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Test Coverage
// This source file is part of the RediStack open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 RediStack project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of RediStack project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import struct Foundation.UUID
import struct Dispatch.DispatchTime
import Atomics
import Logging
import Metrics
import NIOCore
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import NIOPosix

extension RedisConnection {

    /// Creates a new connection with provided configuration and sychronization objects.
    /// If you would like to specialize the `NIO.ClientBootstrap` that the connection communicates on, override the default by passing it in as `configuredTCPClient`.
    ///     let eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup = ...
    ///     var customTCPClient = ClientBootstrap.makeRedisTCPClient(group: eventLoopGroup)
    ///     customTCPClient.channelInitializer { channel in
    ///         // channel customizations
    ///     }
    ///     let connection = RedisConnection.make(
    ///         configuration: ...,
    ///         boundEventLoop:,
    ///         configuredTCPClient: customTCPClient
    ///     ).wait()
    /// It is recommended that you be familiar with `ClientBootstrap.makeRedisTCPClient(group:)` and `NIO.ClientBootstrap` in general before doing so.
    /// Note: Use of `wait()` in the example is for simplicity. Never call `wait()` on an event loop.
    /// - Important: Call `close()` on the connection before letting the instance deinit to properly cleanup resources.
    /// - Invariant: If a `password` is provided in the configuration, the connection will send an "AUTH" command to Redis as soon as it has been opened.
    /// - Invariant: If a `database` index is provided in the configuration, the connection will send a "SELECT" command to Redis after it has been authenticated.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///     - config: The configuration to use for creating the connection.
    ///     - eventLoop: The `NIO.EventLoop` that the connection will be bound to.
    ///     - client: If you have chosen to configure a `NIO.ClientBootstrap` yourself, this will be used instead of the `.makeRedisTCPClient` factory instance.
    /// - Returns: A `NIO.EventLoopFuture` that resolves with the new connection after it has been opened, configured, and authenticated per the `configuration` object.
    public static func make(
        configuration config: Configuration,
        boundEventLoop eventLoop: EventLoop,
        configuredTCPClient client: ClientBootstrap? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<RedisConnection> {
        let client = client ?? .makeRedisTCPClient(group: eventLoop)

        var future = client
            .connect(to: config.address)
            .map { return RedisConnection(configuredRESPChannel: $0, defaultLogger: config.defaultLogger) }

        // if a password is specified, use it to authenticate before further operations happen
        if let password = config.password {
            future = future.flatMap { connection in
                return connection.authorize(with: password).map { connection }

        // if a database index is specified, use it to switch the selected database before further operations happen
        if let database = config.initialDatabase {
            future = future.flatMap { connection in
                return database).map { connection }

        return future

/// A concrete `RedisClient` implementation that represents an individual connection to a Redis instance.
/// For basic setups, you will just need a `NIO.EventLoop` and perhaps a `password`.
///     let eventLoop: EventLoop = ...
///     let connection = RedisConnection.make(
///         configuration: .init(hostname: "my.redis.url", password: "some_password"),
///         boundEventLoop: eventLoop
///     ).wait()
///     let result = try connection.set("my_key", to: "some value")
///         .flatMap { return connection.get("my_key") }
///         .wait()
///     print(result) // Optional("some value")
/// Note: `wait()` is used in the example for simplicity. Never call `wait()` on an event loop.
public final class RedisConnection: RedisClient {
    /// A unique identifer to represent this connection.
    public let id = UUID()
    public let defaultLogger: Logger

    public var eventLoop: EventLoop { return }
    /// Is the connection to Redis still open?
    public var isConnected: Bool {
        // `Channel.isActive` is set to false before the `closeFuture` resolves in cases where the channel might be
        // closed, or closing, before our state has been updated
        return && self.state.isConnected
    /// Is the connection currently subscribed for PubSub?
    /// Only a narrow list of commands are allowed when in "PubSub mode".
    /// See [PUBSUB](
    public var isSubscribed: Bool { self.state.isSubscribed }
    /// Controls the behavior of when sending commands over this connection. The default is `true.
    /// When set to `false`, the commands will be placed into a buffer, and the host machine will determine when to drain the buffer.
    /// When set to `true`, the buffer will be drained as soon as commands are added.
    /// - Important: Even when set to `true`, the host machine may still choose to delay sending commands.
    /// - Note: Setting this to `true` will immediately drain the buffer.
    public var sendCommandsImmediately: Bool {
        get { return autoflush.load(ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent) }
        set(newValue) {
            if newValue { }
  , ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent)
    /// Controls the permission of the connection to be able to have PubSub subscriptions or not.
    /// When set to `true`, this connection is allowed to create subscriptions.
    /// When set to `false`, this connection is not allowed to create subscriptions. Any potentially existing subscriptions will be removed.
    public var allowSubscriptions: Bool {
        get { self.allowPubSub.load(ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent) }
        set(newValue) {
  , ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent)
            // if we're subscribed, and we're not allowed to be in pubsub, end our subscriptions
            guard self.isSubscribed && !self.allowPubSub.load(ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent) else { return }
            _ = EventLoopFuture<Void>.whenAllComplete([
            ], on: self.eventLoop)
    /// A closure to invoke when the connection closes unexpectedly.
    /// An unexpected closure is when the connection is closed by any other method than by calling `close(logger:)`.
    /// - Important: This closure will be executed on the connection's ``eventLoop``.
    public var onUnexpectedClosure: (() -> Void)?

