatch = ParsingError(.bulkStringSizeMismatch)
        /// A RESP integer did not follow the RESP schema.
        public static let invalidIntegerFormat = ParsingError(.invalidIntegerFormat)

        public var errorDescription: String? {
            return self.base.rawValue

        private let base: Base
        private init(_ base: Base) { self.base = base }

        private enum Base: String, Equatable {
            case invalidToken = "Cannot parse RESP: invalid token"
            case invalidBulkStringSize = "Cannot parse RESP Bulk String: received invalid size"
            case bulkStringSizeMismatch = "Cannot parse RESP Bulk String: declared size and content size do not match"
            case invalidIntegerFormat = "Cannot parse RESP Integer: invalid integer format"

/// A helper object for translating between raw bytes and Swift types according to the Redis Serialization Protocol (RESP).
/// See [](
public struct RESPTranslator {
    private let version: RESPVersion

    public init() {
        self.version = .v2

    /// Attempts to read a complete `RESPValue` from the `ByteBuffer`.
    /// - Important: The provided `buffer` will have its reader index moved on a successful read.
    /// - Throws:
    ///     - `RESPTranslator.ParsingError.invalidToken` if the first byte is not an expected RESP Data Type token.
    /// - Parameter buffer: The buffer that contains the bytes that need to be parsed.
    /// - Returns: The parsed `RESPValue` or nil.
    public func read(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> RESPValue? {
        return try self.parseBytesV2(from: &buffer)

    /// Writes the value into the desired `ByteBuffer` in RESP format.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///     - value: The value to write into the buffer.
    ///     - out: The `ByteBuffer` that should be written to.
    public func write<Value: RESPValueConvertible>(_ value: Value, into out: inout ByteBuffer) {

// MARK: Writing RESP

/// The carriage return and newline escape symbols, used as the standard signal in RESP for a "message" end.
/// A "message" in this case is a single data type.
fileprivate let kSegmentEnd: StaticString = "\r\n"

extension ByteBuffer {
    /// Writes the `RESPValue` into the current buffer, following the RESP specification.
    /// See [](
    /// - Parameter value: The value to write to the buffer.
    public mutating func writeRESPValue(_ value: RESPValue) {
        switch value {
        case .simpleString(var buffer):
        case .bulkString(.some(var buffer)):
        case .bulkString(.none):
        case .integer(let number):
        case .null:
        case .error(let error):
        case .array(let array):
            array.forEach { self.writeRESPValue($0) }

// MARK: V2 Parsing

extension RESPTranslator {
    private func parseBytesV2(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> RESPValue? {
        var copy = buffer

        guard let token = copy.readInteger(as: UInt8.self) else { return nil }
        let result: RESPValue?
        switch token {
        case .plus:
            guard let value = self.parseSimpleString(from: &copy) else { return nil }
            result = .simpleString(value)
        case .colon:
            guard let value = try self.parseInteger(from: &copy) else { return nil }
            result = .integer(value)
        case .dollar:
            result = try self.parseBulkString(from: &copy)
        case .asterisk:
            result = try self.parseArray(from: &copy)
        case .hyphen:
                let stringBuffer = self.parseSimpleString(from: &copy),
                let message = stringBuffer.getString(at: 0, length: stringBuffer.readableBytes)
            else { return nil }
            result = .error(RedisError(reason: message))
        default: throw ParsingError.invalidToken
        // if we successfully parsed a value, we need to update the original buffer's readerIndex
        if result != nil {
            buffer.moveReaderIndex(to: copy.readerIndex)
        return result
    /// See [](
    internal func parseSimpleString(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) -> ByteBuffer? {
        let bytes = buffer.readableBytesView
            let newlineIndex = bytes.firstIndex(of: .newline),
            newlineIndex - bytes.startIndex >= 1 // strings should at least have a CRLF ending
        else { return nil }
        // grab the bytes that we've determined is the full simple string,
        // and make sure to move the reader index afterwards
        defer {
            buffer.moveReaderIndex(to: newlineIndex + 1)
        // the length of the string will be the position (delta'd by the start index) - 1,
        // as the last character is just before the position of the newline escape
        let endIndex = newlineIndex - bytes.startIndex
        return buffer.getSlice(at: bytes.startIndex, length: endIndex - 1)
    /// See [](
    internal func parseInteger(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> Int? {
            var stringBuffer = parseSimpleString(from: &buffer),
            let string = stringBuffer.readString(length: stringBuffer.readableBytes)
        else { return nil }

        guard let result = Int(string) else { throw ParsingError.invalidIntegerFormat }
        return result
    /// See [](
    internal func parseBulkString(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> RESPValue? {
        guard let size = try self.parseInteger(from: &buffer) else {
            return nil
        // only -1 is the only valid negative value for a size
        guard size >= -1 else { throw ParsingError.invalidBulkStringSize }
        // Redis sends '$-1\r\n' to represent a null bulk string
        guard size > -1 else { return .null }
        // Verify that we have the entire bulk string message by adding the expected CRLF end bytes
        // to the parsed size of the message content.
        // Even if the content is empty, Redis sends '$0\r\n\r\n'
        let expectedRemainingMessageSize = size + 2
        guard buffer.readableBytes >= expectedRemainingMessageSize else { return nil }
        // sanity check that the declared content size matches the actual size.
            buffer.getInteger(at: buffer.readerIndex + expectedRemainingMessageSize - 1, as: UInt8.self) == .newline
        else { throw ParsingError.bulkStringSizeMismatch }
        // empty content bulk strings are different from null, and represented as .bulkString(nil)
        guard size > 0 else {
            buffer.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: 2)
            return .bulkString(nil)
        // move the reader position forward by the size of the total message (including the CRLF ending)
        defer {
            buffer.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: expectedRemainingMessageSize)
        return .bulkString(
            buffer.getSlice(at: buffer.readerIndex, length: size)
    /// See [](
    internal func parseArray(from buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> RESPValue? {
        guard let elementCount = try parseInteger(from: &buffer) else { return nil }
        guard elementCount > -1 else { return .null } // '*-1\r\n'
        guard elementCount > 0 else { return .array([]) } // '*0\r\n'
        var results: [RESPValue] = []
        for _ in 0..<elementCount {
            guard buffer.readableBytes > 0 else { return nil }
            guard let element = try &buffer) else { return nil }
        return .array(results)