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package io.github.polysmee.database;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.childListeners.BooleanChildListener;
import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.valuelisteners.BooleanValueListener;
import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.valuelisteners.LongValueListener;
import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.childListeners.MessageChildListener;
import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.valuelisteners.StringSetValueListener;
import io.github.polysmee.database.databaselisteners.valuelisteners.StringValueListener;

 * A generic appointment
public interface Appointment {

     * @return the id of this appointment, which defines equality
    String getId();

    //====================== START TIME ===================

     * @param l the listener to be added for changes to the start time.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getStartTimeAndThen(LongValueListener l);

     * @param l the listener to be added for changes to the start time.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getStartTime_Once_AndThen(LongValueListener l);

     * @param l the listener to be removed from listening to the start time
    void removeStartListener(LongValueListener l);

     * Sets the appointment's start time
     * @param startTime the new start time
    void setStartTime(long startTime);

    //===================== DURATION ============================

     * @param l the listener to be added for changes to the duration time.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getDurationAndThen(LongValueListener l);

     * @param l the listener to be added for changes to the duration time.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getDuration_Once_AndThen(LongValueListener l);

     * @param l the listener to be removed from listening to the duration time
    void removeDurationListener(LongValueListener l);

     * Sets the appointment's duration, which cannot be longer than 4 hours
     * @param duration the new duration
    void setDuration(long duration);

    //======================== COURSE NAME ============================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the course name.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getCourseAndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the course name.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getCourse_Once_AndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be removed from listening to the course name
    void removeCourseListener(StringValueListener s);

     * Sets the appointment's course
     * @param course the new course
    void setCourse(String course);

    //=========================== TITLE ==============================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the title of the appointment.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getTitleAndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the title of the appointment.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getTitle_Once_AndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param l the listener to be removed from listening to the title of the appointment
    void removeTitleListener(StringValueListener l);

     * Sets the appointment's title
     * @param title the new title
    void setTitle(String title);

    //============================= PARTICIPANTS ====================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the participant list.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getParticipantsIdAndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the participant list.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getParticipantsId_Once_AndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be removed from listening to the participant list
    void removeParticipantsListener(StringSetValueListener s);

     * Adds the given user to the set of participant
     * @param newParticipant the user to be added
    void addParticipant(User newParticipant);

     * Removes the given user to the set of participant
     * @param participant the user to be removed
    void removeParticipant(User participant);

    //========================= OWNER ===========================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the owner id.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getOwnerIdAndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the owner id.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getOwnerId_Once_AndThen(StringValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be removed from listening to the owner id
    void removeOwnerListener(StringValueListener s);

    //===================== BANS ====================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the banned list.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getBansAndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the banned list.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getBans_Once_AndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be removed from listening to the banned list
    void removeBansListener(StringSetValueListener s);

     * Adds the given user to the set of banned users
     * @param banned the user to be banned
    void addBan(User banned);

     * Removes the given user from the set of banned users
     * @param unbanned the user to be unbanned
    void removeBan(User unbanned);

    //======================== PRIVATE ======================

     * @param bool the listener to be added for changes to the 'private' boolean attribute.
     *             It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getPrivateAndThen(BooleanValueListener bool);

     * @param bool the listener to be added for changes to the 'private' boolean attribute.
     *             It is scheduled only once.
    void getPrivate_Once_AndThen(BooleanValueListener bool);

     * @param bool the listener to be removed from listening to the 'private' boolean attribute.
    void removePrivateListener(BooleanValueListener bool);

     * @param isPrivate do you really need an explanation ? ;)
    void setPrivate(boolean isPrivate);

    //================= INVITES ====================

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the participant list.
     *          It is scheduled once when added, even if there is no change at that moment.
    void getInvitesIdAndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be added for changes to the participant list.
     *          It is scheduled only once.
    void getInvitesId_Once_AndThen(StringSetValueListener s);

     * @param s the listener to be removed from listening to the participant list
    void removeInvitesListener(StringSetValueListener s);

     * Adds the given user to the set of participant
     * @param newParticipant the user to be added
    void addInvite(User newParticipant);

     * Removes the given user to the set of participant
     * @param participant the user to be removed
    void removeInvite(User participant);

    //================= CALLS =======================

     * Adds the given user to the set of in call users
     * @param inCall
    void addInCallUser(User inCall);

     * Set the given User as muted (unmuted) if muted is true (false)
     * @param user
     * @param muted
    void muteUser(User user, boolean muted);

     * Removes the given user from in call users
     * @param outOfCall
    void removeOfCall(User outOfCall);

     * @param listener the listener to be added to the changes of the inCall set of the appointment
     *                 The childAdded method is executed for every child when added
    void addInCallListener(BooleanChildListener listener);

     * @param listener the listener to be removed from listening the inCall set
    void removeInCallListener(BooleanChildListener listener);

    //===================== MESSAGES ==================

     * Adds the given message to the set of Message
     * @param message
    void addMessage(Message message);

     * Removes the message with given key from the database
     * @param key
    void removeMessage(String key);

     * replaces the content of the message with given key by the new content given
     * @param key
     * @param newContent
    void editMessage(String key, String newContent);

     * replaces the reaction of the message with given key by the new reaction given
     * @param key
     * @param newContent
    void editMessageReaction(String key, int newContent);

     * return the current reaction
     * @param key
     * @param listener
    void getMessageReaction_Once_AndThen(String key, LongValueListener listener);

     * Adds given listener to the set of messages of the appointment
     * @param listener
    void addMessageListener(MessageChildListener listener);

     * Removes the given listener from the set of messages of the appointment
     * @param listener
    void removeMessageListener(MessageChildListener listener);

     * @param user
     * @param listener the listener to be added for changes to the token of the given user.
     *                 It is scheduled only once.
    void getTimeCodeOnceAndThen(User user, LongValueListener listener);

     * sets the timeCode of the given user to the given value
     * @param user
     * @param timeCode
    void setTimeCode(User user, Long timeCode);

     * Deletes the appointment
    void selfDestroy();

     * Sets the owner of the appointment to the given user
     * @param user
    void setOwner(User user);

     * @param ssv a listener that will be run once and will receive the list of all appointments declared as
     *            public
    static void getAllPublicAppointmentsOnce(StringSetValueListener ssv) {

                .get().addOnSuccessListener(dataSnapshot -> {
            if (dataSnapshot.getValue() != null) {
                Set<String> appos = new HashSet<>();
                HashMap<String, Object> hash = (HashMap<String, Object>) dataSnapshot.getValue();
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : hash.entrySet()) {
                    if (!((Boolean) ((HashMap<String, Object>) entry.getValue()).get("private"))) {