    internal let channel: Channel

    private let autoflush = ManagedAtomic<Bool>(true)
    private let allowPubSub = ManagedAtomic<Bool>(true)
    private let _stateLock = NIOLock()
    private var _state =
    private var state: ConnectionState {
        get { return _stateLock.withLock { self._state } }
        set(newValue) { _stateLock.withLockVoid { self._state = newValue } }

    deinit {
        if isConnected {
            assertionFailure("close() was not called before deinit!")
            self.defaultLogger.warning("connection was not properly shutdown before deinit")

    internal init(configuredRESPChannel: Channel, defaultLogger: Logger) { = configuredRESPChannel
        // there is a mix of verbiage here as the API is forward thinking towards "baggage context"
        // while right now it's just an alias of a 'Logging.logger'
        // in the future this will probably be a property _on_ the context
        var logger = defaultLogger
        logger[metadataKey: RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.connectionID] = "\("
        self.defaultLogger = logger


        // attach a callback to the channel to capture situations where the channel might be closed out from under
        // the connection {
            // if our state is still open, that means we didn't cause the closeFuture to resolve.
            // update state, metrics, and logging
            let oldState = self.state
            self.state = .closed

            switch oldState {
            case .shuttingDown, .closed:
            case .open, .pubsub:
                self.defaultLogger.warning("connection was closed unexpectedly")

        self.defaultLogger.trace("connection created")

    internal enum ConnectionState {
        case open
        case pubsub(RedisPubSubHandler)
        case shuttingDown
        case closed

        var isConnected: Bool {
            switch self {
            case .open, .pubsub: return true
            default: return false
        var isSubscribed: Bool {
            guard case .pubsub = self else { return false }
            return true

// MARK: Sending Commands

extension RedisConnection {
    public func send<CommandResult>(
        _ command: RedisCommand<CommandResult>,
        eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        logger: Logger? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<CommandResult> {
        let logger = self.prepareLoggerForUse(logger)
        let finalEventLoop = eventLoop ?? self.eventLoop

        guard self.isConnected else {
            let error = RedisClientError.connectionClosed
            return finalEventLoop.makeFailedFuture(error)
        logger.trace("received command request")

        logger.debug("sending command", metadata: [
            RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.command: "\(command)"

        let promise = self.eventLoop.makePromise(of: RESPValue.self)

        let startTime =
        promise.futureResult.whenComplete { result in
            let duration = - startTime

            // log data based on the result
            switch result {
            case let .failure(error):
                logger.debug("command failed", metadata: [
                    RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.error: "\(error.localizedDescription)"

            case let .success(value):
                logger.debug("command succeeded", metadata: [
                    RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.commandResult: "\(value)"

        defer { logger.trace("command sent") }

        let outboundData: RedisCommandHandler.OutboundCommandPayload = (command.serialized(), promise)
        let writeFuture: EventLoopFuture<Void> = self.sendCommandsImmediately

        return writeFuture
            .flatMap { promise.futureResult }
            .flatMapThrowing { try command.transform($0) }
            .hop(to: finalEventLoop)

// MARK: Closing a Connection

extension RedisConnection {
    /// Sends a `QUIT` command to Redis, then closes the `NIO.Channel` that supports this connection.
    /// See [](
    /// - Important: Regardless if the returned `NIO.EventLoopFuture` fails or succeeds - after calling this method the connection should no longer be
    ///     used for sending commands to Redis.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///     - logger: An optional logger instance to use while trying to close the connection.
    ///       If one is not provided, the connection will use its default logger.
    /// - Returns: A `NIO.EventLoopFuture` that resolves when the connection has been closed.
    public func close(eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil, logger: Logger? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        let logger = self.prepareLoggerForUse(logger)
        let finalEventLoop = eventLoop ?? self.eventLoop

        guard self.isConnected else {
            // return the channel's close future, which is resolved as the last step in channel shutdown
  "received duplicate request to close connection")
                .hop(to: finalEventLoop)
        logger.trace("received request to close the connection")

        // we're now in a shutdown state, starting with the command queue.
        self.state = .shuttingDown

