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package com.github.mrpowers.spark.daria.sql

import com.github.mrpowers.spark.daria.sql.types.StructTypeHelpers
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, DataType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame}

case class DataFrameColumnsException(smth: String) extends Exception(smth)

object DataFrameExt {

  implicit class DataFrameMethods(df: DataFrame) {

     * Returns a new `DataFrame` with the column `columnName` cast
     * as `newType`.
     * @param columnName the column to cast
     * @param newType the new type for columnName
    def withColumnCast(columnName: String, newType: String): DataFrame = {
        case c if c == columnName => col(c).cast(newType).as(c)
        case c                    => col(c)
      }): _*)

     * Returns a new `DataFrame` with the column `columnName` cast
     * as `newType`.
     * @param columnName the column to cast
     * @param newType the new type for columnName
    def withColumnCast(columnName: String, newType: DataType): DataFrame = {
        case c if c == columnName => col(c).cast(newType).as(c)
        case c                    => col(c)
      }): _*)

     * Prints the schema with StructType and StructFields so it's easy to copy into code
     * Spark has a `printSchema` method to print the schema of a DataFrame and a `schema` method that returns a `StructType` object.
     * The `Dataset#schema` method can be easily converted into working code for small DataFrames, but it can be a lot of manual work for DataFrames with a lot of columns.
     * The `printSchemaInCodeFormat` DataFrame extension prints the DataFrame schema as a valid `StructType` object.
     * Suppose you have the following `sourceDF`:
     * {{{
     * +--------+--------+---------+
     * |    team|   sport|goals_for|
     * +--------+--------+---------+
     * |    jets|football|       45|
     * |nacional|  soccer|       10|
     * +--------+--------+---------+
     * `sourceDF.printSchemaInCodeFormat()` will output the following rows in the console:
     * StructType(
     *   List(
     *     StructField("team", StringType, true),
     *     StructField("sport", StringType, true),
     *     StructField("goals_for", IntegerType, true)
     *   )
     * )
     * }}}
    def printSchemaInCodeFormat(): Unit = {
      val fields = { (f: StructField) =>
        s"""StructField("${}", ${f.dataType}, ${f.nullable})"""

      println("  List(")
      println("    " + fields.mkString(",\n    "))
      println("  )")

     * Executes a list of custom DataFrame transformations
     * Uses function composition to run a list of DataFrame transformations.
     * def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
     *   df.withColumn("greeting", lit("hello world"))
     * }
     * def withCat(name: String)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
     *   df.withColumn("cats", lit(name + " meow"))
     * }
     * val transforms = List(
     *   withGreeting()(_),
     *   withCat("sandy")(_)
     * )
     * sourceDF.composeTransforms(transforms)
    def composeTransforms(transforms: List[(DataFrame => DataFrame)]): DataFrame = {
      composeTransforms(transforms: _*)

     * Executes a list of custom DataFrame transformations
     * Uses function composition to run a list of DataFrame transformations.
     * def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
     *   df.withColumn("greeting", lit("hello world"))
     * }
     * def withCat(name: String)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
     *   df.withColumn("cats", lit(name + " meow"))
     * }
     * sourceDF.composeTransforms(withGreeting(), withCat("sandy"))
    def composeTransforms(transforms: (DataFrame => DataFrame)*): DataFrame = {
      transforms.foldLeft(df) { (memoDF, t) =>

     * Reorders columns as specified
     * Reorders the columns in a DataFrame.
     * {{{
     * val actualDF = sourceDF.reorderColumns(
     *   Seq("greeting", "team", "cats")
     * )
     * }}}
     * The `actualDF` will have the `greeting` column first, then the `team` column then the `cats` column.
    def reorderColumns(colNames: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
      val cols = _*)

     * Returns true if the DataFrame contains the column
     * {{{
     * sourceDF.containsColumn("team")
     * }}}
     * Returns `true` if `sourceDF` contains a column named `"team"` and false otherwise.
    def containsColumn(colName: String): Boolean = {

     * Returns true if the DataFrame contains the StructField
     * {{{
     * sourceDF.containsColumn(StructField("team", StringType, true))
     * }}}
     * Returns `true` if `sourceDF` contains the StructField and false otherwise.
    def containsColumn(structField: StructField): Boolean = {

     * Returns true if the DataFrame contains all the columns
     * {{{
     * sourceDF.containsColumns("team", "city")
     * }}}
     * Returns `true` if `sourceDF` contains the `"team"` and `"city"` columns and false otherwise.
    def containsColumns(colNames: String*): Boolean = {

    /** Returns the columns in otherDF that aren't in self */
    def columnDiff(otherDF: DataFrame): Seq[String] = {

     * Like transform(), but for CustomTransform objects
     * Enables you to specify the columns that should be added / removed by a custom transformations and errors out if the columns the columns that are actually added / removed are different.
     * val actualDF = sourceDF
     *   .trans(
     *     CustomTransform(
     *       transform = ExampleTransforms.withGreeting(),
     *       addedColumns = Seq("greeting"),
     *       requiredColumns = Seq("something")
     *     )
     *   )
     *   .trans(
     *     CustomTransform(
     *       transform = ExampleTransforms.withCat("spanky"),
     *       addedColumns = Seq("cats")
     *     )
     *   )
     *   .trans(
     *     CustomTransform(
     *       transform = ExampleTransforms.dropWordCol(),
     *       removedColumns = Seq("word")
     *     )
     *   )
    def trans(customTransform: CustomTransform): DataFrame = {
      // make sure df doesn't already have the columns that will be added
      if (df.columns.toSeq.exists((c: String) => customTransform.addedColumns.contains(c))) {
        throw DataFrameColumnsException(
          s"The DataFrame already contains the columns your transformation will add. The DataFrame has these columns: [${df.columns
            .mkString(", ")}]. You've asserted that your transformation will add these columns: [${customTransform.addedColumns
            .mkString(", ")}]"