        // Inform ChannelHandler about close intent using "RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent"
        let promise = finalEventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
        let notification = promise.futureResult, promise: promise)

        notification.whenFailure {
            logger.warning("failed to close connection", metadata: [
                RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.error: "\($0)"
        notification.whenSuccess {
            logger.trace("connection is now closed")

        return notification

// MARK: Logging

extension RedisConnection {
    private func prepareLoggerForUse(_ logger: Logger?) -> Logger {
        guard var logger = logger else { return self.defaultLogger }
        logger[metadataKey: RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.connectionID] = "\("
        return logger

// MARK: Entering PubSub

extension RedisConnection {
    public func subscribe(
        to channels: [RedisChannelName],
        eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        logger: Logger? = nil,
        _ receiver: @escaping RedisPubSubEventReceiver
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return self._subscribe(.channels(channels), receiver, eventLoop, logger)

    public func psubscribe(
        to patterns: [String],
        eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        logger: Logger? = nil,
        _ receiver: @escaping RedisPubSubEventReceiver
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return self._subscribe(.patterns(patterns), receiver, eventLoop, logger)

    private func _subscribe(
        _ target: RedisSubscriptionTarget,
        _ receiver: @escaping RedisPubSubEventReceiver,
        _ eventLoop: EventLoop?,
        _ logger: Logger?
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        let logger = self.prepareLoggerForUse(logger)
        let finalEventLoop = eventLoop ?? self.eventLoop

        logger.trace("received subscribe request")

        // if we're closed, just error out
        guard self.state.isConnected else { return finalEventLoop.makeFailedFuture(RedisClientError.connectionClosed) }

        // if we're not allowed to to subscribe, then fail
        guard self.allowSubscriptions else {
            return finalEventLoop.makeFailedFuture(RedisClientError.pubsubNotAllowed)

        logger.trace("adding subscription", metadata: [
            RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.pubsubTarget: "\(target.debugDescription)"

        // if we're in pubsub mode already, great - add the subscriptions
        guard case let .pubsub(handler) = self.state else {
            logger.debug("not in pubsub mode, moving to pubsub mode")
            // otherwise, add it to the pipeline, add the subscriptions, and update our state after it was successful
                .flatMap { handler in
                    logger.trace("handler added, adding subscription")
                    return handler
                        .addSubscription(for: target, receiver: receiver)
                        .flatMapError { error in
                                "failed to add subscriptions that triggered pubsub mode. removing handler",
                                metadata: [
                                    RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.error: "\(error.localizedDescription)"
                            // if there was an error, no subscriptions were made
                            // so remove the handler and propogate the error to the caller by rethrowing it
                                .flatMapThrowing { throw error }
                        // success, return the handler
                        .map { _ in
                            logger.trace("successfully entered pubsub mode")
                            return handler
                // success, update our state
                .map { (handler: RedisPubSubHandler) in
                    self.state = .pubsub(handler)
                    logger.debug("the connection is now in pubsub mode")
                .hop(to: finalEventLoop)

        // add the subscription and just ignore the subscription count
        return handler
            .addSubscription(for: target, receiver: receiver)
            .map { _ in logger.trace("subscription added") }
            .hop(to: finalEventLoop)

// MARK: Leaving PubSub

extension RedisConnection {
    public func unsubscribe(
        from channels: [RedisChannelName],
        eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        logger: Logger? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return self._unsubscribe(.channels(channels), eventLoop, logger)

    public func punsubscribe(
        from patterns: [String],
        eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        logger: Logger? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return self._unsubscribe(.patterns(patterns), eventLoop, logger)

    private func _unsubscribe(
        _ target: RedisSubscriptionTarget,
        _ eventLoop: EventLoop?,
        _ logger: Logger?
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        let logger = self.prepareLoggerForUse(logger)
        let finalEventLoop = eventLoop ?? self.eventLoop

        logger.trace("received unsubscribe request")

        // if we're closed, just error out
        guard self.state.isConnected else { return finalEventLoop.makeFailedFuture(RedisClientError.connectionClosed) }

        // if we're not in pubsub mode, then we just succeed as a no-op
        guard case let .pubsub(handler) = self.state else {
            // but we still assert just to give some notification to devs at debug
            logger.notice("received request to unsubscribe while not in pubsub mode", metadata: [
                RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.pubsubTarget: "\(target.debugDescription)"
            return self.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(())

        logger.trace("removing subscription", metadata: [
            RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.pubsubTarget: "\(target.debugDescription)"

        // remove the subscription
        return handler
            .removeSubscription(for: target)
            .flatMap {
                // if we still have subscriptions, just succeed this request
                guard $0 == 0 else {
                    logger.debug("subscription removed, but still have active subscription count", metadata: [
                        RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.subscriptionCount: "\($0)",
                        RedisLogging.MetadataKeys.pubsubTarget: "\(target.debugDescription)"
                    return self.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(())
                logger.debug("subscription removed, with no current active subscriptions. leaving pubsub mode")
                // otherwise, remove the handler and update our state
                    .map {
                        self.state = .open
                        logger.debug("connection is now open to all commands")
            .hop(to: finalEventLoop)