      // make sure df isn't missing the columns that will be dropped
      if (
        !customTransform.removedColumns.isEmpty && df.columns.toSeq
      ) {
        throw new DataFrameColumnsException(
          s"The DataFrame does not contain the columns your transformation will drop. The DataFrame has these columns: [${df.columns
            .mkString(", ")}]. You've asserted that your transformation will drop these columns: [${customTransform.removedColumns
            .mkString(", ")}]"

      // validate presence of columns
      val c = new DataFrameColumnsChecker(

      val transformedDF = df.transform(customTransform.transform)

      // make sure the columns have been added
      val actualColumnsAdded = transformedDF.columnDiff(df)
      if (!actualColumnsAdded.equals(customTransform.addedColumns)) {
        throw DataFrameColumnsException(
          s"The [${actualColumnsAdded.mkString(", ")}] columns were actually added, but you specified that these columns should have been added [${customTransform.addedColumns
            .mkString(", ")}]"

      // make sure the columns have been removed
      val actualColumnsRemoved = df.columnDiff(transformedDF)
      if (!actualColumnsRemoved.equals(customTransform.removedColumns)) {
        throw DataFrameColumnsException(
          s"The [${actualColumnsRemoved.mkString(", ")}] columns were actually removed, but you specified that these columns should have been removed [${customTransform.removedColumns
            .mkString(", ")}]"


     * Converts all the StructType columns to regular columns
     * This StackOverflow answer provides a detailed description how to use flattenSchema:
    def flattenSchema(delimiter: String = "."): DataFrame = {
      val renamedCols: Array[Column] = StructTypeHelpers
        .map(name => col(name.toString).as(name.toString.replace(".", delimiter))) _*)

     * This method is opposite of flattenSchema. For example, if you have flat dataframe with snake case columns it will
     * convert it to dataframe with nested columns.
     * From:
     * root
     * |-- person_id: long (nullable = true)
     * |-- person_name: string (nullable = true)
     * |-- person_surname: string (nullable = true)
     * To:
     * root
     * |-- person: struct (nullable = false)
     * |    |-- name: string (nullable = true)
     * |    |-- surname: string (nullable = true)
     * |    |-- id: long (nullable = true)
    def structureSchema(delimiter: String = "_"): DataFrame = {
      def loop(tl: List[(String, List[String])]): List[Column] =
        tl.groupBy { case (_, columnList) => columnList.head }
          .map {
            case (structColumn, l) if l.length > 1 =>
              struct(loop( {
                case (column, _ :: tail) => (column, tail)
                case (column, h :: Nil)  => (column, List(h))
              }): _*).alias(structColumn)
            case (structColumn, l) =>
              l match {
                case (c, h :: Nil) :: Nil => col(c).as(h)
                case _ =>
                  struct(loop( {
                    case (column, _ :: tail) => (column, tail)
                    case (column, h :: Nil)  => (column, List(h))
                  }): _*).alias(structColumn)
          .toList => (c, c.split(delimiter).toList))): _*)

     * Drop nested column by specifying full name (for example
    def dropNestedColumn(fullColumnName: String): DataFrame = {
      val delimiter = "_"
        .drop(fullColumnName.replace(".", delimiter))

     * Executes a list of transformations in CustomTransform objects
     * Uses function composition
    def composeTrans(customTransforms: List[CustomTransform]): DataFrame = {
      customTransforms.foldLeft(df) { (memoDF, ct) =>
        if (ct.skipWhenPossible && memoDF.containsColumns(ct.addedColumns: _*)) {
        } else {

     * Completely removes all duplicates from a DataFrame
    def killDuplicates(cols: Column*): DataFrame = {
        count("*").over(Window.partitionBy(cols: _*))
      ).where(col("my_super_secret_count") === 1)

     * Completely removes all duplicates from a DataFrame
    def killDuplicates(col1: String, cols: String*): DataFrame = {
      df.killDuplicates((col1 +: cols).map(col): _*)

     * Completely removes all duplicates from a DataFrame
    def killDuplicates(): DataFrame = {
      df.killDuplicates( _*)

     * Rename columns
     * Here is how to lowercase all the columns df.renameColumns(_.toLowerCase)
     * Here is how to trim all the columns df.renameColumns(_.trim)
    def renameColumns(f: String => String): DataFrame =
      df.columns.foldLeft(df)((tempDf, c) => tempDf.withColumnRenamed(c, f(c)))

     * Drops multiple columns that satisfy the conditions of a function
     * Here is how to drop all columns that start with an underscore
     * df.dropColumns(_.startsWith("_"))
    def dropColumns(f: String => Boolean): DataFrame =
      df.columns.foldLeft(df)((tempDf, c) => if (f(c)) tempDf.drop(c) else tempDf)

     * Makes all columns nullable or vice versa
     * @param nullable
     * @return
    def setNullableForAllColumns(nullable: Boolean): DataFrame = {
      def loop(s: StructType): Seq[StructField] = {
          case StructField(name, dataType: StructType, _, metadata) =>
          case StructField(name, dataType: ArrayType, _, metadata) if dataType.elementType.isInstanceOf[StructType] =>
          case t @ StructField(_, _, _, _) => t.copy(nullable = nullable)
